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While the local governments of various countries were still worried about the war between the Beast God Cult and the United States, another major event shocked the human world.

On an island in the Atlantic Ocean, a thousand-meter-high time-space gate appeared. From this time-space gate, many Jurassic-era creatures ran out, especially those huge dinosaurs.

These Jurassic-era creatures that reappeared on the planet Earth, they crossed the ocean and began to head towards the continent where humans gathered.

As for the members of the ‘God’ organization on the island, none of them survived. They all became food in the mouths of these creatures. Even the powerful fire fighters died in the hands of the captain.

Along the way, everything that stood in the way of these Jurassic creatures, whether it was a human fleet or marine creatures that had completed their evolution, was sunk and killed.

Three days have passed.

In these three days, more than a dozen fleets of various countries were destroyed by these creatures, and nearly one million ton freighters were sunk. Where these creatures pass is a **** road.

Along the way, these Jurassic-era creatures that emerged from the Gate of Time and the native creatures in the ocean started a **** fight.

The two sides seem to be fighting for the supremacy of the ocean!

In the beginning, these Jurassic-era creatures were not rivals to marine creatures. First, they were not dominant in number. Second, many of these creatures were not aquatic creatures. Although they can survive in the ocean, they are powerful. It has been restricted a lot.

But with the passage of time, more and more creatures poured in from the gate of time and space. This situation is slowly turning around. If no other factors intervene, the ocean will be given to by these Jurassic-era creatures sooner or later. Occupy.


"Let me go, what happened to our planet? First a meteorite landed, and then biological evolution was opened. Now there is a gate of time and space, and even dinosaurs that have been extinct for tens of millions of years have appeared. Follow this development. , Will there be immortals in the later period?"

With the emergence of the long-extinct Jurassic-era creatures, the Internet is also boiling, and netizens have also expressed their opinions.

The main reason is that the changes of the earth and the stars have brought too much impact to ordinary people during this period.

"The fairy, I'm afraid the fairy has appeared long ago, but you don't know it."

"That is, according to my own inference, the cultivation of immortals has already begun, but it's just not our ordinary people's turn."

"Look at the changes in our planet now. Both humans and animals have entered the age of evolution. Isn't it normal to cultivate immortals? It depends on when the country becomes popular."

"The tears are a big sale, the ancestral secrets of cultivation of immortals, a book only costs 1888 yuan, which can allow you to cultivate to the realm of Daluo Jinxian. The quantity is limited, and those who are interested can chat privately."

On the Internet, there are even people who take the opportunity to sell practice secrets.

"I'm Cao, it's true or false. I practiced directly to the realm of Daluo Jinxian. This is awesome. Would you like to buy a copy?"

"Isn’t the one upstairs mindful? They are all fake at first glance. Why didn’t he go directly to Hunyuan Sage? 1888 yuan, one piece of eight is too much. If the cheats were true, he would have cultivated himself. Now, everyone who will still be preaching here knows, isn’t that just causing trouble for yourself.”

Reasonable netizens expressed their opinions.

This remark immediately calmed those hot-headed netizens, but not all netizens were so calm. There were still many people who contacted privately and bought cheats. As for whether there is any Use, this is not known.

However, some smart netizens began to privately purchase ancient classics handed down at a high price, especially those related to martial arts, as well as classics from both Buddhism and Taoism.

"Is there a great god, analyze whether it is a parallel world behind the gate of time and space."

Some netizens asked.

"No need to ask, it must be, but what I want to know now is, what is the purpose of these animals coming out of the gate of time and space?"

"Could it be that these animals compete with us for living space?"



"Look, the U.S. fleet has captured a huge mosasaur."

Just as many netizens were discussing in full swing, one netizen posted a link.

When everyone clicked in and watched, they found that a kilometer-long spacecraft was flying fast in the air with a mosasaur over 150 meters in length. The destination of the spacecraft was the mainland of the United States.

"I'm going, there is a space battleship in the U.S.?"

"Upstairs, are you still in the 2G era? U.S. has long been there."

"Is no one paying attention to the fact that Mosasaurus is alive? I really want to raise a Mosasaurus for fun, but I don't know if it is possible."

"My buddy, you Niu Cha, you can try it and see what's going on in the belly of Canglong."


Lin Chen, who had escaped from the small world of the secret realm, was separated from Shisan. He did not follow Shisan to the island where the Atlanteans lived, but went directly to the South Pole.

Lin Chen went to the Antarctic for two purposes. One was to accept the intermediate inheritance of the Shennong Star civilization, and the other was to ask Gaia what the Earth Star was hiding, and why so many powerful forces appeared on the Earth Star one after another.

What Gaia told him before, now that Lin Chen wants to come, there are many inconsistencies. Lin Chen was certain that Gaia had concealed a lot of information from him.

Now the changes of the earth and stars made Lin Chen more and more unable to understand.

Dinosaurs that have been extinct for hundreds of millions of years have appeared. What else is impossible on this planet?

Lin Chen also discovered the changes in the ocean, and when he was approaching Antarctica, many Jurassic-era creatures cruising near the Antarctic waters, such as the huge mosasaur and megalodon. And there are many more other Jurassic-era creatures These creatures are fighting wildly in the Antarctic waters, and their targets are the native creatures of the Earth and Star Ocean.

However, native creatures are not vegetarian. Because of their special energy, the strength of native marine creatures cannot be underestimated. After all, most of them have completed an evolution, and their strength is not the same as before.

Lin Chen came directly to the mothership of Shennong Star.

"Hello, inheritor."

As soon as Lin Chen entered the mothership, the mothership's brain greeted him.

After all, he has accepted the primary inheritance of the mothership, and part of the mothership's authority is in his hands.

"Contact Gaia, I have something to ask him."

Lin Chen entering the mothership did not find Gaia's figure, and directly instructed Zhi Brain.

"I'm sorry, the inheritor, Gaia has important things to do at the moment, so I can't interrupt for the time being. The inheritor can accept the Intermediate Inheritance first. After you finish receiving the Intermediate Inheritance, Gaia should also be finished."

Zhi Nao replied to Lin Chen.

Gaia was not there, so Lin Chen couldn't help but frown.

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