Chapter 207 - "deep feeling"

Seeing the fire girl walking towards this side, the treatment man shrugged after hearing Wei Xuan’s words: “Sometimes when I leave this room and come back after a while, she will also swing towards the door, just like now…Maybe, Can you also recognize me?” After that, he looked at his zombie girlfriend with a resentful expression—that female zombie showed no sign of wandering towards the gate at all.

Wei Xuan hurriedly glanced at the treatment man, and then quickly looked at the fire girl. The treatment man seems to be unable to “hear” the brainwaves of the zombies. In fact, he could not “hear” the voices of the zombies at first, but Wei Xuan couldn’t guess what caused this result. out.

He suspected that this was the result of the little zombie girl he met several times and was “stimulated” by the powerful aura of the other party, but he had asked the healer and the fire girl when they met the little girl zombie But I didn’t feel any special feeling from it. I just felt that it should be the “boss” of other zombies because I saw it was protected by other zombies.

Putting aside the situation of the treating man for the time being, Wei Xuan looked at the Fire Girl who was pulling his son and dangling beside him, and heard it kept calling “Potato, Potato” to him, and couldn’t help feeling a little sad.

So he smiled, nodded and greeted it: “Long time no see.” Yes, he didn’t expect that after a farewell at the end of last year and waking up, the two of them would become like this now.

It seems that because of Wei Xuan’s response, Huo Nu stopped calling “Potato”, but pulled her son, exuding triumphantly: “Son, son, son, don’t bite me, don’t bite me, don’t bite me!” I…” message.

Wei Xuan couldn’t help but almost laughed out loud this time, didn’t he? After Huo Nu became a zombie, of course her son would not bite her again. And now they don’t even bite the healer man?

Thinking of this, Wei Xuan’s expression suddenly changed, and he couldn’t help but look at the treatment man.

The treatment man found that Wei Xuan and Huo Nv seemed to be communicating with each other very well, so after entering the door, he ran straight to his zombie girlfriend, ignoring them.

The healer will no longer be attacked by zombies…

At first, Wei Xuan only thought that he had encountered the same situation as he did back then, subconsciously thinking that he had also inspired the same “supernatural power” as himself, but now thinking about it…what exactly was his original “supernatural power”? Is the treatment man’s current situation really the same as his original situation?

With his heart beating a few times, Wei Xuan hastily dug out the thermometer he carried with him when he went out this time from his backpack, and measured it on Huo Nu—twelve degrees. Similar to the average body temperature of his own zombie brothers. Measure her son again, it’s only in his early ten degrees? This temperature is slightly higher than that of the zombies on the street, but lower than that of my little brothers.

Wei Xuan walked up to the therapist and his girlfriend in a few steps, and took a test for the two of them—the therapist who was pulling his girlfriend to ask for attention unexpectedly didn’t notice anything.

“Twenty-two degrees and more than nine o’clock…” Wei Xuan raised his eyebrows and looked at the two guys who were still struggling.

The treating man’s body temperature was only 22 degrees, which was already close to his own body temperature at this time, and it is likely to continue to drop in the future. However, Wei Xuan remembered that his body temperature should have been more than 30 degrees? One winter… no, it should be less than a year, why did his body temperature suddenly drop so much and so fast?

I also thought that Huo Nu suddenly turned into a zombie. What happened during this period?

“By the way, what were you eating later?” Wei Xuan asked the treating man quickly when he touched the snowflake he was carrying with him when he put away the temperature tester.

“Huh?” The treatment man who was dragging his girlfriend back and forth in the room like a zombie turned his head to look at Wei Xuan with a confused face, then tilted his head and thought for a while and replied, “Oh! Almost forgot! I haven’t eaten for a long time!”

At this time, Wei Xuan didn’t know what kind of expression to use to face him, so he could only twist a “smile”: “Is it just you who haven’t eaten anything? Or have you not eaten them for a long time?”

The treatment man looked embarrassed, lowered his head, scratched his cheek, and almost twisted his body along with it: “Uh… I, I, I forgot to eat not long after Sister Ma turned into a zombie… Usually it’s her Cooking, but she suddenly became like this and I… that’s right! I remembered! I still cook every day at the beginning, but cooking is too much trouble, I just wait until I’m hungry every time I cook again when it’s time to cook, but then I don’t feel hungry for a longer and longer period of time, so I put this matter aside.”

Seeing that the more he talked, the more righteous he felt, Wei Xuan didn’t know how to describe his mood at this time, he could only say – a lunatic is a lunatic, he can even “forget” such things as eating! How do you look like yourself? After turning into a zombie, you still want to eat?

