Zi Peng finished going through the two graves. It was already the time for the stars to fill the sky and the red lanterns to shine. When he arrived home, the table was filled with the best dishes that could only be eaten on New Year's Day: stewed mushrooms with chicken, sweet and sour carp, shredded bananas, shredded beef, returned elbow, red-braised pork chops, squid leeks, fried garlic, and four cold mixes for a total of twelve dishes.

Zi Peng and his family sat around the table. He opened a bottle of red plum wine s that were produced by the generalization. He first poured a cup for his mother, then another for Ding Xiaofeng, then he poured a cup for himself as well. Zi Peng raised his wine cup and said to his mother:

"Mother, you have just passed your birthday and now it's Spring Festival. Let me toast you! I have never forgotten the kindness you have shown me. "If it wasn't for you as my teacher, then there wouldn't be my current self."

After Zipeng finished speaking, he raised his head and gulped down a glass of wine. Mother took only one sip. Zi Peng continued.

"Mom, we have 3 more happy events to congratulate for this new year."

After Zi Peng finished speaking, Tsinghua and Yu Hua asked at the same time:

"Dad, what are the three happy events? Why didn't we know? Tell us quickly? "

Zi Peng glanced at everyone and said at a moderate pace,

"The first joyous event was when I wrote the manuscript, which was broadcast on the radio and published in the newspaper. By the end of the year, there were 100 of them. Is this a good thing? "

Hearing what Zi Peng said, the two daughters were so happy that they couldn't stop smiling. The two of them said in unison:

"Dad, this is a happy occasion, even we are happy for you. What's the second good thing, Dad? "

Zi Peng felt very proud when he saw how happy they were. He restrained his smile and said slowly:

"The second joyous event was the accident on the 12th of September last year. I survived and survived. Do you think this is not a happy occasion? "

At this time, Yu Hua impatiently asked:

"Dad, of course this is a huge joyous occasion. Tell me, what's the third happy occasion? "

Zi Peng wanted to laugh when he saw how worried his daughters were, but he couldn't. After pondering for a moment, he said:

"Actually, all of these things happened by our side. You didn't observe or discover them."

Tsinghua University heard the meaning behind her father's words, so she asked,

"Dad, you mean about the recruitment?"

Hearing Tsinghua University's words, Zi Peng nodded his head and said with satisfaction:

"Oh right, it's about the recruitment. This is one of the great happenings of our family. Now, our family has turned into town hukou and become workers. Isn't that a good thing? Also, your grandmother gets a monthly allowance of 53.5 yuan. Furthermore, all three of you are all workers under the public contract, and your mother became a Great Collective workers. "

After listening to Zi Peng's words, his mother sighed with emotion.

"Child, this year's events are all joyous events. Especially after you were in a car accident and came back to life. As for working as a worker, I'll pay for it. I've never dared to think about such things. "It was all thanks to Zi Peng's good prospects that he became a cadre and transferred his account to the third team. Now that he's become a worker, my Elder Zhang has a lot of face too!"

Hearing his mother's words, Zipeng was naturally very happy in his heart. With a big smile, he took over his mother's conversation and said:

"Mother, this is all your credit. If you had made me illiterate by leaving me out of school, that would not be the case now; that would be a real peasant. "

When her mother heard Zipeng's words, she naturally felt extremely happy in her heart. She took a sip of wine and said,

"Yeah, back then, the family was so poor that they had no money to eat." There are many kind-hearted people who advise me not to let you study. Even if I don't listen to them, I will still try my best to make you two read. Even if I have to risk my life, I will make you two read. It seems that I was right not to listen to their advice. "

Zi Peng felt that his mother's choice was the right one. Although it was a little tough at the time, but now it was a beautiful and blissful decision. He praised his mother and said:

"Mother's idea is still the right one. Mother's foresight is still the best. Mother is still sensible and reasonable."

They finished their dinner, talking and laughing. He then entered the stage of wrapping dumplings and watching TV.

Zi Peng's Spring Festival this year was more grand than any other year. Only firecrackers, fireworks. It cost more than 300 yuan. It was an epoch-making celebration. It was an epoch-making Spring Festival...

January 23rd. Today is the first day of the new year. Around 8 AM, the family of three came to greet their mother and Zi Peng. They came to his house in the freezing wind and the freezing snow. Zi Peng was overjoyed to see them, and quickly let them into the house. Lixia paid her respects to her mother first, and she gave her mother a deep bow. He said:

"Mother, happy new year to you!"

The mother saw her goddaughter coming and felt very happy. She took her daughter's hand and said:

"My good child, it's new year for you as well. Happy New Year to your whole family!"

After Lixia and Ding Xiaofeng greeted each other, they met two more daughters. Then she and her mother sat on the kang, holding hands. At this time, Zi Peng and Gui Hong were playing chess. The two daughters served them tea and poured water for them, along with melon seed, peanuts, and sugar cubes.

