Chapter 755 Don't Have a Taste

After all, these war horses are very delicate, and the rations they eat are not ordinary grass, they must be carefully selected.

After all, the war horse at this moment is too precious for them, let alone them, it is very scarce for any country.

After all, like a good war horse, its service life is only a few years.

Once its hooves are worn out to a certain extent, it can no longer be used for cavalry combat.

This has also resulted in a situation in which countries are now short of horses.

In the end, there is really no other way, these people can only drive their horses in the jungle and let them find food by themselves.

There is no way to do this. After all, it is impossible to want some fine feed.

Not to mention that at this moment they are just a few remnants of defeated soldiers, even the entire frontier army before them would not have prepared so many horses for fodder. After all, there are only a few hundred warhorses in their army.

After the war horses were gathered up, the sky was approaching dusk.

Therefore, everyone did not rush back to the previous living area, but collected materials on the spot and set up a bonfire in the same place.

Tonight, they are going to camp under this city wall.

Because of Lin Yi's great power before, they were very stable in their hearts, and they also knew that those Yan people would never dare to come back to harass them.

It is precisely because of this that they dare to raise a bonfire so struttingly.

And the cavalry from the previous teams had chopped down a lot of horses by them, and it was precisely because of this that the cleaned horse meat was erected on the bonfires.

For a while, the aroma of barbecue was wafting everywhere under the city walls.

This made the group of guys who had eaten bark for a few days drool a lot.

In front of the biggest bonfire, Lin Yi and Leng Yu were both sitting in front.

And Lao Liu, a fool, actually stood in front of him and helped him roast meat.

In the words of everyone, don't look at this old sixth being a foolish one on weekdays, but this barbecue skill is the best among them.

He can ensure that this large piece of horse meat is cooked without being roasted into black carbon outside!

Don't underestimate this point, it is actually very difficult to test a large piece of horse meat with this fierce bonfire.

As long as you are not careful, it will definitely cause the coke on the outside to be undercooked on the inside.

Therefore, the ability of Lao Liu is already very rare.

Looking at the sizzling horse meat roasted on the fire, Lin Yi also felt hungry.

After tossing about this day, I was really hungry.

Finally, after a few quarters of an hour, the horse's leg in front of him was finally baked, and Lao Liu, who was in charge of roasting the meat, specially delivered it to the two of them.

Holding the roasted horse's leg, Lao Liu couldn't help drooling as he handed it to Lin Yi, and opened his mouth and smiled:

"Hey, immortal son, eat quickly, this stuff is delicious."

As he spoke, he placed it directly on the ground in front of Lin Yi, not only that, but also pulled out the saber from his waist.

As he spoke, he was ready to help Lin Yi to cut the meat on the horse's leg.

This can't help but see Lin Yi feeling helpless.

This idiot, the horse's leg that was originally very clean, let him put it on the ground like this, stained with a lot of dirt, how can he eat it?

Not only that, Lin Yi felt even more helpless when he saw that this guy actually took out his saber to cut meat for himself.

If this is really cut by this knife, I will not be able to eat it.

You must know that this guy's knife has slashed many people before.

Not only that, let alone beheading people, when he was just roasting meat, Lin Yi also saw this guy hanging his big beard with this knife.

As long as he thinks of this, Lin Yi has no appetite.

So, I quickly waved my hand to stop this guy:

"Go and go. You don't need to help me. Hurry up and eat your meat. I'll do it myself here."

As he spoke, Lin Yi was about to pick up the horse's leg on the ground.

Although it is said that the outside is contaminated with a lot of dirt at this moment, but after shaving this layer of meat on the outside, the inside is still clean.

However, perhaps Lin Yi's attitude was very gentle, and the words he said were not too blunt, so after hearing this, Lao Liu immediately shook his head like a rattle:

"Hey, how can this work? How can I let you do it yourself!

Immortal son, sit down quickly, you can take a look, I am very skilled at this, and I will definitely cut this horse's legs for you in less than a second. "

Saying this, this guy even eagerly waved the saber in his hand. Seeing Lin Yi almost couldn't hold back, he kicked the guy to the ground:

"Get out of here, ma-liu, get out of here. Go and eat your own meat. I'll do it myself."

Seeing the softness, Lin Yi was no longer polite, and scolded the guy directly Being scolded by Lin Yi like this, the sixth was stunned for a moment, then immediately opened his mouth and smiled. , grabbed his head and walked back towards the fire.

"Hey hey, okay, okay, I'll eat meat, I'll eat meat, heh, **** fairy, you treat me better than my mother, and let me eat meat first..."

There is no way, Lin Yi can see it, this guy can't talk to him properly, the more he whispers to him, the more unaccustomed this guy is.

On the contrary, this kind of frequent remarks, he is indeed very useful, this person is really a bit of a scumbag.

Especially looking at the figure of the sixth child who turned around and left with a smirk, and his voice talking to himself, Lin Yi couldn't help but shake his head with a smile.

Then he picked up the big leg on the ground and placed it in front of him and Leng Yu.

Then he flipped his palm, and a sharp d80 tiger tooth saber appeared in his hand. Once he flipped his hand, a simple marching table also appeared in front of the two of them:

"Hehe, this **** has to scold him for a few words."

While muttering in his mouth, he quickly cut off the mud-stained meat on the outer skin of the horse's leg.

Then, with two swipes, the clean meat on the inside of the horse's leg was cut off.

With another flip, two more empty plates were placed, and the horse meat was placed on it, one was placed in front of him, and the other was handed to Leng Yu, who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

This swaying bonfire reflected on Leng Yu's white face, and matched with the bright silver armor, let alone, it really had a different taste...

To be continued. . . . 】

ps: Brothers, ask for comments, ask for tickets, ask for rewards! ! ! Woohoo, ask for a reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)