"Look at you, you must be sick, hurry up, don't stand here and blow the cold wind!" Gu Chuxue was anxious, and pulled Yi Fengluo away.

Wen Zehao sat in the car, watching the backs of the two of them leaving, although in the cold wind, seeing the two of them clinging tightly to each other, his heart twitched heavily, it hurt a lot , It hurts very much, this time, the pain is so painful that there is a feeling of suffocation.

Once upon a time, he had such a petite Yiren who would lean in his arms like this, but...

Wen Zehao stopped thinking about it.

He would not think about the relationship that has been broken, he told himself, it was already in the past, it was already in the past tense, he had forgotten it, he had already forgotten it from his mind.

He turned the steering wheel quickly, and left!

The car is running fast on the road...


After Gu Chuxue and Yi Fengluo entered the room, there was a gust of air-conditioning.

Yi Fengluo hurried to turn on the heater, lest Gu Chuxue catch cold again.

"I'm going to take a hot bath, and you can sleep with me again!" Yi Fengluo's own body knew that at this time, it was really going to be sick, and it was necessary to have a good sleep.

"Go, I'll make some ginger soup for you! Then, you take some medicine, and when you sleep, you hope you can sweat all over, and that will be fine!" Gu Chuxue believed that Yi Fengluo's physique would definitely recover. fast!

"You must be too tired recently. You took care of me in the hospital in the early stage... you didn't have a good rest. At that time, you were still sick and didn't want to see a doctor. After I was discharged from the hospital, you were busy working day and night. You have to take care of me... and you haven't had a good rest. Your body is already working with overloaded energy. Then, you didn't sleep last night and you wear so little clothes today. It's normal to be sick. You think you are an iron man Well, you can't do this again in the future!" Gu Chuxue complained distressedly, and murmured to Yi Fengluo.

Although, sometimes, it would be annoying for someone to whisper in his ear, but when Yi Fengluo listened to Gu Chuxue whispering these things in his ear, he felt very sweet and happy!

"Well, yes, follow my wife!" Yi Fengluo was serious, which made Gu Chuxue laugh: "No seriousness, go wash and go to bed quickly, after you finish washing, I guess I'll finish the ginger soup. Yes, when you take a shower, be careful with your hands, although it has been many days, but your hands still can't touch the water!"

"Okay!" Yi Fengluo originally wanted Gu Chuxue to wash it for him, but seeing her busy making ginger soup for herself made her feel distressed and reluctant, so let's do it by myself.

If Gu Chuxue was to take a bath for him, there would be plenty of time, so she couldn't be too tired, the main thing was not to make Gu Chuxue too tired, because Yi Fengluo would feel distressed.

"Hurry up, what are you looking at, hurry up!" Gu Chuxue walked into the kitchen, and Yi Fengluo followed in reluctantly: "Look at my wife, my wife is beautiful!"

"Hurry up!" Gu Chuxue rushed him again.

After Yi Fengluo succeeded in stealing a kiss on her face, she reluctantly left.

For Yi Fengluo, this is the life he longs for, and he likes this kind of life.

When she thought about how happy she would be to live a life like this every day after marrying Gu Chuxue and returning home!

When Yi Fengluo thought about it, she felt that life was extremely beautiful.

Gu Chuxue was busy making ginger soup in the kitchen, and Yi Fengluo was taking a shower in the bathroom!

Because of the careful washing, yes, the washing is also very slow, Yi Fengluo should come out after Gu Chuxue finished making the ginger soup.

Gu Chuxue went into the room to see if he had come out. Once in, Yi Fengluo came out of the bathroom naked just now.

With her naked body and big dicks outside, Gu Chuxue blushed immediately, but when she saw his thin figure, she couldn't help but take a few more glances: "Hurry up, put on your clothes, it's cold. not cold?"

"But, don't you like watching it?" Yi Fengluo said slowly.

Gu Chuxue hurriedly handed over the underwear: "Hurry up and put it on! Hooligans, who are so serious outside, start playing hooligans at home!"

"Isn't that good? Doesn't my wife like me playing hooligans the most?" Yi Fengluo didn't think so, and smiled at Gu Chuxue with a hooligan smile.

