All the people went off to check the things that they had brought. The hunting was only in the afternoon. They were prepared to eat in the woods at noon. For this reason, the bodyguards were carrying water and barbecue tools, shovel, pot bowls, and seasoning.

Of course, considering that if we don't get anything later, we can't be hungry. The bodyguards are OK, but we can't starve our own boss, so there is enough dry food for us to eat.

"Let's go, let's go." See everyone is ready, Mujian said loudly.

A group of people walked towards the mountain.

Two bodyguards lead two doggies in the front, one leads a biter in the middle. They are all extremely fierce dogs. They are able to fight wolves. They are extremely intelligent.

As soon as Qitian entered the forest, he followed the soldier. Looking at the cold expression of the soldier, he said, "brother yuan, have you ever hunted before?"

“。。。” The soldier didn't speak.

Qitian is also expected, but if she gives up once, it will promote her relationship. It's like chasing a girl. If she doesn't pay attention to you, you can only be single for a lifetime. Of course, if she doesn't pay attention to you again, you don't need to spend time. The reason is that it's so simple. It's not that you don't do it Enough.

"Brother yuan, where is your family?" Qitian asked with a smile.

This time the soldier spoke, but the content really made his face stiff. The soldier looked into Qi Tian's eyes and said coldly, "Mr. Qi, please don't disturb my work, thank you."

"Well... It's to ease the atmosphere. " Qitian whispered.

He was depressed about the flat food.

“。。。” The soldier didn't answer. He went on.

Qi Tian can only angrily observe the soldiers and think of any way to make a friend. So he gives up and becomes a bodyguard.

Chai Ren, who was walking in front of him, suddenly complained: "Jianzi, how can you walk for a long time without any prey? Do you usually come to finish fighting?"

"Half a day's fart, it's only a kilometer's journey. Besides, can I finish it alone? There are many migrating animals in such a big forest." Mujian didn't say well.

"Haha, I don't want to take the first shot." Chai Ren laughs.

"No, you're lucky. There's a pheasant ahead. Let's fight." Mujian pointed to a turkey more than 40 meters away.

Chai Ren shook his head and said, "no, it's a waste of bullets. It's not delicious. I'll shoot a big guy for the first shot. Like last time, at least it's bigger than your dog."

"Don't worry, there are a lot of wild boars in this season. You have to fight them." Said Mujian.

"But I want to fight wolves," said Chai Ren, with his mouth open

Pig fighting? How do you think he feels like a low? Although it's a boar, it's not a pig.

"Go away, it's good to fight with pigs. If you want to fight with wolves, why don't you fight with bears?" Mujian said at a glance.

"I'll fight if I have." Said Chai Ren in a groan.

"Boss, there's a situation." The bodyguard in front said suddenly, but the dog didn't bark. Instead, he stared at the other side fiercely and waited for the master's order. These are trained dogs and smart. He knew that this was not the time to bark.

At this time, four black shadows appeared more than 50 meters in front of them, and all of them were on guard immediately. Only the soldier didn't even hold the gun in his hand, looking very unprofessional, but no one would doubt his professional ability.

It's full of confidence.

At a glance, there are four adult wild boars.

When Chai Ren saw it, he immediately got excited, loaded his gun and aimed at it. He said, "I'm here at last. Let's see my shooting skills."

"I'll wait. It'll be fun if I miss." Mujian is holding the gun and looking at it with a smile. Although there are four wild boars, he often plays with the gun. If it wasn't for Chai Renlai, he wouldn't be interested in hunting. It's so much fun shooting in the shooting range. He's tired of hunting since he was a child. It's better to play with his daughter.

Chai Ren took the gun. During the aiming period, one of the boars was digging the ground. Because of the trees in the forest, it was the only boar that could see the head. There was no wind in the forest. Besides, there was no need to adjust the gun because it was only fifty meters apart.


A gunshot echoed in the woods, without a silencer.

The wild boar fell to the ground and twitched. The other three wild boars were scared to run around quickly, presenting a "true picture" of each boar flying in the face of disaster.

"Perfect." Chai Ren put away his gun and said with satisfaction.

"Cut, let's go. Keep going." Said Mujian.

Then he went to the boar's place.