As soon as she saw her mother, she had a lot to say. She said:

"Mother, from the day of your birthday last year, I acknowledged you as my mother. I am very happy in my heart. After returning home, I didn't sleep for the entire night. "

When his mother saw the pretty face of Lixia, which was full of smiles, she patted her hand emotionally and said:

"Xiao Xia, your mother is even happier. "I'm old, and I've already adopted a daughter. Do you think Mother's heart can be unhappy?"

At this moment, Lixia was especially agitated. "Huu." With hot tears in her eyes, she said with deep appreciation:

"Mother, this is the first time in my life that I have tasted a mother's love. This is the first time that I have experienced the warmth of a mother's love. This is the first time that I have received the love of a mother."

When her mother heard this, her heart warmed. She looked into Lixia's eyes and emotionally said:

"Child, mother is too old. I won't be able to live for three days or two mornings. I'm afraid I'll give you an empty joy."

Lisa heard her mother's words and felt a little disapproving. She smiled and said to her mother:

"Mother, look at what you're saying. I can guarantee that you will be blessed beyond compare."

The family ate lunch here and played mahjong all afternoon until they returned at 5 PM …

As the saying goes, 'There is no need to be polite'. Since it was the first day of the first month, Lixia came to pay her respects to her beloved brother. Then, it was only natural for him to pay his respects to Lixia.

January 25th, the third day of the first month, when the weather was especially clear and cloudless; the sun still had a lazy face, giving people its small warmth.

That morning, at 8 o'clock, Zi Peng came to little sister's home that he missed. Just as he arrived outside the gate, the big yellow dog ran out and welcomed him with a shake of its head and tail. A group of goose and ducks stretched their necks, flapped their wings, and raised their voices to greet him. There was even a group of roosters and hens playing around in the yard.

Lisa heard the dogs barking outside and came out of the house in a hurry. When she saw Zi Peng, she was indescribably excited. Although it had only been two days, it seemed like a long time. He had come to pay his respects to her today to comfort and warm her; he had even come to give her happiness and joy.

Lixia let Zi Peng into the house. Gui Hong and the others had just finished breakfast, so they didn't have time to clean up the table.

Lixia poured a cup of hot tea for Zi Peng, passed him another cigarette, and lit it, taking great care of him. Although Zi Peng usually didn't smoke, she was the one who passed him the cigarette and lit it herself. There was no reason for him not to smoke. When he finished smoking the cigarette, the table was also cleared. At this time, Lixia and Guohong said,

"Gui Hong, why don't you go up and see if Brother Liang has finished his meal? If you finish eating, get him to come over and play mahjong with second brother. "

Gui Hong walked out the door and Xiao Wei followed. At this moment, only Zi Peng and Lixia were in the room. He had not been alone with her ever since they met in City on December 31. Today was the third day of the first month. In this short period of time, he tightly embraced her and passionately kissed her. He and she both had a feeling of not being close enough and not loving enough; he and she both had a feeling of not wanting to be apart; he and she both had a feeling of burning passion. But at this moment, he was not allowed to be intimate with her for too long; he was not allowed to embrace her for too long; he was not allowed to be passionate with her for too long. Since Gui Hong was about to return with Brother Liang, they had to separate immediately. Otherwise, if Gui Hong were to run into him, the problem would be very serious; the consequences would be unthinkable. He and she had finally let go of each other before they came back. He and she had finally sat back in their original position before they came back. She quickly placed the mahjong on the table and sat down, looking at him with large, affectionate eyes. Her eyes were full of love and anticipation; they were full of love and lust. When his eyes met hers, the fire of desire flared into a spark of love. This spark was even more gorgeous than a colorful firework; it was even more beautiful than a rainbow … Right at this moment, Gui Hong and Liang Shouquan walked in one after another.

At this moment, mahjong was placed on the table. After the air-conditioning, Zipeng and Lixia sat opposite each other, while Guohong and Shouye sat opposite each other …

They played mahjong in the wind, and it was past one o'clock in the afternoon. So, Lisa went to the kitchen to cook, the mahjong paused, to play chess instead. Zi Peng, Gui Hong, and Yu Quan, who had lost, took turns to fight. Zi Peng's chess skills were slightly higher than theirs, so he stayed at the manor. They had never gone down before, only the two of them were going up and down …

Very quickly, a table full of good wine and food was filled up. Liang Shouquan also ate lunch here. He and Guohong drank white wine, Zipeng and Lixia drank wine. After the meal, he played mahjong until it was 6 pm before taking his leave and returning home …

In January and February of 1993, Zi Peng was used in a total of 11 manuscripts. Amongst them, there were nine broadcasts by the People's Radio of generalization and two publications by the Tonghua Daily.

