efore dawn.

The update of the two platforms has made the network lively. Everyone wants to see how much credit they have and how much money they can borrow.

"I'm only 3000."

"Two thousand."

"Five thousand."

"Ten thousand, ha ha. It seems that it has something to do with my daily consumption. My colleagues who work overtime with me prefer online shopping. Thirteen thousand yuan."

"Shit! I'm 500. "

"Five hundred? It is estimated that your information is incomplete, or it is a new number. "


Most of them are about two or three thousand, but few are tens of thousands. We gradually understand that this credit evaluation system is very strict and will not give a person a large amount of money suddenly.


It can also stop some people's irrational consumption.

"Very good!"

"It's better to be strict. I'm afraid of it."

"That's right."

"The key is convenience. In the future, for urgent needs of three or five hundred yuan, you can borrow it directly from wechat. Five out of ten thousand yuan, a few yuan of interest will be paid in three or five days."



What we prefer is the take as you go system. Whether it is micro loan or loan, you can withdraw cash at any time. There are two aspects in this.

cash to WeChat, Alipay balance.

Second to account.

If it comes to the bank card, it should be slower. Most people like it very much, because many people want to spend it when they withdraw cash to the bank card.

Buy vegetables.




And these.

With the popularity of mobile payment, it is no longer necessary to mention bank cards. Now even the vendors in the vegetable market and any roadside stall support it.


Many people love this function.

Five thousand five thousand.

One day.

When money is in urgent need, it is not high. Many people are in urgent need. It will be about three or five days, ten days or even half a month. How much is the interest?

Ten thousand yuan.

If you want to borrow it from a friend and return it, please have a meal. That's about the same amount.

Someone said.

I don't know.


Still talk about what interest, generate cent, borrow ten thousand return ten thousand, not very normal, otherwise what call friend, what call relative, give what interest?



this is a person's way of life, each has his own stand and view, can not be wrong, can only say... Better to others!





Liu Dong tests the two software, and sighs in his heart that this represents that the two major enterprises have formally set foot in the field of consumer finance and have taken a big step forward.

Think about it.

It's going to be a huge market.



These two kinds have almost occupied more than 85% of the share of Huaxia mobile payment field, and loans can be directly used for consumption.


This means that it is oriented to a wide range of groups.

It's big.

How deep.

They are all on an unprecedented scale.

Of course.

This does not mean that everyone can do business. After all, the consumption habits of Chinese people are mainly based on what they can do and prefer to save.

And then.

Most of them don't like to borrow money and live within their means. It is estimated that the number of users who can really use two loan products will not exceed 10%.


This proportion is already very high. Because its base is too large, as long as the risk control, this profit is quite considerable.

Big money?


He doesn't dare to say anything.

After all.

Even banks with such strict risk control also have bad debts, which is still the case for banks. Although the two platforms have the ability of credit evaluation.


After all, the base is large.


If they fail to meet the standard, they will not be given 10 cents.



Almost true identity information, there is a minimum limit of 200, and the risk is very high. He calculated that the comprehensive profit of the two platforms was up to 3%.


The bad debt rate was more than 1%.


Perhaps the rate will be a little higher than this figure. If it reaches 2%, the two platforms will almost be the real era of meager profits, if it exceeds 3.

Tut tut.

Then there may be a loss.Now.

If the credit of the two platforms is overdue, there will not be any file left on personal credit, which means that the overdue cost will drop greatly. Just think about it.


This business.

It seems to be booming, but it is hard to predict the future. Unless the overdue period is included in the credit reference, he can guarantee that a large amount of profits will be eaten up by bad debts.


Although there are pits.

But Jingdong still has to keep up.

Can I borrow it?

Micro loan?


For the time being, Jingdong only learns Huabei, does consumer finance, and only consumes on Jingdong platform. In this way, it can control the risk and avoid taking too big a step.


It hurts!


An email was sent to the executives, setting out the subject of the meeting tomorrow morning.


Shenzhen market.



A sigh.


Penguins are almost squeezed out of the top of the social field. On the PC side, Penguin still holds the first share, but in the field of mobile terminals.

The whole line collapsed.


Strong eat the largest share, Penguin left more for you, is memories, such user conditions, make what loans, pull!


That little money.

It's boring.

He quickly worked out the profits of Ali and wechat. If he didn't make a large amount of money, he would not make any money at all. He might even lose money because of bad debts.


This dish is really not delicious.

With this time, how much money can be made from its games? The powerful game development ability of ERV has made it invincible and makes a lot of money.

Sure enough.

Or back to the tree, good cool.


"If you play, we won't be with you."


in addition to the two largest Internet companies, many giants seem to have seen a new world, and then careful analysis, that idea was immediately extinguished.

License plate.






a lot of accounting is basically a pit. Making a little fuss is just like charity, lacking credit rating and matching overdue punishment.

Bad debts.

Unavoidable problems can drag them to death.

Ali and Tang Qing are big families and big businesses. They face many users. They can make use of the huge transaction volume and even out the bad debts with the profits.


It's better to wash and sleep, the game of big men, they can't play. Many people also see that the loan line of the two platforms is not too high.

Twenty or thirty thousand.

Fifty thousand.



There are still places that are not satisfied with these large capital demands. But when you think of it, such a large platform will not launch a loan of 50 million yuan.

Can't help thinking:

--- is there a pit?


It must be.


Otherwise, if the two big enterprises do not do it, they are not without money. If you think about it, there are thousands of bad debts for one person and tens of thousands of yuan for one person.

The difference is not small.


In addition.

There are also some people who have a bad idea, loans, but a good business, if the operation is proper, it is simply a big profit, these people quickly get up.

The more I think about it.

The better.

The two platforms don't dare to make a large sum of money. They dare. As long as they choose the right objects and formulate the collection process, they will not worry about making money. Ha ha, good business!