The winter at the end of the third year of the last days is approaching, not only the large base is sending additional manpower to hunt and harvest the crops sown earlier, but the small base is also the same.

In the high-rise base, people have already harvested the potatoes, carrots and other crops sown on the balconies of all rooms. Now a large green bed sheet is torn from the roof of one of the buildings, and red and yellow flowers of various colors are printed on the bed sheet.

Occasionally, there are mutated birds passing by here in the sky, and they will swoop down to check the situation, are they sure that this is an edible green plant? Or is it just something left over from humans in the past?

Although there are quite a few birds with high intelligence, they yelled a few times and spread their wings and left after seeing the situation is deceitful, but there are also quite a few large-bodied birds with a brain capacity comparable to a walnut kernel, who ignored them after discovering the green color. I rushed down and just wanted to feast on it.

A big bird swooped down, but was caught by the nets that suddenly appeared around the green “food”, and then it was bombarded with supernatural powers, slapped randomly with a **** and shovel, and violently beaten with old punches…

“Here we go again!”

“Oh! Reserve grain, reserve grain!”

“Hide quickly! Another one has come down!”

“Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!”

Everyone exclaimed and hid in their previous hiding places. When another big bird flew down to avenge its former brother, the crowd rose up and fought against the mutant bird again.

Two mutated birds are enough for this group of people to eat for a long time. Especially since they have captured two before, and with the current harvest, if they save some money, they can have meat on the table every day until the beginning of spring!

After dragging the prey into the room on the top floor that had already been opened, a group of women worked together to pluck the bird’s feathers and cut up the bird’s meat. The supernatural beings who had mainly contributed before sat in the room on the next floor to rest and recover their strength.

“Aunt Yu, how is your Xunxun’s situation?” The only fire-type superpower in the community, a man with a fierce appearance who can scare children into tears suddenly asked.

Aunt Yu forced a smile, with a helpless expression and a sigh: “It’s still the same…Don’t worry, I won’t let him out.”

Everyone became depressed after hearing the words, shook their heads slowly, and comforted her alone: ”It’s okay, that kid Xun Xun is so good, look, even if he becomes… that way, he is different from the group below!”

“Yes, yes! Last time he became…wasn’t he with the children? This child is so sensible, he didn’t hurt any of the children, and he still listens to grandma like this…”

Grandma Yu lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes, and nodded her thanks to everyone for their understanding of her.

After the end of the world, especially in the past year, even in their small base, some people accidentally turned into zombies one after another. At first, everyone thought it was because the food they ate or the things they collected from outside were not clean? That’s why someone accidentally mutated. But it wasn’t until there was a little girl in their base who had never been out and mutated into a zombie while eating and drinking the same food as other children every day, that everyone felt that something was wrong.

Although almost everyone in this group of people killed zombies with their own hands in the early days of the last days, in the three years of the last days, everyone relied on each other to support their lives every day. Although they usually fight and quarrel, everyone has their own thoughts, but after all, they have lived together for so long.

It’s fine if they are still strangers, but now, facing the zombies that their former companions mutated into, even if they had just quarreled and quarreled yesterday, they don’t have the courage to really kill them in front of them now.

Fortunately, there are quite a few supernatural beings in their base. After subduing the mutated zombies, everyone discussed it. In the end, they had no choice but to put them under the community, so that these newly transformed zombies could share with other zombies. Life.

Then, something even more incredible happened—some of them didn’t eat people after they mutated into zombies!

Seeing their former companions hugging their heads in pain, wailing sadly, and looking like they were afraid that their group would get too close, there was an inexplicable hope in everyone’s heart when they looked at each other—so to speak, become Is it possible that the zombies still remember their former companions? You know you don’t want to hurt them, don’t you?

They didn’t want to hurt the zombies that these former companions turned into, and they wouldn’t kill this companion who obviously remembered them. So, everyone worked together to hoist a large bucket specially used for putting zombies, and the zombie companion actually climbed in and was put downstairs by everyone.

Three days later, everyone clearly heard the sound of broken glass from somewhere in the building, and when they went down to check, they were shocked to see that the four-story glass window of a certain building was broken, and it was actually filled with glass. A backpack full of salt!

A few days later, they found a large pile of messy clothes thrown in from the outside in the same room. And in the afternoon of the first day, the person in charge of monitoring the surrounding situation saw with his own eyes the companion who had been let down by them a few days ago and turned into a companion with memories, wandering back to the community with a big backpack in his hand…

These things are almost useless to zombies, but they are urgently needed by those who are trapped here.

