Talk for a while.

Ge Feng went to entertain other guests.

Tang Qing and Chai Ren are drinking their own wine in the corner. There are only a few people they know in the United States, and they are not interested in going to the party. There are many acquaintances in Mujian, but they often meet.

Sometimes a party.

It's possible to meet a large number of elders.

And Tang Qing and Chairen.

It's hard to come to America once a year.

The next time I come, I don't know when. Therefore, he always accompanies Tang Qing and them. So does Liu Zhi. Ladies and ladies are familiar with each other. There's no need to be tired of being crooked for too long.

At this point.

They are talking about the issue of "era" listing in the United States.

"Tang Qing, do you want me to find a better lobbying company for you and hurry up?" Mujian suggested that the lobbying company, also known as the overt bribery company, could not pass the formalities, even if Tang Qing gave him a mobile phone.

"No, I've got someone to deal with it." Tang Qing shakes her head slightly.

Chai Ren said with a smile: "I'll tell you why Tang Qing didn't prepare. I hope those communication giants won't go crazy and make a moth out of this matter. Although I'm not afraid, but disgusting people "

" there will be people who will jump out and make hot spots, and see if they can succeed. " Mujian shakes her head.



What we want most is attention.

Many times.

Even if there is no interest drive behind them, they will also express their opinions on some sensitive issues and attract attention. These "wild monsters" are the most disgusting people, because their work is disgusting people.

These guys often make some highly controversial comments. In recent days, Mujian has seen several waves of people jump out to oppose the era's entry into the American market.

The reason is simple.

---Information security.


It's kind of funny.

When the politicians and professors proposed that the system of the era was insecure and personal information might be stolen, the next day, they were collectively sued by the legal team of ERV.

The reason is simple.

Era uses ERV's Sirius system. If you say that the system is not safe, that is to say that my Sirius is not safe. I can't think that I didn't see it. At the same time, those people were claimed by ERV for 200 million dollars.

Because the market value of ERV fell by 200 million dollars that day.

ERV insists that it is their speech that causes such a senseless accusation. They are stupid. In the face of ERV's powerful legal team, they immediately contact their lawyers, and the result is helpless for them.

They are not required to compensate for the loss of market value.


Unless they prove that Sirius system is not safe, ERV can also accuse him of slander and slander. If things get worse, ERV's share price will plunge. Finally, ERV can find any project and get them into the hole.

The laws of the United States.


The right to explain lies with the rich.

ERV at this time.

It belongs to the rich class. The crazy market value and the chairman of ERV, who is a little more than the second to ninth richest person in the world, is an absolute wolf.

It made a lot of people laugh.

Many people also understand that the era system cannot be hacked. People use the original ERV system. Even for their own sake, ERV will suppress those who blame the era system for its insecurity.

All right.

That's not a black system.

Let's have black and white hardware.


Qualcomm's, our American company, can't be hacked, or Qualcomm won't do it.

Storage? Samsung's is also an American company. It has a big business and can't be hacked.

Screen? Sony's... There's nothing black.

And then... Many people have found that there seems to be no information security related parts that can be blacked out. Apart from the shell and some plastics, the era has no technical content or intelligent parts.

The others are all owned by Allied companies.


That's why I'm lost.

many people make complaints about Tucao.

"Hate iron is not steel.".

If you want to innovate, you have to innovate thoroughly. For example, if you design a chip by yourself, it's not good. If you design an operating system by yourself, how well you design it by yourself, no one designed by Qingyuan technology will be able to be black.

Kertemer is all produced by Allied companies.

Qingyuan technology is just like an assembly plant, it can't find strong evidence to think about black.

It's hard.

It's because you understand that.

Mu Jian thinks Tang Qing is brilliant.

Almost all the contradictions have been thrown out. Others will come out for Tang Qing's "era" for their own benefit. Mujian's heart is greatly thumbed up by this operation.

Slip away.

"Tang Qing, the next mobile phone, is going to use the ERV system?" Mu Jian asked.

"Why not?" Tang Qing smiles.

Use your own system.

There are also many legal issues that can be reduced.

Why not? However, the second generation era will definitely not use the original system, and will carry out in-depth customization on the basis of Sirius. Yes, the customized version will still be handed over to ERV.

In this way.

Anyone who doubts the security of the communication system will suffer from the ERV's repression, and will not cause doubt. The chip is also a tree that can enjoy the cool for a while. Why do you need to take an umbrella outside the tree.


Of course.

There are still some disadvantages. People in China will surely say that Qingyuan technology is not patriotic. There is no problem. The domestic version uses Qingyuan technology systems and chips, and the international version uses Sirius system and Xiaolong.

There is no conflict.


What do you need to do.

There are so many soldiers under him. That's what they do for him.

"Hello, Tang Qing." A few people are talking, a Western beauty came over, big eyes, golden hair behind him, a couple of curly hair on the temples, on the proud chest.

"You are"

Seeing this woman, Tang Qing's eyes narrowed.

"My name is anasta, a fan of yours." Anasta has a charming smile on her face. Unfortunately, the face that most men like is a cold knife to Tang Qing.

CIA agent.


Very interesting.

"Yes." Tang Qing took a deep look at her.

"What are you talking about?" anasta said with a smile? Can I participate? "

"No." Tang Qing shakes his head.

Anasta's face changed a little. She handed over a business card.

"It seems that I'm interrupting. I work in the Communication Security Council of the United States. I like your era mobile phone very much. All tests are excellent. If we have time, we can have a good chat."

"Oh, light." Tang Qing took the card and made a gesture of asking.

This scene.

It's stupefied to see anasta.

Tang Qing, too, is puzzled by the customs. She is a beautiful woman who is also doing work related to Tang Qing's career. She should have a good attitude at least, which is totally different from the hospitality of a sound person.

Because it's the first time.

Anasta didn't think about what her identity was supposed to be.

"Excuse me, I think we'll have a chance to meet again." Finish saying, twist buttock to walk.