Collapse! The city of abundance! ]

[mission Description: after your investigation, it is found that the so-called city of abundance is a land built on the illusion. The people here are self anesthetized, and those who boast that they have no leakage are actually full of loopholes. They try their best to flaunt the behavior of moral models in the daytime, but they are crazy to vent their dark side at night. In fact, there is no leak free person at all All lies! Now, you need to have enough courage to expose this lie, let the city of abundance collapse! ]

[task reward: Blood fruit * 11; others]

this time, the specific number of blood fruits finally appeared in the second stage of the task change, which made Xu Nan more firm about what she did!

In fact, if he had heard durin's words earlier, he might not have chosen such extreme measures. After all, they could turn to the Church of the leakless, and it is also a way to constantly investigate and report.

It's just that, it's equivalent to stealing the bell. What I've done is to help the Church of the leakless people hide their eyes and ears.

Such a rich city will continue to maintain its surface of prosperity and beauty.

It's a pity. It's all Charlotte!

Xu Nan now thinks of this guy's teeth itching. To be honest, if it wasn't for the contract restriction, he didn't even want to give him a bottle of hair tonic!

In fact, it is not difficult to expose this lie. The difficult thing is to get everyone to agree with their own views.

Pull all the people into the water together, so as to overthrow the city of abundance. Otherwise, Xu Nan is alone, afraid that the task will fail like the other seven.

But he has confidence!


At four o'clock in the afternoon, in front of the big library, there are many people.

Although there are a large number of leakless guards trying to block this place, they still can't hold the people who are already boiling!

The Archbishop had no choice but to order the soldiers to lay a net here. Once there is an originator, you must take it directly!

This is the biggest difficulty faced by the city of abundance since its establishment. If it can not survive, it means that the foundation of the Church of the leakless may be completely destroyed here!

No matter who the enemy is, the Archbishop will not allow him to wantonly destroy his hometown And faith!

"There are more people coming than I thought You must have been unable to restrain that crazy heart. "

A ghostly voice sounded in the square in front of the great library.

They were stunned for a moment, and suddenly found that a man in a black windbreaker stood at the top of the statue of the God of the leakless, overlooking all living beings like a god!

There was a look of compassion on his face.

"Get him! No blasphemy is allowed

The Archbishop gave an order, and some soldiers with faster reaction tried to move forward, but Xu Nan's voice suddenly floated over:

"I just buried explosives under the statue of the leakless man to destroy this half of the city. If you do anything rashly, I can't help but die with your hypocrisy."

As soon as this statement was made, the crowd was in uproar. Some people even wanted to escape, but all around were blocked by guards.

The Archbishop's face was ugly. He knew what Xu Nan wanted to do, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't believe Xu Nan could destroy a rich city with one mouth!

"Thank you for your cooperation. All I need is a little time."

"I just want to tell you a cruel reality."

"You are all cheated!"

Xu Nan's voice is full of bewitching, which is the unique effect of bluffing skill added to 200 points. In the common world, ordinary cult leaders do not have such high bluffing skills.

People are looking at Xu Nan, expecting him to tell the truth that they thought about, but still can't believe it!

"Shut up!" The Archbishop can't do it anymore. He wants to block Xu Nan's voice by casting a spell. Unfortunately, Vivian, who had been ambushed for a long time, consumed a scroll of silence that Xu Nan had bought for a long time, and succeeded in silencing the Archbishop!

Lost the biggest obstacle, Xu Nan began to talk, his voice like a drum, and like waves, beating in people's hearts!

"You boast that you have no leakage, but you are full of loopholes! You're kidding. What's a leak? It's a lie. Don't you want to pee? "

"The women who claim to practice the doctrine of the no leakage practitioners are solemn and serious nuns during the day, and there are also many people who go to underground places to sell meat at night! Are you short of money? No, you're just short of stimulation. "

"It is said that she was the captain of the guard who was strict with herself, and the gold in her family was piled up into a mountain; Tess, the countess who was once the most faithful practitioner of the doctrine of the leakless one, killed her husband because she had an affair with a maid..."

"You tell yourself that these are the stories of other people's families, and you are still the one who fits the definition of a city of abundance."

"But do you remember the three original sins of the Church of the leakless?"

Xu Nan looked at them, his eyes full of sedition.Unconsciously, people on the square began to follow his rhythm and chant the names of the three original sins --



“…… And shame

"Wake up, you've been contaminated! There is no such thing as a leak free one

Xu Nan roared: "you believe that there is no leak, this is stupid!"

