Another heavy snow fell, completely covering the whole world under silvery white.

The arrival of this heavy snow once again completely buried the large and small potholes in T City.

Because some zombies have more wisdom than ordinary zombies, they have found convenient tools and containers for themselves in the daily digging operations, and they have almost accumulated a lot of food for themselves. So although this heavy snow had some impact on them, the impact was not too great.

Except for these few zombies, some of the ordinary zombies “slept” on the spot again when the heavy snow came. After entering a deep sleep, even their great cause of digging holes was temporarily forgotten. Some returned to the place where they usually dug the pit after feeling “hungry”, and once again dug the white snow in front of them to continue the great act of digging the pit.

At the edge of the city, a train team was slowly approaching the urban area of T City against the wind and snow. They deliberately chose to go out on this snowy day, brought enough important supplies and all the ammunition in the base, and carefully avoided most of the mutated animals entrenched on the edge of the city.

With the help of this heavy snow, the noise from their convoy and the sound of the battle should be buried, allowing them to enter the city and choose a relatively safe stronghold to occupy. Such a place can allow them to avoid more and more mutant animals outside the original base after the beginning of spring, and also ensure that the number of zombies outside will not be too many. After all, they took advantage of this time to enter the city, and there were only a limited number of zombies nearby who could find their whereabouts. After they quickly wiped out the nearby zombies after they moved in, the days after that would be much better than staying in the original place.

The vehicle made a heavy roar and slowly approached the city. Many of them hadn’t left the base for a long time. It was good to be self-sufficient in the original base, but who made the number of mutated zombies in the base more and more, the smell of human beings outside, and the mutated animals near here are also more and more? ?

If they don’t change their way of life, they will all be completely surrounded to death in the original base, even if everyone turns into zombies.

“Huh?” The person in charge of observing the outside world suddenly made a surprised voice, which made the driver nervous: “What’s wrong? What’s going on outside?”

“…Is it a zombie?” The man muttered uncertainly, then picked up the walkie-talkie and reported to the cars behind, “I found some figures in the direction of the city, they looked like zombies…”

The driver breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to approach the city at the same speed. These days, you will still wander around in the ice and snow. What else is there besides zombies? Although they haven’t entered the city for a long time, they can analyze their general mode of action even by relying on their previous impressions of zombies. Especially in the past two years, occasionally someone would bring a bunch of zombies to their base.

I heard that there seemed to be zombies appearing in the direction of the city, and the people in other vehicles cheered up, preparing for abilities and checking weapons.

At this moment, the eyes of the person monitoring the road ahead suddenly widened, his body straightened up, and he tried his best to see through the wind and snow through the binoculars.

“What’s the matter?” The driver seemed to sense the strangeness of his companion, and couldn’t help but twitched again, freeing his left hand to reach for a machine gun next to the car door.

“Well, what kind of zombie is that? How can it run so fast and jump so high?! God, it couldn’t have been blown away by the wind and snow!” Roared, “The situation is wrong! The zombies in the city are not moving normally!”

“What’s going on? Tell me clearly!” A voice came from the walkie-talkie, and it sounded like the other party was also quite nervous.

The scout has stood up from his cramped seat: “Stop, stop! Stop the team! They’re out!”

Not long after, even people in other vehicles could clearly see black figures running or jumping out from the direction of the city. Wearing only thin clothes, their nimble movements and their expressionless faces are definitely not normal people or supernatural beings!

Everyone raised their hearts in unison. They hadn’t entered the city for a while. Although they had gone to the city to get some things before, they hadn’t fought large-scale zombies for a long time.

They were mentally prepared before coming out this time, knowing that they might encounter some unexpected situations when they came this time, but they did not expect that the situation they encountered this time would be so… weird.

Originally, when they saw zombies approaching their direction, the people in the convoy wanted to take up arms to resist, kill these zombies completely and continue to go deep into the urban area. But after blinking a few times, they realized that the zombies coming out of the city had become more and more dense.

“God…there are more than a thousand! What’s the situation with these zombies?!” There are about ten cars in the convoy, with a total of forty people, and there are a bunch of zombies in the car. It’s no problem to deal with three to five hundred ordinary zombies in one breath. But when faced with this number of zombies… everyone’s face instantly turned pale, much whiter than the snow outside the window.

