Of course, what the territory lacks is not only steel and cement, but also a lot of things.

Such as electricity and communication.

These two important "infrastructure projects" are also lack of materials. There are many equipment between the power plant and the user's home. Communication is also the same. Tang Qing, the quantum communication module, is not intended to be popularized in the territory, but only used for important enterprises and units, such as the Bank of Maine, for example, the communication between his army, and the emergency communication of various towns.

The mall can provide industrial equipment, but it cannot provide industrial products. Therefore, to complete the establishment of the power and communication network of the whole territory, you need to buy from outside, either buy raw materials, produce by yourself, or buy finished products and install by yourself.

In addition to the construction infrastructure, the infrastructure construction of the whole territory is really completed.

One is indispensable.


In order to regulate the foreign procurement of the territory in the future.

A full-time purchasing company has been established in the territory, which is subordinate to the Group Logistics Department of Bank of Myanmar.

From now on, the demand for raw materials and finished products of all industries under the Bank of Myanmar Asia Group in the territory will be handed over to this company for unified procurement, to avoid waste of resources and overlapping departments. At the same time, due to the large amount of procurement, it has strong bargaining power.

Not only the Bank of Myanmar group, but also the enterprises in the territory can purchase the production raw materials through this company, so as to facilitate the settlement and enjoy a large number of purchase preferences.

It doesn't count.

If you buy something, you have to sell it.

As a result, Tang Qing set up another company, dedicated to the export trade of all its products.

That is to say, those industries under the group do not have the right to purchase and sell products to the outside world. They will have the right of independent accounting unless they really become big trees, go out of the territory, carry out business around the world and have a strong influence.

Command room.

Just after the order was issued and a problem was solved, Tang Yi threw over another problem.

That's another tricky task request from the other side of the capital.

That's the pursuit of wanted people.

Because of the strong strength of the network behind the "parent seeking network", some time ago, they thoroughly checked the network of all the communication operators in the country, but could not find the abnormal upload and download traffic.

They can be sure that Tang Qing and other people can "share" the national network monitoring. As long as the monitoring is connected to the network, Tang Qing and other people can come and go freely at any time. At last, they can't help it. The information warfare research center delivered a report of losing face and losing home, which was scolded half dead by the superior leaders.

However, the "blue gene" supercomputer computing permission obtained later also helped the Ye Hong family to return to China, or even rent one trillion computing resources, so that they could deeply understand the powerful strength of Tang Qing and the pressure of the research center dropped.

After such a long period of cooperation, the initial trust has also been established, so suddenly someone suggested that they help to catch the fugitives, isn't it good? As soon as this proposal is put forward, there are many responders. At present, the domestic monitoring network is still very low, with small coverage, and the face recognition software is still a conceptual state.

If we can find the criminals like looking for children, it will be a good thing for the safety of the country and the people's lives.

After layers of reporting and demonstration.


The above finally agreed to the task request scheme.

So I quickly released the request.

Tang Qing can't help but look at this task. Your sister's is really able to climb up the pole. However, it's also good. It's the duty of every citizen to fight against criminals. Tang Qing also thinks it's necessary to fight against so many dangerous people. Besides, there are rewards. Although he can't get a dime, he also helps those poor children earn it.

Let Tang Yi reply "yes", and then specify the details of the cooperation.

The other side.

In that special office.

See the reply, the person who stares at the website immediately reports.

After so long cooperation, they also found a rule that major tasks are usually answered in the evening. They think it's a meeting and discussion in Tang Qing's side, so they have been prepared for it for a long time. Many families should go to bed at this time, but they are shouldering the task of working in one person and dare not slack off.

Conference room.

Looking at the information from Tang Yi, they don't know whether to be happy or worried.

There is a whole detail of the cooperation, which basically overturns the cooperation mode they formulated before.

In the details sent by Tang Qing, it is stipulated that:

1. The website is provided by Tang Qing. The state needs to send all the information about the wanted criminals to be traced, but if there are conditions, the information about the criminals must be detailed.

2、 Every person who provides the address information of a wanted person, no matter whether he is caught or not, will be charged RMB 100000 without bargaining.

3、 If the term of imprisonment is less than three years, he will not be accepted.

The first one is for someone to avoid abusing his power and wronged a good person. If you can't send a picture of yourself, I will help you trace it. If that person is a good person, it is to help tyranny. Tang Qing doesn't want to figure out this kind of thing.

The second one is to make money. 100000 yuan is not expensive. Many wanted criminals' rewards are much higher than this. The third one is mainly to avoid trivial matters. More than three years is a relatively serious crime. It's better to let police uncles solve cases in less than three years. All cases should be handled and many people will lose their jobs.

He's not a babysitter.

In general.

It's a fair cooperation. On the other side of the

, the conference room is very depressed. The money is not too bad. They have not considered the money now because it is for the children, but they want to help those children, but they are not able to do so. This is not a single person has the final say, but now someone jumped out to take over the job, and they also admire him.

But the other two conditions are a little bit hehe.

Information on the perpetrators is needed.

These files are classified. They can't be given randomly.

"What to do?"

"Report it to me. It's about your police headquarters."

"Report it. I have no right to make a decision."


The atmosphere of the meeting felt more and more strange. The leaders felt that they and others were more and more like communicators rather than senior officials.

Ten minutes later.

"Agree with the requirements over there, do a good job of post communication, and, 100000 RMB for one person, it's not cheap. If you have a clue to send, you need to catch people quickly." Said the man in the first place, rubbing his head.

"Of course, it's so expensive."

Tang Qing in the command room looks at the consent message over there.


"Tang Yi, you have to work again. Remember, carefully screen, allow you to collect information from all channels, and don't wronged good people." This is the top priority.

"Yes, commander in chief."

PS: Chapter three, ticket seeking!