What Tang Qing showed him just now was a sensational news.

Sanlu was exposed by the media.

There is a problem with the milk powder of the company, which contains melamine that causes kidney stones in infants. The report in the news did not mention who reported it, just that a Quality Supervision Bureau spot checked it.

Display on another website on the screen.

It warned about this two months ago, and the word "blue sky" appeared in the logo on the top left corner of the website. Mei Wenlin had heard about the website, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Because it has nothing to do with him.

He is rich.

The food is made of high-grade goods, with few quality problems. It's safe to eat and live.

Under the exposure of blue sky net.

The problem broke out two years earlier.

It's also the fermentation of this matter that made Tang Qing see the news about the safety of canned food in the morning. In normal times, blue sky net can't appear in the media reports of China.

But this time, it was in the cannery report.

Someone fell.

Someone will get up.

This is an opportunity for Mei Wenlin. As for Huang Qi, he can also make some small money by the way. Mei Wenlin provides the brand and Huang Qi provides the channel. The two people are enough to share a share in this shaking time.

And Tang Qing.

I never thought of doing it myself.

Food industry.

Tang Qing's company will never set foot in it.

Even if they set foot in the business, they will not hold the shares, but not the shares. If they do not help, it is meaningless. So far, the food industry held by Tang Qing is only Li Jianguo's catering company.

The reason is simple.

Not very profitable at the same time.

This line of business is relatively dangerous.

The danger comes from business competition.

In the food industry, once someone does harm to him or poisons innocent people and causes serious social impact, the chairman of the board is going to be jailed. Although he is not afraid, he doesn't want to be so disgusted.

There are not so many problems in other industries.

No matter what.

Business competition will not turn to hurting a large number of innocent people.


Tang Qing does not set foot in such industries.

Doesn't mean the soldiers don't step in.

In the "Food Industry Alliance Plan", planting and breeding are inseparable. The soldiers have been doing it all the time. So far, they have a very large scale of planting and breeding, and a total of nearly one million mu of land, all over the world.

Horizontal expansion and upstream and downstream mergers have never stopped.

Supported by a huge amount of money.

Plus loan leverage.

The speed of its development surprised Tang Qing.

Milk powder.

In fact, there are also enterprises controlled by soldiers.

But it's not big.

Because the core purpose of the "Food Industry Alliance Plan" is not to make secondary processed products, but mainly to plant food crops that people need to survive, such as rice noodles, which can eat and eliminate hunger.


It's just accessories.

Like the mining union.

The most important thing is to obtain mineral resources, and the second is to process them.

For milk powder.

Tang Qing's idea may be quite old, that is, it's better to eat less of it. Anyway, milk powder is made of milk, which is good for cattle, but not necessarily for people.

With millions of years of human evolution, mothers pass on various antibodies to their children, not through the promotion of milk powder and businesses. It's just a part of the letter. Add some vitamin C, and there are many enterprises that dare to claim to enhance immunity.

And you can't say that people are making false propaganda.

Vitamin C.

It does have a little effect of enhancing human immunity.


Think of the food industry alliance.

Tang Qing can't help but think of the "fourth plan" in February, which is the largest ever. The upper limit set by Tang Qing is 5 billion US dollars. The whole plan has been implemented until the end of March.

For two months.

This is an attempt to try new 'content'.

Moreover, Tang Qing found that if they concentrate on one month at a time and rest in the middle for two months, it is easy for those casinos to find clues. Therefore, Tang Qing extended the planned time.

At the end of March.

Tang Qing finally decided on the final plan of the "Chen plan".

That is, instead of dividing the third time, abolishing the three-month cycle, it has become a year-round implementation, which is not limited to months, but only to areas. It is implemented in the range of 20 to 25 billion US dollars per year.

It's about two billion dollars a month on average.

This number is not large compared with the scale of the world's gambling industry, but it is stable. It includes not only the money to win casinos, but also the money to win those gamblers, as well as the money of various underground gambling companies.


Betting on horses.

Black boxing.

As long as it is related to gambling, it is included in the scope.

That's why there's such a "profit". Otherwise, it's impossible to achieve this amount just by winning the casino. What the soldiers have to do is to be a scum stick. Where there's money, they'll stick in.

And the money.

It will also be used in various projects through channel cleaning.

The future.

It can be predicted.

The whole world's gambling industry.

All of them will be shrouded in continuous rain. Tang Qing is at ease to earn money from these people.


In the villa.

Got Tang Qing's advice.

Mei Wenlin and Huang Qi are very excited.

After supper, he left in a hurry.

Ready to go back to make a good total, and then discuss with the family adults, Pan Yue also took Dou Jiao away, went to his parents' home, Rong Ying didn't go, her weekend is not over yet.

Get ready for another night.

Go back to her house tomorrow afternoon.

The next day.

Early morning.

It rained heavily in the Shanghai stock market, and the typhoon passed through. The rain seemed to pour down and Lin Jiaxue followed Yunxin to learn painting in the studio.

Tang Qing stands at the gate of the villa.


Thoughts fly.

"Mr. Tang, what are you worrying about?" Seeing Tang Qingleng stare at the heavy rain in the yard for half an hour, Rong Ying comes up and asks, the door is open, the cold wind blows continuously, and the cold Rong Ying wraps the collar.

"Worry? No. " Tang Qing shakes his head.

Rong Ying did not understand: "no? What are you looking at? "

"Look at the rain." To be honest, Tang Qing is really watching the rain.


Rong Ying obviously doesn't believe it.

After watching for a while, OK, she couldn't understand Tang Qing's "realm". After thinking about it, she couldn't stand in the cold, so she asked, "Mr. Tang, have you ever been upset about anything?"

"What is this, the accumulation of news material about me?" Tang Qing smiled and turned to Rong Ying, joking.

Although there is such an idea in her heart, Rong Ying won't admit it.

"No, that's the concern of ordinary friends. When I see you alone watching the rain, I think you are upset. If there is one, it will be better to say it." For this reason, Rong Ying gave herself a full mark.

Tang Qing doesn't care.

Slowly said:

"everyone will have troubles. I just need less. I've got rid of the troubles of firewood, rice, oil and salt. I don't worry about the house, the car, the lover, the harmonious family, many people who are very important to me. These people, I can make them happy and healthy.

But I also have new troubles. Like other Chinese entrepreneurs, when money becomes a number, there will be new pursuits. No, it's all suffering if I want more. I'm no exception, but what I want is not for the sake of humanity. "

Rong Ying listened quietly.

She doesn't understand.

This is for the rich.. Do you?

What else do you want when you have these things that ordinary people dream of or even can't even think of?

You can't go against the sky!