On the car in the middle position, Mr. Zhang suddenly loosened his frown while watching the situation outside the window. He smiled and picked up the walkie-talkie in front of him: “Every team is ready, ready to inject the virus needle.”

Yes, they were prepared for everything before they were ready to enter the city. After three full years of research and exploration, their research and in-depth research on zombie viruses has gone deeper than those large military bases. But even so, they failed to find a way to preserve human memory intact.

Although some people in their base managed to retain their memories and transform into zombies, that was only a very small chance. It seemed that if human beings wanted to transform, they could only rely on luck, and they could not count on any other methods at all.

That’s why they want to move to the city. At least here, even if they all become unintelligent zombies, they can coexist peacefully with ordinary zombies without worrying about being attacked by mutant animals around after losing their IQ.

Before going out this time, each of them prepared a zombie virus in each car and in each person’s hands. Once they encountered a situation that they could not cope with, those who had not yet completely mutated would be injected with the zombie virus and transformed immediately.

And after the transformation is over, if everyone is not attacked, then those companions in the convoy whose body temperature has dropped to more than 20 degrees and who will not be attacked by zombies are responsible for opening the doors and the door of the rear compartment, and releasing the corpses that have become zombies. people.

After that…then we can only resign ourselves to fate. Whoever is more lucky may be able to live with the zombies of his relatives. If you are unlucky, just be an ordinary zombie without a mind.

The people who had completely given up at this time either had calm expressions or unwillingness, but they had given up resistance, and stretched their hands to the side, ready to inject the zombie virus at any time.

At this moment, a scene that surprised everyone happened again. The zombies rushing over suddenly stopped in their tracks, and stood more than 20 meters away in unison. Their black figures stood in the white snow and looked quite imposing.

Suddenly, the group of zombies opened their mouths together, and the group of people sitting in the car heard some indistinct voices mixed with the roaring chorus of the zombies… No, I can hear it clearly! Just with the roar of wind and snow and zombies, those voices didn’t sound so clear, but they could still be discerned faintly—”Get out, get out, get out…”

The people in the car were stunned, staring out of the car window blankly, and after a while they looked at each other in blank dismay.

“That, that, is that a human??” The one who can talk…should be a human, right?

A voice suddenly came out from the intercom. The voice sounded a little trembling, and it was familiar to everyone in the convoy—a big boss in his own base: “Did you hear what they said?”

“Okay, it seems to be ‘get out’?”

There was silence on the walkie-talkie, and before everyone could respond, suddenly, one of the zombies not far away bent down, grabbed a large piece of snow from his side, and raised his hand—the snowball “whoosh!” “The ground hit the window of the unlucky car ahead.

With a “pop”, a large pool of snow bloomed on the car window.

“Crack, crack, crack…”

“Get out, get out, get out…”

The crackling sound combined with the “get out” like a magic sound piercing through the brain made everyone look confused and a little at a loss. They really just want to change places to live! They are even ready to become zombies and live together with these zombies in good neighborliness! Why do they want to drive people away? Or is it that they now have a strong sense of territory and do not allow any outsiders to settle in the city? Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this situation? ?

“Get out!” An order came from the intercom, and the group of people who were in a daze quickly regained their senses. They immediately turned the steering wheel and drove towards the direction outside the city.

Seeing that the outsiders had left, all the zombies turned around and returned to the city angrily—it’s disgusting that there are so many here! After blasting away, they still have to rush back to their respective territories, what a hassle!

After a while, the unlucky people who could no longer see the zombies and could only faintly see the outlines of some buildings in the city gathered together, with very bitter expressions.

“what is happening?”

“They should regard the city as their territory…” The voice was deep and sad.

“Hey, if we had known that the zombies would have a sense of territory so soon after they became intelligent, we…wouldn’t have come out.”

Everyone looked at each other helplessly again and sighed again and again.

“That’s not right!” A man suddenly yelled loudly, and when everyone was looking at him, he raised his hand tremblingly and pointed in the direction of the city, “Even if they have territorial awareness, there are still so many of us! They How could you not come and grab us to eat?!”

The group once again looked at each other with surprised expressions, and then looked at the medical experts among them who specialized in researching zombie viruses.

The expert rolled his eyes: “How do I know? I’ve only been studying zombie viruses, but I haven’t studied zombie behavior patterns? That’s not my specialty!”