After going out once and traveling once, Wei Xuan had to rest for two or three days after returning home before he was interested in doing other things. It’s not that he was tired from going out once – how could he be tired with his zombie strength now? It’s because of someone’s laziness, always feel that after going out and going home, he needs to take a good rest for a few days, and he treats himself as a normal human body before going to bed.

During the two days of rest, he did nothing else. First, he fetched clean water and took a comfortable bath for himself and Du Hang. Of course, some unspeakable things happened, and then he stayed at home happily. Playing the game for two full days… That’s right, now that he has woken up and got the most important things done, of course Wei Xuan has to try to see if he is still interested in the hobbies he had when he was a human. ?

The result is gratifying. The game has been scumbag for two full days, which fully shows that even if he becomes a zombie, he is still a normal human being who still maintains his human body, and his reaction ability and intelligence have not declined.

The only regret is – “Oh, the handle is too brittle.”

Wei Xuan looked at a plastic surgical handle that he accidentally crushed with great heartache. Although he found it in time and did not cause any bigger problems, the crushed place still affected the feel of the hand, and exposed the integration inside. circuit board. Fortunately, when he found this set of game equipment from that family, he found two handles in total. This one was broken and there was a replacement. However, if things go on like this, he can guarantee that maybe one day when he gets excited while playing games (especially action and fighting games), the only handle will be broken!

At this time, Wei Xuan regretted deeply, regretted why he only found a bunch of game discs when he went to those game stores, and didn’t bring back some more controllers? This thing will be non-renewable in the future!

“Ah—when those guys collected the collection before, why did they only get back a bunch of CDs, but didn’t bring back the controller and the console?” In fact, there are still game consoles, but the zombie boys brought back all kinds of models, all kinds of consoles, etc. The shape of the handheld, from the antique game consoles many years ago to the ones that just went on the market a year before the end of the world, there are all, but there is no matching controller for the desktop…

Look at the handle in his hand that is barely wrapped with tape and is very difficult to hold in his hand. Although Wei Xuan knows that as long as he goes out with this thing and expresses to his younger brothers that he wants it, they will quickly search for it. Dadui came back, however—”Why don’t you just go out for a turn?”

Anyway, after becoming a zombie, Wei Xuan is very free and doesn’t even have to eat every day, and he will get bored staying at home every day. If he doesn’t find something to do and go out for a while, he will be sorry for the relaxed and happy life now.

Writing down the matter of the controller in a small notebook, Wei Xuan decided to temporarily end this beautiful, lazy life of playing games every day—he was not going to go out immediately, after all, there were still many things to deal with at home, and it was strange that the snow was about to fall up.

The days of strange snow fall are somewhat different every time, but most of them are around the 15th, only occasionally one or two days earlier, and occasionally one or two days later, Wei Xuan needs to make preparations in advance and try to keep the The neighborhoods that can be arranged nearby have made preparations in advance. After all, it is not an easy task to raise a large family.

Nowadays, the community is still full of various types of pots and pans, and Wei Xuan is busy with these things now. Put away about half of them that are not suitable for collecting rainwater or snow at all, and temporarily pile them up in the rooms that have been completely vacated, and clean up all the pots and pans on the roof, among which the ones that need to be treated seriously It is to scrub and wash the roof where the fossil sheep and chicken were once placed.

Then he led the zombie boys to cover the roof with clean plastic sheets, ready to take over the strange snow.

After that, the larger pots and pots were placed in the corners of the aisles of the community, and the open spaces reserved for growing vegetables were also vacated, and fenced again to prevent the zombies from Go up and hang around, and don’t pile things on it. And he solemnly gave a lesson to his group of restless guys: “This is the place where we used to grow food and vegetables. If there are things piled up on it, the vegetables will not grow!”

Wei Xuan found out how many crops had been planted and crushed to death after cleaning up all the pots and pots in the open space of the community. Now that I am awake, I can’t let them continue to harm me in the future!

You know, these places have planted all the seeds he collected so hard in the past!

Don’t have to think about it, Wei Xuan can guess with his toes who started the messy thing! The zombie boys would not run into the room where they lived with Du Hang, and Du Hang was the only one who knew where these seeds were placed. It was impossible for anyone else to do this besides him!

What’s more, in order to train him, did I deliberately let him share the seeds?

