After coming out.

Sun Jiang rushes to the Central Bank of Myanmar.

Don't put off till the next day what you can do in one day.

Things are going pretty well, too.

From inside.

Come out after signing.

Not more than ten minutes.

And they signed it during the meeting time, which made sun Jiang a little "flattered". In the evening, a motorcade was organized in China to drive to Xin'an City, ready to pull back the first 100 tons of gold as soon as possible.

Why 100 tons?

Because the two sides reached an agreement last month.

This month.

Directly counting last month, 100 tons, worth more than 20 billion yuan, will be entered into the Bank of Myanmar Asia Group's account with the Central Bank of China as long as the quality and quantity are confirmed.

Just use it.


The next day.



Myanmar second central hospital.

The Chinese delegation.

With a deputy general manager of Myanmar Asia Pharmaceutical Group, he began to be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment process, which made some people wonder why they should be familiar with the process here, not just tell how to use the transcription medium?


There are still people with a heart in it.

Until some.

Come to a room.

A large number of cylindrical cabins have attracted people's attention.

A soldier is introducing.

"This is our intelligent diagnosis cabin, which integrates the latest diagnosis technology of the company. It can complete blood sampling, tissue sampling, laboratory test and general physical examination in a very short time."

At this time.

A patient just went in.

Only see.

After the hatch is closed.

At the same time, the ring-shaped mechanical arm was scanned from top to bottom. During the scanning, a glove like thing wrapped the patient's hand, but it was released in five seconds.

"That's it? What can be measured? "

One of the people whispered.

"You will be curious. What data have we got in this time? At this point, we can find someone to test. After all, we have the right to protect the privacy of the patient just now. "

The voice just dropped.

The delegation hummed.

Many people are eager to try.


A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences won the place.

His name is Shi Ze.

He has devoted his whole life to the treatment of immune diseases. Unfortunately, he has not made much progress. When he was very old, he could see the transcription medium. He was very excited. Many people were saved.

He wanted to know how it was made.

But just think about it.


It's not Huaxia's company. It's impossible for Huaxia to publish its technology. It's only for him to explore. He thinks that it's his task before he enters the coffin to prepare the transcriptional solution.

Enter this very powerful diagnostic module.

He was a little nervous.

After startup.


There was a slight numbness in the hand.

In addition.

There was no other discomfort.

A few seconds later, the numbness subsided, and the diagnosis cabin stopped working. The door was opened from the outside. At this time, he saw a piece of paper sticking out of a gap beside him.

"Look." The soldier handed it up.

Shi Ze looks at the result.


The eyes widen.


He was shocked by the fact that he listed hundreds of inspection results. One person in China wanted to complete the tests of these projects in one day, not at all.

But others.

Use this thing.

Less than a minute.

Among them.

Where there is a problem with the index, it is also marked out. This report shows that he has a little arteriosclerosis and fatty liver. Most importantly, it also says that he is in the late stage of latent Alzheimer's disease.


Asked Shi Ze.

"What do you mean by the end of incubation?"

"That is, if nothing happens, within a year, the early symptoms of Alzheimer's will begin to appear." The soldier explained, then, without waiting for Shi Ze to ask, "but rest assured, we can cure it."

"Can you heal?" Stone Ze Leng.

Others were also stunned.

Alzheimer's disease.

Commonly known as Alzheimer's disease.

The main treatment is to control the onset period.

That is to say, it can only delay the time from early stage to late stage, which can't be cured. Finally, it will gradually develop to late stage, which can't remember anything clearly, and then die of complications and organ failure.

At present.

No cure.


It doesn't seem to be able to treat Alzheimer's disease.

"Yes, with our new drug, the company has the ability to completely cure this disease. Now, it is undergoing the final clinical test, and will be officially launched at the beginning of next year."

The soldier explained.

Transcripts are not omnipotent.

Many diseases.

Other drugs are needed.


The news.

Let the heads of those present roar. If Alzheimer's disease can be cured, it will bring not only great social value, but also great economic value.


There are tens of millions of Alzheimer's patients.

There are more people than any cancer, which brings a lot of troubles to families. If it can be cured, the Myanmar Asia Pharmaceutical Group will make a big profit and be praised by countless people.

"Well, today's topic is not this, but our diagnosis and treatment process. If you want to use transcription medium, you have to use our devices to get the corresponding data."


Everyone is in a good mood.


The news.

It's still too strong to recover for a while.

"These data will not be determined by the licensed doctors, but through our increasingly accurate big data, we will make the first step of diagnosis and treatment suggestions, and then the doctors will conduct professional review." The soldier said.

"You mean, these, don't need a doctor?" Shize was surprised.

"Of course, but the energy of doctors is limited. In order to improve the efficiency, we have carried out a long time of tabular medication specifications, and constantly improved and enhanced the accuracy of medication."

"The standardization of this kind of medical medication can greatly improve the treatment efficiency. I think your country has a large population. This way can solve the problem of the shortage of medical resources."

"But if something goes wrong, who is in charge?"

Asked Shize.

Machine cure.

There is a big problem.

If something goes wrong, who will take the responsibility.

"This involves our means of diagnosis and treatment. Data is the basis of diagnosis and treatment. As long as the data is accurate enough, there will be no medical accidents and no follow-up responsibility."

"Medical accidents come from two aspects. First, the lack of understanding of the patient's body leads to misjudgment and medication. Second, it is the best time for artificial rescue and misoperation of the operation. "

"Human body is a limited range. As long as the data is accurate enough, medical accidents are impossible." The "fallacy" of the soldiers refreshed the "Three Outlooks" of all the people present.

What did the man say?

Medical accidents.

Can you control it completely?


Think about it.

No one is so easy to die, as long as he knows the most accurate pathology and applies the right medicine to the case, he will not cure the dead, but it is not easy to get the most accurate etiology and patient data.