"It's a good start." Chai Ren looked at the wild boar which was still shaking at least two hundred Jin and nodded and smiled.

After that, Chai Ren didn't linger, let alone take photos to play. Instead, he went straight ahead and ignored the boar.

They didn't plan to take it back to eat or make lunch, just to play. This kind of wild boar meat is delicious. They just threw it here, regardless of whether they care about it, and left it to other beasts as food.

A group of people walked slowly forward. Sometimes when the road was not easy to walk, they had to cut the mountain with a knife. However, they didn't need soldiers to do it. The two bodyguards in front would do it.

As he walked through a big tree, Qitian's face changed and he said loudly.

"Be careful."

This sentence scared everyone. They hurriedly warned around. Mujian and Chairen turned to look at Qitian. They had met some big beasts, but they had nothing.

Only Qitian's eyes at this time are the same as seeing ghosts, staring at the soldiers stupidly.

The two bodyguards behind him also have big mouths.

Because a snake suddenly sprang out of the tree just now and rushed to the soldier's neck to bite it. Although Qitian didn't know what kind of snake it was, the snake that could attack people actively was not poison free, and it was still in this kind of jungle.

He said that when he was careful, the snake was already in the air, on the right side of the soldier.

According to the speed of human response, in fact, Qitian's words are too late. He thought the soldier would get a bite, but he saw the next thing clearly. When the snake rushed to the soldier, the soldier didn't seem to notice it at all. But the next second, he only felt that the picture turned, just like watching a movie without many frames, and the soldier's hand was always grasping the snake's head and twisting it hard.

Snake.. Dead.

The soldier released his hand, the snake fell on the ground and was still writhing. Then the soldier walked forward without looking at it, as if nothing had happened, so calm and relaxed. He thought he couldn't do it at all.

Is this the psychological quality and reaction speed that human beings should have? What's the matter? Brother yuan killed a snake? " Mujian asked. Mind way: it's just a snake. What a fuss.

"That.. That. " Qitian doesn't know how to describe such a "Thriller" scene.

There's always a sense of watching American blockbusters.

Cold blooded killer?

"What's that? Don't you kill a snake, but let's forget the meat. It's not delicious." Mujian shook his head and said that there are not many good things in the world that he hasn't eaten, eating snakes.. Just like boar, I have no interest at all.

Qi Tian opens his mouth and doesn't say anything. What can we say or explain? We can only follow the team.

At this time, the soldier has been listed as "extremely dangerous" by him.

But without taking a few steps, the soldier suddenly turned around and took out his weapon.


The soldier shot at Qi Tian's feet without hesitation, which scared him instinctively back two steps.

"What do you do?" Qi Tian's men in the back immediately questioned, pointing their guns at the soldiers.

"It's you who have to be careful." The soldier said lightly, and then put away his gun.

This cold gunshot made people turn their eyes again and look at the snake whose head was knocked off at Qi Tian's foot. The snake's body is still crawling instinctively. Qi Tian was scared again. Like the snake just now, he was bitten. He was definitely injured. Although he and others have brought several antivenoms, it's not fun to be bitten.

"Thank you."

Qitian said with a wry smile and thanks. The warrior's skill was seen before. Now he also saw the shooting method. Such a small target is still a moving snake. He turned his head and killed it in a flash. He thought he could not do this.

What's more, how did the soldiers find the danger behind them? Qi Tian was puzzled. At last, it can only be attributed to the strong ear power of the soldiers. Otherwise, the magic?

It's true that Qi Tian guessed it right. All kinds of sensory data of the soldiers will be sent to the command room for careful analysis. General data will not be fed back to the soldiers, such as flying over a group of geese, but the judgment of snake attacking people will still be fed back to the soldiers. As for whether to take action, it's the business of the soldiers. As long as it's not about the protection target, the soldiers can Make your own decisions. Just then, we just followed the basic principle of "reciprocity".

"Be careful, everyone. The snakes in this place are fierce." Mujian reminds her that she has to be careful when she meets two snakes.

PS: it's over here tomorrow. I just don't know whether you like this plot or not. I feel the water has been so long, and the main character hasn't appeared for a long time. Hee hee.

Tang Qing:... MMP. "