For the first time.

He Jun realized the huge profits of finance.

Of course.

I also understand that it's not easy.

It all comes from strong monetary policy and several world-class technology companies. The credibility they have built up has allowed a lot of international capital to flow in, and they have money to earn.

There is no Myanmar Asia Pharmaceutical Group.

There is no Myanmar Asia environmental protection technology company.

There is no Asian dollar.

There will be no present.

If these companies do not develop well, it will affect the economy of Myanmar. Therefore, only if the companies of Myanmar Asia Department are good, they will be good. As the employees of Myanmar Asia Pharmaceutical Group, he never dare to relax.


He is not in short supply.

The rest.

That is to make it more legitimate, and then keep its value. Even if there are tens of millions in the future, they are not ready to resign. If they can work in this company, their social status is much higher than that of tens of millions.


Around several mountains.

Xie Wei saw the county.

After going in.

It was found to be quite old.

Many places are still tiled roofs and the streets are messy.

"What you see now is the old city, mostly dilapidated houses, which will be demolished soon."

"The new urban area is on the side near the border. It's going to be built two kilometers away from the checkpoint. It will be settled in February. If you want to see it, I'll take you after work in the evening."

He Jun slowly introduced.

Important border counties.

It's a bit like a national.

It can't be too shabby, so the provincial government gave them a lot of money to build a new city. First, the government invested money to replace the houses in the old urban area one by one, and all the old urban areas were demolished.

After flattening.

According to the building standards of the new urban area.

Get up again.

And these "redundant" houses will become commercial houses. The population of the county town will certainly increase in the future. As they are not in the Myanmar Asia Special Economic Zone, these commercial houses can be sold to foreign investors.


In fact, they are Indian customers.

There are too many people who want to come here to buy houses. The new town doesn't sell them, so they can only stare at the old town. For this reason, the county has also collected hundreds of millions of Yayuan in advance.

The money.

Five fifths in the county and province.

Is it to return the "appropriation" invested by the new city before? As for the city? There is no city, because there is no absolute subordination between the administrative units at the municipal level and the county level, which belongs to the province governing the county.

As He Jun knows.

In the end, the reconstruction of the whole county does not need the government's money, and there is still money to be earned. Pingbai got a new County, and the cost was mainly borne by Indian investors.

This operation.

At that time, He Jun was stunned for a while.


In the car.

Look out the window.

Xie Wei felt that when he came to India, he wanted to taste all kinds of "legendary" snacks, but now it's working time. Let's try again when he has a rest.

Not long.

They came to the end of the old city.

Although the new town has not yet moved in.

But the county hospital built a new one by working overtime. It was at the intersection of the old city and the new city. It occupied a large area. Xie Wei saw that all the people who came and went were Indians. He thought, "this is really a window.".

Follow he Jun.

Go through the formalities.

Put your luggage away.

He came to the office arranged for him.

Brand new.

But there's no furniture in it. Xie Wei knows that it's the technology of environmental protection technology company of Myanmar, which can lock the gas emission of various chemicals and make it safe.

Has been widely used in the global home field.

Every day is a gold mine.

"Ten minutes later, the hospital's management system will automatically upload your temporary license and assign patients to you. Considering that you are new here, the speed of assigning patients will be half that of other doctors." He Jun said.

He Jun is not a doctor.

It's administration.

"OK, thank you."

Looking at the watch in his hand, He Jun said, "you're welcome. It's a quarter past ten. I'll pick you up for dinner at noon, half past eleven in your capital time."


After he Jun left.

Xie Wei took a look at the simple office, sat in the doctor's position, took out a card from his wallet, and inserted it into the gap at the right corner of the table. The next moment, a sound of machine start-up sounded.


The surface of the table brightened.

"Medical management system of Myanmar Asia Pharmaceutical Group"

Chinese and Myanmar characters.

There is also a group icon below. The card just now is his temporary license. Only when it is inserted into the card slot can doctors use this system to activate this computer table.

At the same time.

Xie Wei noticed that it was monitoring the upper right corner.

Except for cards.

And face recognition.


Others can't start the equipment in the card, which Xie Wei likes very much. At least he won't lose the card and be taken to do bad things. As long as it's me, it's very convenient to operate.

A few seconds later.

When entering the management interface.

The large screen on the wall in front of him lights up. The screen on the table is for him to see. The wall is for the patient to see. The contents of the two displays are different. In the small drawer on the right, there is a laser pen.

But he didn't see the doctors.

Take the training book out of the bag.

Put it on the right side of the hand. Although it's very familiar, it's safe to put it beside you. If I don't remember for a while, it's a big deal to check on the spot. It's reasonable to say that even the prescription has nothing to do with him.

The system will automatically complete.

But the plan needs to be authorized by the attending doctor.


You have to know.

Three days ago.

He always thought it was easy to be a doctor here, but the doctor training that afternoon showed him that although there was a shortcut way to train doctors here, it also needed a lot of learning.

Myanmar Asia Pharmaceutical Group also has a system of examinations and professional titles.

In China.

A doctor starts from the most basic principles, passes examinations and practices, and finally starts to operate.

And this way.

It is to learn operation first and learn principle step by step, and it is necessary to learn. The content is not less than that of medical students in China. Their salaries are also linked with examinations and professional titles.

All in all.

He also remembered the explanation of the person in charge of the training department at that time, which was very simple, "not anytime, anywhere, there are equipment for you to use."


Based on this logic.

There is a high demand for doctors here.

It can be said to go to two extremes.

One extreme is to use equipment, check out comprehensive data, and then make diagnosis and treatment judgment. At the other extreme, the diagnosis of the disease is carried out without any equipment.

The former is simple.

The latter one is very difficult.

It was a book. Xie Wei looked at the "advanced teaching materials" of doctors here at that time. His mind was in balance. It turned out that he also attached great importance to the ability of doctors here.

It's not entirely on the equipment.

At that time.

It's very similar to the "hardship and helplessness" that they face when they go to university, graduate students, doctors and a medical book that is hard to chew.

Xie Wei felt a little cool.

The world.

It's still normal.