Even more so, even if someone mutated into a zombie after that, they would not harm them, but instead tried their best to put them down. Some zombies that are particularly well-behaved and someone is willing to take the initiative to take care of them are also allowed to stay in the building by default.

Xun Xun was in such a situation. After the child suddenly turned into a zombie, he just looked blankly at his former companions and friends, although he would back away in horror when others approached, as if he was enduring something. But when he saw his grandmother, he threw himself into the arms of the old lady, showing no sign of hurting her.

Such a well-behaved child, little zombie, who has the heart to let it sit on the ground like the zombies below, be exposed to wind and rain, and possibly die in the mouth of a passing mutated animal?

Therefore, Grandma Yu offered to lock her grandson in the room, and only she could touch it every day, and she would not let it out and give him a chance to hurt other people.

With the meat that was distributed to her, Grandma Yu returned to her home. Sitting on the big sofa in the living room was a child with a dull expression who couldn’t be seen as a zombie at all.

Hearing the sound of the door, the zombie child turned his head and looked in the direction of the gate. Seeing that his grandma had returned, he got up from the sofa, ran over, and threw himself into his grandma’s arms.

“Good Xunxun, grandma put the meat away first, and I will cook you your favorite shredded pork tonight.” Grandma Yu touched her grandson’s head with a smile on her face, then turned around and put the meat into the kitchen, ready to be fried with fresh meat at night A dish, then dry the rest of the meat and store it.

After putting away the things, he took his grandson back to the living room, put the car that his grandson liked very much before the end of the world into his arms, and watched him play with the toys.

In fact, from the end of the second year after the end of the world, she felt a little strange. Some strange things happened to herself and her grandson. She couldn’t tell exactly what was so strange, but Grandma Yu could feel it—it seemed that the little grandson hadn’t grown any longer since the second year after the end of the world. At first, she would often cut her own child’s hair, but later Not only did she not have to cut her grandson’s hair, but her own hair almost stopped growing.

Moreover, because the number of supernatural beings in the community is limited, and the amount of supplies they have is also limited, they went out together at the beginning of this year. Grandma Yu is careful, and accidentally found that she seems not to be welcomed by zombies outside? It seems that for them, their own meat has lost its appeal.

With this kind of worry and speculation in her heart, until recently, after Xun Xun turned into a zombie, she felt that she would never feel hungry when it was time to eat? After trying to eat a few meals less, but found that she still didn’t feel hungry, she was even more terrified while trying to eat like a normal person, while trying to hide her abnormality.

She always felt that she seemed to have changed just like Xun Xun… and it wasn’t just them, the speed of hair growth of a few people in the team also slowed down, but at this moment she didn’t dare to say anything.

“…It’s good for us to do this.” Touching the top of her good grandson’s hair, Grandma Xu sighed and looked out the window, “If it really fails someday… Grandma will take you and never leave the house… Or, the two of us Just go out together and find a place to live outside. There are still so many places and so many things available outside.” Yes, if one day I really become like Xun Xun, then there is no need If you stay here, you have to worry about whether you will hurt those neighbors, and it is good to go out to live.


The former villa base now looks more like a small fortress from a distance, with high walls built around the outside, which looks solid and heavy.

Although most of the villas that people used to use in the villa area in the past are still preserved, they are divided into two parts by a wall.

Some of them are still inhabited by normal humans, while in the other area, those whose families have turned into zombies are placed in it.

Zombies will mutate into zombies after their body temperature drops to a certain level. This base was discovered earlier than the people in the official base. It’s just that there are only a few zombies that can become the kind that don’t take the initiative to hurt people. In addition, the agreement reached by everyone in the past, so after a certain party basically turned into zombies, everyone temporarily placed them on the wall. Went to the other side.

After all, the situation in this villa area is different from that in the urban area—the surroundings of the villa area are basically mutated animals!

What happens if you let the zombies out? They knew it without thinking about it, but now they can only do this temporarily, and they can only consider moving when they are busy with the current affairs to a certain stage-who would have thought? The base that was specially chosen to avoid trouble, ended up trapping themselves. And no matter whether they are people or zombies, they will be trapped here.

Had they known this, they might as well not have left the city in the first place…