"You let go first... I, go outside to find out if there is any medicine, you have a fever!" Gu Chuxue frowned tightly, with a worried expression on her face.

Yi Fengluo held her tightly and put her in his arms, but he was unwilling to let go.

Gu Chuxue was a little anxious: "Wen Zehao...Wen Zehao..."

Gu Chuxue could only ask Wen Zehao for help.

Wen Zehao heard Gu Chuxue calling for help outside, and hurried in: "What's wrong?"

Wen Zehao watched Gu Chuxue being bound in Yi Fengluo's arms, and approached with frowning eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

"He has a fever, do you have any antipyretics at home?" Gu Chuxue looked at Wen Zehao worriedly and asked.

"I'll ask someone to buy it!" Wen Zehao didn't know if he had it at home, and even if he did, he didn't know where it was stored, so it was faster to ask someone to buy it.

"Okay!" Gu Chuxue nodded.

Mama Wu came over soon, cooked ginger soup for Gu Chuxue, Gu Chuxue also fed Yi Fengluo a bowl, and Wen Zehao asked someone to buy antipyretics, Gu Chuxue gently fed Yi Fengluo Feng Luo takes medicine.

In a daze, Yi Fengluo looked at Gu Chuxue's busy little figure, frowning and worrying about him, his heart became light and soft, and he was extremely happy.

Clutching Gu Chuxue's hand, she smiled at him.

"Take the medicine, take the medicine!" Gu Chuxue coaxed softly.

"Yeah!" Yi Fengluo obeyed obediently like a child, took medicine, drank boiled water, and then put her arms around Gu Chuxue, and a hoarse voice rang in her ears: "Don't go... don't go... accompany you Me, don't leave me!"

Gu Chuxue thought to herself: He probably regards me as his fiancee.

Well, for the sake of being so pitiful, I will accompany you.

That night, Gu Chuxue stayed with Yi Fengluo in the house, while Wen Zehao stood guard outside, for fear that something would happen to the two of them.

Yi Fengluo was sick and dazed, and Wen Zehao was worried about Gu Chuxue.

That night, Yi Fengluo slept very peacefully, hugging Gu Chuxue's soft body, she could laugh even in her dreams.

But Gu Chuxue didn't sleep well at all.

In the middle of the night, when she opened her eyes, a flash of lightning outside allowed her to clearly see the jade pendant in the photo.

Suddenly, a picture seemed to flash in her mind, and this jade pendant seemed to be similar.

It seems to have appeared in her memory, it seems to have seen it somewhere again, it seems that this jade pendant belongs to her again, Yao Lijiao's cold face and her row of teeth on the collarbone reappeared in her mind print.

Gu Chuxue's head began to ache: "Why is there such a strange picture?"

Gu Chuxue couldn't understand it anymore, couldn't understand it at all, and was in a daze, another terrifying face appeared in her mind, which was also that of a woman...

What exactly is going on?

Gu Chuxue didn't understand why there were so many things in her mind suddenly.

What does this jade pendant have to do with me?

Yao Lijiao?

Who is she?

Wen Yulan's mother?

But why does Gu Chuxue always feel familiar? Why do I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before?

It's a strange feeling.

Gu Chuxue was in a daze, these questions kept popping up in her mind, these pictures seemed to flash through her mind as fast as lightning...

"Ah...don't...don't, I beg you, don't..." Gu Chuxue screamed shyly.

"Ah, woo..." Gu Chuxue cried, crying so heartbreakingly.

"Mom, I want my mother, I want my mother..." Gu Chuxue continued to cry, and the images in her mind became more and more fragmented and strange.

Suddenly, Yi Fengluo's face appeared in Gu Chuxue's mind again.

"It's you? Why is it you? Who are you? Why...why did you come into my life?" Gu Chuxue was puzzled, why did she have Yi Fengluo in her mind?

"Chuxue, Chuxue, wake up, wake up..." At this time, Gu Chuxue heard that hoarse and sexy voice, which was very pleasant, as if it was familiar to her.

"Chuxue...Chuxue...wake up, wake up...what's wrong? Did you have a dream?" Yi Fengluo called her while shaking her head, and finally Gu Chuxue came out of that nightmare.

When Gu Chuxue woke up, she opened her eyes and looked at Yi Fengluo's charming face, that familiar face, the familiar ring mirror.

Gu Chuxue turned her head to look at the bedside table in a daze.

However, the photo that was originally placed there has disappeared.

So, last night, Gu Chuxue was dreaming.

But, why do you have that strange dream?

Gu Chuxue couldn't figure out why there were these strange images in her mind.

Wen Zehao, Yi Fengluo, Yao Lijiao, Wen Xiangjin, Fu Yijing, and that photo, that jade pendant, why do they seem familiar, why do they feel so familiar?

Could it be related to my identity?

"What's wrong?" Yi Fengluo looked at her frowning tightly, looking like she had a headache, and asked with pity: "Does your head hurt?"

Gu Chuxue shook her head, her head was heavy, she probably caught a cold last night.

It's raining again, and I haven't slept well. It's normal to catch a cold.

"You have a cold!" Yi Fengluo looked at her pale face and frowned tightly.

"It's okay, you had a fever last night... are you okay?" Gu Chuxue knocked on her head vigorously, feeling in a mess, and she wanted to sort out the things in her mind, but, just Unclear feeling.

Memory, too vague.

And these memories were things she had never had before, why did they suddenly appear now?

"That... last night... you kept pulling me to prevent me from leaving... I..." Gu Chuxue blushed instantly when she found out that the two of them were sleeping together.

Plus those memories, damn it!

what is going on.

At this time, Wen Zehao walked in.

Wen Zehao frowned and looked at Gu Chuxue and asked, "Are you okay? Why is your face so pale?"

Gu Chuxue looked at Wen Zehao, the more she looked, the more she felt a sense of déjà vu.

Why do they treat her so well?

Gu Chuxue heard from Wen Yulan that a daughter of the Wen family was missing, named Wen Nannan, and the Wen family had been looking for Wen Nannan.

Yi Fengluo's fiancée is Wen Nannan.

Suddenly, Gu Chuxue had a bold idea: they suddenly treated her so well, and last time, all the Wen family members came to eat the food she cooked, and they always stared at her with strange eyes.

Could it be that she is Wen Nannan?

Is it the missing eldest lady of the Wen family?

Gu Chuxue frowned tightly, really?

My heart suddenly beat restlessly, extremely nervous.