"I don't wear underwear, it's convenient when I do some work later!" Yi Fengluo was still thinking about it.

"You're all sick, can't you just calm down? I thought of it, you're sick this time, it must be because you've been too tired recently, rolling the sheets so tired every day, if you continue like this, you will definitely die from exhaustion! Take a break!" Gu Chuxue said seriously.

"I don't think it's good for your physical and mental health if you roll around with your wife in your arms every day, sincerely!" Yi Fengluo directly picked up the thick bathrobe, then put it on, and the belt was loose, with big chest muscles The square is exposed, especially sexy.

"Aren't you cold?" Gu Chuxue stared at him.

"It's okay! There is heating at home!" Although Yi Fengluo had a bad cold, he just slept in the car and took a hot bath, feeling much more comfortable all over his body!

"Then you lie down, I'll get you ginger soup!" Gu Chuxue gave him a white look!

"Thank you, wife!" Yi Fengluo is also very rare to be treated like Gu Chuxue, so she must not miss it.

Lying on the bed, waiting for Gu Chuxue to come and serve her, think about it, this life, this little life, is really fun!

"Lie down!" Gu Chuxue turned her head, glanced at him, and told him like a child, who made him so bad.

It's really frustrating!

"Yes!" Yi Fengluo quickly got into bed.

The bed was cold, Yi Fengluo knew that Gu Chuxue hated the cold bed the most, so he wanted to lie down first and warm the bed for her!

Very happily, Gu Chuxue came in with some hot ginger soup: "You drink some first, I will find medicine for you, and then, pour boiling water!"

"You don't need boiling water, just use ginger soup instead!" Gu Chuxue took Gu Chuxue's hand: "I want you to feed me!"

"How old are you? You're so naive! Wait for me, I'll go find medicine first!" Although Gu Chuxue said that and scolded him like that, she still agreed. It's rare for Gu Chuxue to get sick. Taking care of him like this, so how could he not agree to his request.

After all, Gu Chuxue also loves Yi Fengluo.

If Yi Fengluo wasn't sick, the person being taken care of would be Gu Chuxue.

Gu Chuxue quickly went outside to look for medicine. She found a bunch of medicines, but she didn't know what to eat. With Yi Fengluo here, she didn't need to know too much, because, Whenever she encounters a problem, Yi Fengluo can solve it for her and do it well for her, so she has developed a habit of being lazy.

"Luo, look, what kind of medicine should you take, I can't understand it!" Gu Chuxue felt that she had never understood it.

"You, little fool, let me take a look!" Yi Fengluo stretched out his hand, and Gu Chuxue quickly walked to his side, and put a pile of medicine in front of him: "Look, what do you need to eat? Find some medicine yourself!"

"Hmm!" Yi Fengluo looked for some medicine, took it in, took a big gulp of ginger soup, and narrowed her spicy eyes.

"It's so unpalatable, isn't it? But good medicine tastes bad! It'll be fine after you eat it!" Gu Chuxue coaxed like a child.

"If you feed me, it will taste better! After feeding, you have to kiss me a few more times... It won't be bitter or spicy!" Yi Fengluo looked at Gu again like a child. Chuxue said.

Gu Chuxue shook her head helplessly: "Okay!"

"Now, you are sick, you are the oldest, no matter what you ask me to do, I will agree!" Gu Chuxue followed him, and now, she followed him like a child.

"Really?" Yi Fengluo's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Yeah! Otherwise! I will love you too, don't think... I will only be willful to you!" Gu Chuxue was dissatisfied, "Hurry up and drink!"

"Drink quickly, sleep after drinking!" Gu Chuxue urged.

"Yes, listen to my wife, my wife can't wait anymore!" After Yi Fengluo finished speaking proudly, she directly picked up the ginger soup, and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking it, Gu Chuxue thoughtfully pulled out a napkin to wipe it for him. After wiping her mouth, Yi Fengluo immediately pulled her into her arms, took her, and both of them rolled onto the big bed...

A room full of whirlpools, full of spring colors!

The floor was covered with personal clothes, one after another...

It looks very ambiguous.