“What about them? Could it be that they haven’t eaten snowflakes this year?” Wei Xuan pointed to the three zombies in the room.

The treatment man bowed his head, blushed, and pointed at his fingers: “I, I forgot…” As he said, he pointed to Huo Nu and explained, as if he was afraid of being blamed, “I used to eat with Sister Ma. My sister will take the initiative to feed her son, and I will also feed Ruoxin, but Ruoxin will eat me for supper in the middle of the night!”

How confident is the word “Supper”? Hearing his tone, Wei Xuan didn’t even have the strength to roll his eyes. So he could only twist the corner of his mouth: “So, you haven’t been downstairs for a long time?”

The treatment man nodded after thinking for a while: “That’s right! I didn’t realize it until you said that! The last time I went out, I saved up a pile of diaries filled with writing and sent them outside for you!”

“What about the zombies downstairs? Are they still chasing you?”

“Stop chasing, stop chasing!” The treatment man jumped up and looked at Wei Xuan with bright eyes, “That’s why I said it! Those zombies have become crazy! They don’t even eat people!”

Wei Xuan nodded deeply—it’s not because the zombies have become crazy, but because they don’t chase you because you are not a **** human anymore!

Leaving aside the neurotic brain circuit, Wei Xuan asked him about his previous experience. His question will not arouse the suspicion of the treatment man. Firstly, this guy really doesn’t have that kind of brain circuit. Secondly, the two of them have not seen each other for a year. It is normal to ask each other about their experiences during this period. of.

And the therapist will also be curious about Wei Xuan’s affairs, just because his girlfriend around him always draws his attention, and his brain circuit is really…very strange, so Wei Xuan thinks It’s easy to change the subject to avoid some bad answers.

After asking the other party if they are interested in moving—for example, whether they want to move to their own residential area. The treatment man was silent for a while, looked at his girlfriend, then looked at the fire girl, and said: “I still don’t want to move.” Then, he pointed at his girlfriend, “I’m afraid Ruoxin will be scared if I change places suddenly. Alas, she I was very timid before, but at that time I heard that a girl in their dormitory told ghost stories and scared her so much that she dared not sleep at night…”

Hearing the treatment man started nagging about his girlfriend again, Wei Xuan also looked at the girl. At the earliest time, because Wei Xuan hadn’t mastered the skill of listening to the zombie’s “inner voice”, he didn’t know that the zombie girl was related to him. What is the relationship with men in therapy really like. Later, when I came here after mastering this skill, I couldn’t see this female zombie for some reasons, but now…

Listening to the treatment man’s various nagging about how good his girlfriend is, and listening to the zombie girl exuding “really annoying, really annoying, really annoying…” at that moment, plus the irritable but unable to get rid of the treatment man The motion of pulling her hand. Wei Xuan sincerely hopes that the healing man will not learn the ability to “listen” to zombies in his lifetime, and that this girl zombie will learn to speak human language later…

Wei Xuan remembered that just now when he entered this room and the healing man hadn’t reached the zombie girl, she still exuded the same dazed atmosphere as the zombies on the street.

Suddenly, Wei Xuan, who thought of something, couldn’t help but interrupt the treatment man: “Speaking of which, how many years have you been dating it? When did you start dating?”

The treatment man was stunned for a moment, tilted his head to think, and then smiled shyly: “How many years has it been? Life has been chaotic recently, and I haven’t looked at the calendar for a long time. By the way, the day we started dating was when I went back to school. Days… As soon as I got back to school, I saw her among the zombies at a glance! Take her and we escape from school together…” As he spoke, he looked at the girl next to him affectionately, full of tenderness She tucked the hair on her cheeks behind her ears, “Don’t worry, Ruoxin, no one can hurt you with me around.”

“Don’t touch me, don’t touch me, don’t touch me…”

The corner of Wei Xuan’s mouth twitched a few more times, and he stiffly turned his head to the other side, looking at Huo Nu and her son. Huo Nu is still exuding the message of “son, don’t bite me, son, don’t bite me”, and her son is also exuding “mama, mama, mama” in a dignified way.

It seems that even though the zombies have forgotten most of the past things, some things that go deep into their bones will be engraved on their bodies and hearts. Feelings are good. And the girlfriend of the treatment boy… Wei Xuan was deeply suspicious at this moment, did this girl recognize this guy before the end of the world? Could it be that he secretly fell in love with someone secretly, and finally waited until the end of the world to “confess” it?

But… no matter what, as the healer’s friend, he will not uncover his **** scars at this moment, he just wants to wrong Miss Zombie.