For the mistakes made by his lover, Wei Xuan knelt down and wanted to smooth them over for him. Now there is no other good way to remedy it, the only thing Wei Xuan can think of is – blame the snow.

The crops can grow smoothly by irrigated with the water prepared by the strange snow. Now Wei Xuan is reluctant to use so much specially prepared snow water to irrigate the crops planted in the open space of the community, but he can try to clear the debris in the open space , When the strange snow falls, as long as the zombies are not allowed to stand in the open space and eat snowflakes, those snowflakes may melt into the soil and have some benign effects on the crops inside?

Now, he can only use this method to talk about comfort and hope that some of these seeds will survive.

It took three or four days to clean up the open space outside the community. Wei Xuan also took advantage of the opportunity to clean up the debris that collapsed and fell on the streets of the community in the early days of the end of the world. Now, it’s time to thoroughly sort out the uses of each building and each room.

During the earlier clean-up process, Wei Xuan tried his best to move all the unnecessary sundries and unused furniture in the rooms to other nearby communities. Now, although there are still a lot of things in these cleaned rooms, the things inside are messy, and they don’t know what they are.

What Wei Xuan has to do now is to allocate all the buildings according to their different functions and the types of things stored in them.

For example, various tools are specially placed, various raw materials are specially placed, collected rainwater is specially placed, entertainment facilities are specially placed, filtered pure water is specially placed, and so on.

And in the building he lives in, in addition to storing some daily necessities, there are also various materials related to food.

It is a pity that many of the food materials, canned food and other things that Wei Xuan worked so hard to collect and the remaining residents of the Central Plains of the community have all expired. Otherwise, Wei Xuan would definitely find a way to fill all the rooms in this building.

And now, although there are still some finished foods that have just expired and can barely be eaten, Wei Xuan, who has no need for food, will not continue to struggle with these things as before. , there are fresh meats, and seasoning with those hard-to-expire seasonings can still satisfy the appetite.

However, what to do with the barely edible food at home is still a problem that needs to be considered slowly.

It is very troublesome to tidy up the sundries in the community. Wei Xuan led all the younger brothers to keep busy until the strange snow fell, and there were still some delicate things left unfinished. After all, Wei Xuan needs to sort out and make records at the same time, and organize into a book what has been left in different rooms in different buildings. If necessary, I will deliberately take pictures with my mobile phone for recording.

So, when Wei Xuan felt an inexplicable palpitation and excitement, he looked up blankly, only to find a little white crystal snowflakes falling outside the window.

The moment Wei Xuan saw those snowflakes, he knew what they were, as if the heart that had slowed down in his chest was beating faster: “Go, everyone, remember not to go to those blocked places. Stand in the middle of the road!”

Anyway, the middle of the road does not need to be used for farming, as long as the open space with seeds and the place where the bucket is placed at the corner of the house on the roadside are reserved.

Following Wei Xuan muttering some inexplicable words to express their feelings while working, the zombie boys who heard the words transformed into sharp arrows one by one, and rushed out of the room with “swish swish swish”, and those who were still busy outside The zombie companions stood on the road together, opened their mouths, looked up at the sky to catch the snowflakes.

The zombie brothers who were busy in other rooms also ran out of the room one after another, and the male and female zombies who were idle and tired of staying together all day also stood in front of the wide open window and poked their heads out.

Wei Xuan’s action speed this time was not slow either. He took Du Hang’s hand, jumped out together with him, and subconsciously raised his head and opened his mouth.

That feeling was extremely mysterious. At this moment, it seemed that in the whole world, he could only see a little white, crystal snowflakes falling from the sky, falling on his face, mouth, and body, slowly covering his whole body.

Wei Xuan’s whole world seems to have turned into white, but it is not the kind of white that is easy to make people nervous and monotonous, but white with various colors and different shades.

Little by little, piece by piece, whirled and danced in the wind, and flew to his face, mouth, and heart…

At this time, Wei Xuan’s thoughts were completely emptied, and there was only one thought left in his mind——

It turns out that this is what it feels like to “eat” this kind of snowflakes falling from the sky…

“Plop, plop, plop…” The heartbeat sounded out from his chest. The sound was inaudible, and no one could hear it except when it was close to his chest. However, it seems to cover the entire community and even a further range, so that all the zombies around can be heard clearly.