Chapter 310: China Automobile Alliance

For a time, almost all the major media and netizens who received rumors began to speculate.

They are really curious about what the nuclear group will do next.

There is no way. Today's nuclear group can be said to have been attracting attention.

After all, every time the nuclear group comes out, it is a product that terrifies the world!

While people are curious, they are also looking forward to it.

After Lin Yi told Li Huiqun about this matter, he didn't ask.

But this night, Li Huiqun's phone was about to blow up.

The media from all sides said it was okay, and they just kept it secret for a while, but for a partner like Da Mi Lei, there was really no way to do it.

One to deal with one sentence, another to deal with one sentence, one to two, the midnight time has passed.

Early the next morning, Li Huiqun walked out of the bedroom with this panda eye on it.

In order to cope with the next press conference, there is no way to let the makeup artist fiddle around for a long time before it can be seen.

However, when the press conference was about to start and did not see Lin Yi, Li Huiqun was even more speechless.

Good guy, boss, you look down on yourself too much!

I didn't even attend on such an important day

Of course, the helpless ghost is helpless, but this trust is also warm in Li Huiqun's heart.

At the press conference, Li Huiqun seemed very calm in the face of countless guns and short guns from reporters.

There is no way, this kind of thing has been experienced too much.

After a flash of light, Li Huiqun smiled and squeezed his hand, and then opened his mouth and announced with a smile that the nuclear car was established today.

At the same time, brief information on the top management of nuclear vehicles was announced.

As for the product information, as I discussed with Lin Yi before, I just told everyone that I will participate in the large auto show in Beijing in a week.

After finishing speaking, he answered the reporter's question again, and this ended the press conference.

However, with the end of this press conference, a frenzy of discussion arose on the major platforms and websites.

The core building community is even more important:

"Fuck!! Nuclear cars?? The nuclear group actually wants to produce cars??"

"Rich people really know how to play, why do they think about building cars? Wake up, learn from the scumbag, why don't you take Sister Dong's lessons from the past?"

"Xue Zhalin, if you don't come up with a driverless car, I will look down on you!"

"Who is this guy upstairs looking down on? He even has a driverless car. Let me tell you, if Xue Zhalin doesn't come up with a flying car, I will look down on him!"

There are various kinds of comments, and they quickly occupied various hot search lists.

Almost every web portal, every Tieba Weibo, etc. has the first place to be captured by the words "Building Cores Want to Build Cars"

It's just that although tens of millions of people participated, no one really guessed that the car that Lin Yi was going to build was aerodynamic.

However, their guesses are all pretty much the same. For example, in the field of unmanned driving, with virtual reality and a powerful sky core system, there is absolutely no problem with unmanned driving.

It's just that compared with aerodynamic energy, this unmanned technology can be directly or ignored.

There is no way, as soon as the aerodynamic energy comes out, it will directly drop to hit the automakers all over the world!

The press conference here was completed, Li Huiqun did not dare to take a break, and took Hu Chengcheng straight to the production line of nuclear vehicles.

I have to say that Lin Yi's layout has been around for a long time When the flying car was just disassembled and rebuilt, people were already looking for unsustainable car manufacturers.

Not only that, at the same time as they were looking for a production line, Zhuang Yan had also started to build a new production line of its own for nuclear cars.

As for the entry certificate for automobile production, it may be a big problem for others, but for Lin Yi, it is simply a green light all the way.

Hey, there is a way, who will let the nuclear group compete with Huaxia.

Now outside, who can't say that the nuclear group is awesome!

Speaking of which, today's nuclear group can be said to represent a typical example of manufacturing in China!

The access certificate is not issued to such enterprises, should it be issued to those foreign-funded enterprises?

It's not just the car manufacturing access certificate, as long as it is applied by the nuclear group, as long as it is not illegal, no matter where it goes, it is a green light all the way!

This is the influence of the nuclear group in China today.

Of course, some people are happy and some are worried. When the nuclear group announced the establishment of the nuclear car, it was no less than a nuclear warhead in the entire Chinese auto industry.

For a moment, all the car manufacturers were stunned, and immediately contacted each other.

Just when Li Huiqun was busy going down to check the production line, major car manufacturers had already booked tickets to Beijing.

Just this evening, almost all the Huaxia automakers will hold the first meeting of the China Automobile Alliance.

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