At this moment, Mu Mu felt a chill on his forehead. His entire body was wrapped in a thick cotton blanket, and it was very hot. Sweat was pouring out of his forehead.

But her toes ached so much that she didn't dare move, and she lay flat on the deck.

The pirate leader took off her shoes and examined her wounds. The moment he touched her, the wood trembled in pain. Sweat kept pouring out from her forehead, soaking her hair.

When the shoes were taken off, everyone's eyes were glued to them.

Merry, Qian Chao and Xue'er all opened their eyes wide, their mouths wide open, their mouths twitching. Each of them silently prayed for Mu Mu Mu to recover quickly.

A large rusted nail was pierced through the foot of Mu Mu's foot. There was a large bloody wound with bright red flesh inside. The flesh and bones were connected, and one could vaguely see the toe bone inside … The white bones of his toes were revealed … Blood flowed down along with the color of rusted nails...

The leader of the pirates let out a light breath. His gaze was patient as he bit the corner of his lips and began treating his wounds.

In one breath, the nails were pulled out. When Mu Mu came out, his eyes were wide with pain. Then, his head tilted to the side as he fainted.

He calmly looked at the pale, peachless face of the wooden log. His originally round, smooth chin, because of his emaciation, had become like honey. The peach tip was as small and exquisite.

She did not make a sound, she bit the cloth, she did not cry, she did not cry, she did not cry, she did not cry.

If she didn't bite him, she might have bitten her own mouth.

He shook his head, then took the chili juice and poured it into Mu's mouth.

"Hey, what did you give us Geiger to eat?"

Xue'er moved closer to Mu Mu, her eyes full of hostility.

"Pepper juice."

he said flatly.

"What?" My Geiger is cold, you should give her cold medicine! Untie me. "Go on, I'll take care of her."

Xue'er struggled to continue.

"Heh, we pirates never eat cold medicine, no matter what kind of injury we suffer, we rarely use it. We are the natural kings of the sea! "God Odin will naturally bless us …"

As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on the vast sea. A few clouds were floating over the endless horizon.

At the end of the clouds, a few fast, first-class, simple, and light ships arrived. The Blue Lion Cross was high on the ship.

The pirate ships, 80 to 100 feet long, with sharp heads and upturned tails, were beautiful, imposing, and well-made. The hull, light and narrow, was lined with paddle holes on both sides. When moving against the wind or needing to paddle hard, the oarsmen can easily lower the sails and maneuver flexibly. Though light, the ship was strong and weather-resistant, easily anchored on the shore or connected to the river as a fleet.

Qian Chao and Mei Linger looked around their surroundings, temporarily in a passive state. The surroundings were filled with seawater, and the chances of them escaping were very low. However, they would eventually find a gap.

"All of you better obediently stay still. If it's really for her good, then be obedient! Otherwise, the sharks at the bottom of the sea are starving. "