

Fortunately, they are willing to build factories in China.

In this way.

The consumption of the Asian dollar reserve is not so large. With the tax collection, China can also benefit from it. It's a happy thing for all, but people make more profits.

"Follow the process!"


"Not yet announced?"


"Strange, why not shout?"

"There are so many high-profit products in Jiuxiang, which is not bad for this project. However, I'm worried about another problem, which is how to grow flowers?"

"Grow flowers?"

As soon as I say that.

Everyone in the meeting room was surprised.


To promote the growth of crops, flowers, and crops, once there is any unknown plant variation, illegal merchants create an addiction that wine can not eliminate, it will be a big deal.

"Be careful."


"Ask the other side. If they dare to sell, there should be precautions. After all, they are the one who almost destroys the global market of illegal goods. It is impossible for them to release such a big source of risk."


"Ask now."


In a few minutes.

"They said yes, but fruit wine can still inhibit it. Transcripts can make crops taste better and nutrition is easy to absorb. However, they have not changed the genes of crops."

"The addictive ingredients are still the same."

This explanation.

It's still not entirely reassuring.


Finally, there is a saying that, besides, as long as the mixing liquid is controlled, people can control the spread of hazards. Once someone does so, the Bank of Myanmar Asia group can control the source.

No one can make that harmful thing on a large scale.

In addition to its own.


It's impossible that the Bank of Myanmar Asia group can still print money, which has already surpassed the level of pursuing money. The global layout will never dig its own grave and make that thing.

On the contrary.

For fame.

We have to fight and guard against it.



The media is calm.


In some places it's a frying pan.


In the United States, a group of researchers from the National Laboratory of putton and the Institute of biology have stayed. What's the situation? They have studied the project for half a year and are trying to shock the world, but they are ahead of others.


It's not preemptive.

Because it's a product of someone else's company.

"Sure enough, we think more." The chief scientist sighed.

At first.

Thinking that the other side didn't find this effect, they began to work happily. However, now they know that people don't know about it. On the contrary, they know it better than they do now.


Full commercial capability.


There was a blow on the table.

"Damn, since you know it, why don't you say it earlier?"

"It's despicable."


"Let's spend a lot of time." Looking at the plants in the incubator, their hard work, how to feel comfortable every day, now, as if they are laughing at silly.

At this time.

The chief scientist shook his head.

A wry smile.

"It's no wonder that people's scientific research is a process of trial and error. Although we haven't shocked the world, we are still at least the top in the field of applied research."

Scientific research.

Ten projects and nine kneels.


"Well, this represents a new era in the field of agriculture. We should be happy that the plants cultivated by this material are beneficial to human body. We have tried our best and experienced it."


National Laboratory.

As the name suggests.

I don't care about the loss, but I'm angry.


They are not the only ones who are angry. The research institutions of various countries, major chaebols and enterprises are angry with the news. Do you know why they didn't say it earlier? Why don't you say it earlier...

That resentment.

Almost out of the sky.


"Blame me!"

Tang Qing, far away from the manor, shrugged.


Those people should blame zero. After such a long time of hiding, it will be absolutely reasonable to print an extra one trillion Asian dollars a year in the next decade, which will not cause devaluation or inflation.


That's not enough.

The issuing scale of the Asian dollar is still too small to bear the responsibility of being the main international payment currency. There is a long way to go. Only step by step can we reap the fruits of the final victory.

Living room.

Tang Kai read the news.

A physical meal.

"Tang Tang, you already know that?"


Tang Qing nodded and admitted, then said, "it's important. I'm sorry."


Tang Kai waves his hand. It's too big. A few years ago, they ate the fruits and vegetables cultivated with the transcriptional solution. From now on, outsiders will surely think that he got them from Myanmar, but they won't think of Tang Qing.


Who would have thought.

It has nothing to do with him. It's all done by Tang Qing's friends. That friend is so powerful that he could use the transcription solution to water the ground a few years ago, as if he didn't want money.

Tang Qing keeps it secret.



It shouldn't have been known.

"By the way, the meat."

Don Kai thought of stupid crabs for the first time. That's too big.

"The same."

"All the meat we eat grows up on the forage cultivated with transcription medium, which is cultivated in a relatively closed environment. There are transcription medium in the air, in the land and in the water."

"To produce such food."

"When it comes to market prices, the individual cost is extremely expensive. You have always wondered why I only sell fruits and vegetables instead of all kinds of meat. The reason is that there is no transcript in fruits and vegetables."

"Meat is not the same. When eaten, it can also absorb the transcriptional fluid, improve human function, and treat various diseases such as cancer. In other words, fruits and vegetables are vegetables, and meat is medicine."

I'm done.

Tang Kai suddenly realized.

"I see."

So long.

It's true that Tang Qing didn't sell those meat ingredients for such a deep reason. It's no wonder that Tang Qing said that a stupid crab is worth more than 100000 yuan. Now it seems that this is still reserved.




In this environment, animals grow up drinking gold water. No wonder the meat quality is so good. After several years of eating, there is no disease or disaster. Even if you stay up for a day or two, you won't even faint.

Take Dabu pill every day.

Of course, they are strong and healthy.


If it's medicine.

It really can't be spread, because at that time, fruit wine was not on the market, and no one knew what the transcription solution was. If you eat it, all kinds of terminal diseases will be cured one after another, and things will be big.

"That restaurant?"


Tang Qing's friend is good at selling vegetables.


"Sure enough."

"At that time, there were many things that could not be explained to you."

"Understand, do we want to get an agricultural company as well?"

"For what?"

"Expand the size of the restaurant."

"Er Shu, no need. The main profits of this kind of mixing liquid will be earned by Bank of Myanmar Asia Group. The downstream enterprises won't make much money. At the beginning of next year, someone will do it. I plan to shut it down."

"Off? Well. "

No money.

What's left to do?