"You have already understood those facts in your heart, but you still dare not tear the surface. This is hypocrisy

"As for shame..."

On the square, someone retorted bitterly: "we have no shame behavior!"

"Yes! We have no shame! Those things you said, they are people who have lost the rule of the leakless, they are the degenerates

"Not every resident has his own shame."

A lot of people began to agree!

The archbishop was very pleased. If he had not been choked by silence, he would have denounced Xu Nan's absurd remarks with these highly conscious residents!

"He can't win!"

"Everyone's eyes are still bright, not easily blinded by him!"

The archbishop was in tears.

However, the next second, Xu Nan looked at them pitifully:

"no, I'm sorry."

"To be born human is your shame."

On the square, a moment of silence.

A lot of people turned pale.

Xu Nan's words, hit their hearts!

"I'm really sorry to expose the spiritual wasteland on which you're comforting, but it's the truth that humans themselves are the source of shame. You are human beings, not gods. Although you try to ask yourself to learn from those who have no leakage, you can never be perfect. "

"What's more, are there any leakers in the world? I doubt it? "

"I remember that the Church of the leakless once declared that no matter how much water was poured into the statue, it would not leak out. The moral is that the real leakless should be like a God. No matter how much sewage there is, there will be no flaw. "

"It's a pity..."

Xu Nan's hand suddenly appeared a huge pipeline, the pipeline connected to the pump below!

A lot of sewage was pumped out of the pipes and poured into the head of the leakless God.

A scene that made people gape happened!

There is a thin water column under the statue of no leakage!

People frantically approached, only to find that there was a familiar organ under the statue of the leakless one, which they did not dare to see before. A small amount of sewage was being removed from it!

"What did you do?" The Archbishop seemed to be white headed all night. He couldn't believe it and looked at Xu Nan.

Did Xu Nan think that last night Laozi painstakingly drilled a hole in the statue of the leakless one with an electric drill, and then pressed on a fake organ purchased from the fairyland trading center. Should I also report to you?

"There is no leak at all."

"If you are born to be a man, there must be something missing. This is the truth. "

"The city of abundance, there is no disease, no pain, just because you are deliberately paralyzing and deceiving yourself..."

In fact, there is no need for Xu nan to say anything more.

After discovering that the statue of the leakless one has a chirp and urinates, the residents of the city of abundance have lost their faith!

They madly do extraordinary behavior, leak free church was overthrown by the mob, all into chaos!

The Archbishop crawled under the statue of the leakless, looked at the fake organ, and suddenly understood something.

He looked at Xu Nan: "they It shouldn't be so irrational. "

Xu Nan thought, did I have to report to you last night that Lao Tzu worked hard to play hide-and-seek with the soldiers of the leakless team, and then successfully dropped enough crazy potions at the drinking water points of the city of abundance?

This night, many people went to the streets naked and demonstrated.

And the desire that has been squeezed for years is released, and the result is amazing.

The city of abundance, thoroughly depraved!


In the dungeon.

Xu Nan happily harvested 11 blood fruits, Wei Wei An asked for three, Du Lin only had one, but Xu Nan felt guilty and gave him two. After all, what he said was very enlightening to everyone.

The extra reward surprised Xu Nan.

[shame points exchange certificate]

[Description: in the replica world, what you do can only add a little shame points to you, but with this coupon, you can exchange the full amount of shame points you deserve! ]

Xu Nan thought about it and used it directly.

[calculating shame points for your actions in the city of abundance ]

[after calculation, you get 240 shame points! (Note: your own actions and the shameful things that you indirectly caused a large number of residents of the rich city to do are also included in the scope of the integral plan.)Xu Nan was surprised. He had never seen such a large amount of shame points!

Sure enough, the task copy of the city of abundance is obviously tailor-made for yourself!

Before he can figure out how to spend the shame points, the system prompts one after another -

[you have achieved achievements - and you are not abnormal? ]

[also said that you are not abnormal: you can get 500 points of shame points! Admit it, you're a pervert, otherwise you can't explain the source of so many integrals! ]

[you got the title - shameless]

[shameless: one of the most annoying people for human organ dealers, because you have no more]

[effect: good feeling + 1]

at the same time, there seems to be some changes in the information column

…… , the fastest update of the webnovel!