Chapter 81 - Why can't People Live a Quiet Life!

One after another.

A total of six bodies were carried in.

They were given to the six groups in order. Then these Root Ninjas wearing masks left.

The whole audience did not say a word.

The whole process was tranquil, bringing a great sense of oppression to the chamber.

Aoba looked at the stretcher placed in front of the three of them. On it lay a ninja who looked to be twenty-four or twenty-five years old.

There was a bloody scar on the ninja’s face, which looked bloody.

The corpse had already been processed.

There were no internal organs, no Chakra, only the brain.

Not only was there no stench of the corpse there was also the smell of formalin.

Of course.

In the world of ninjas, this thing might not be called formalin.

Aoba could feel that the way these corpses were handled was Orochimaru’s work with just a glance.

“Let’s begin.”

Izumi took a deep breath and looked at the corpse with trembling eyes.

The longer he stayed with Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

The more he resisted using the Mind Reading Secret Technique in his heart.

This was also why they were trying to climb up in rank.

It wasn’t easy for him to survive for a few years. In Konohagakure Intelligence Division’s eyes, he could be considered a middle-aged person.

He could give the opportunity to use the Mind-Reading Secret Technique to the newcomer who had just entered Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

However, he never thought that he would be called over by Danzo.

“The earlier you die, the earlier you reincarnate…”

Shinichi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It had already been a year since he had used the Mind Reading Secret Technique.

Aoba leaned forward and took the lead to approach the corpse.

Through this person’s appearance, he had already recognized the other person’s identity.

In Aoba’s mind, he vaguely sees some fragments of Koshiro’s memory.