On January 13, the radio broadcasted the news: "Taoyuan Village has a team to collect feces";

On January 21, the radio station broadcast a letter on the rural Pepsi program: "A hardworking Spring Festival";

On 25 January, the radio broadcasted a message: "Yan Guozhang develops solar greenhouse to become rich".

On February 15, the radio station broadcasted a gossip in the Mountain City Sky and Earth Program: "The cheating is not shallow silver dollar";

On 21 February, the radio station broadcast a letter on the Friends of the Sky program: "Radio has developed the habit of getting up early in the morning";

On 22 February, the radio broadcasted a news report, "Making technological improvements more profitable";

On February 23, a letter was broadcast on the radio station's Putong programme: "Prepare for ploughing";

On 27 February, the radio broadcast: "Tonggang places emphasis on safe production";

On 28 February, the radio broadcasted a message on the news: "Chen Dezhen respects the elderly".

On January 23, Tonghua Daily 2 published an article.

Picking up feces at Peach Blossom

Farmers, who had been busy for a year, entered the winter leisure season. In previous years, cat winter was a traditional custom of farmers. Some of them were playing poker, some of them were rubbing mahjong, and some were sitting on the hot brick bed in groups of three or five and chatting. However, this winter, the Farmers s of Erdao District changed their habit of picking up dung.

After the Farmers finished fighting, he drove his oxen and carriages to a place five kilometers away from Erdaojiang to pick up truckloads of feces.

The man who was in his fifties was Taoyuan Village's second group's farmer, Pan Dian. He was the first person to pick up feces in the village. Over the years, he had tasted the sweetness of using manure to grow food. The autumn cabbage he grew was the best in the Taoyuan Village, weighing an average of more than 5 kilograms each. How could his cabbage grow so well? The main reason for this was that the vegetable garden was full of manure.

So far, the group of farmers in their 60s, Kang Wencai, have collected more than 20 cars of excrement. The food crops he cultivates have never been treated with fertilizer, they are all farm manure and excrement he picked up, causing the grain crops to increase greatly.

Taoyuan Village's group of farmers, Yan Guozhang, had already picked up over 30 cars of excrement. The two solar greenhouse s he grew and the two plastic sheds she had planted were all large dung she had picked from the ground fertilizer and manure. Thanks to his greenhouse manure, plus his technical knowledge and ability to manage, she earned a net income of 11 thousand yuan and a per capita income of 2750 yuan for the year 92.

Under their leadership, more than 30 people joined in the dung picking process. According to preliminary statistics, they picked up more than 600 vehicles of excrement, laying the groundwork for a good harvest next year. Wang Zipeng)

On 6 February, the following article was published in the second edition of Tonghua Daily:

Yan Guozhang's solar greenhouse Development Revenue of over ten thousand dollars

Yan Guozhang was a farmer from Erdao District's number one village group. As a result of his reliance on science to develop the solar greenhouse, his annual income exceeded 10 thousand yuan.

The number one village in Taoyuan Village that Yan Guozhang belonged to used to be a well-known poor mountain valley. Before the Third Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, the Farmers could only earn about six cents a day, and the peasants in 98 were in arrears. Food was sold back; money was spent on loans; patchwork clothes were worn; and living in a shack was very difficult.

In 1982, the responsibility system of land contract was introduced here. Yan Guozhang was given more than 10 mu of vegetable fields, paddy fields and fields. If he could use these fields to grow ordinary radishes and cabbages, he thought, he could earn up to 1,000 yuan a year; if he could develop a plastic shed in front of his house and plant a small vegetable in the shed that had been delayed earlier, he could earn at least 3,000 yuan. So he built a one-acre plastic shed in front of his house, planted leeks and cucumbers, and earned 3,500 yuan.

In 1990, the village called on farmers to develop Haicheng solar greenhouse, which could produce vegetables without a fire in winter. In order to let the farmers learn the new technology of building a house, planting a house and managing it, the village organized Yan Guozhang and more than 20 farmers to go to Haicheng, Meihe and Liuhe to visit and learn. Through his studies, Yan Guozhang strengthened his confidence in developing Hai City's greenhouse. In the fall of that year, a standard plastic shed was built with cabbages, cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. With his technical skills and management, leeks began to go on sale in February and cabbages went on sale in March. Following that, cucumbers and tomatoes also began to appear on the market. both enrich the market and increase the income.

From spring to autumn, Yan Guozhang woke up early in the morning to be greedy for the dark. He busied himself with managing the dishes in the fields, preparing the dishes, and also personally pushing the cart to the market to sell the dishes.

He traded hard sweat for abundant fruit; he traded fresh vegetables for hefty amounts of money. After a year, Yan Guozhang had calculated the total income of 11 thousand yuan, excluding the expenditures on the production of plastic seeds, fertilizer, pesticides and other things. The family of four, with a per capita income of 2,750 yuan, have reached the level of well-off ahead of time. Wang Zipeng)