After an exchange of greetings, Tang Qing's car is in front, and Chu Feng's car is in the back, driving to the hotel.

Originally, Zheng Xiu wanted to take Tang Qing's car before, but there was obviously one more person behind him. Zheng Xiu could not let Chu Feng drive alone in the back, so he naturally acted as a driver.

Less than ten minutes.

A group of six people came to the hotel where Tang Qing's parents had booked the box. As for why they didn't pick up Tang Fu and Tang mu, that's because the hotel was just across the road from Tang Qing's shop. It was very close. Tang Fu and Tang Mu also considered that they didn't need to bother others to pick up and send them. Besides, it was not far away here. After a few steps, they could go back to open the shop.

This is a private restaurant. Its name is also very "orthodox". It's called Liu's restaurant. The plaque is not big but special. On the wooden plaque, there are four gold characters written in calligraphy that Tang Qing can't speak of. There is also a red signature that doesn't know what it's written. It's tilted downward and hung. It looks like it's really a little "simple". From the outside, it can be seen that it's decorated It's also very good. Although I haven't arrived at the meal point, there are many customers in it.

It wasn't long after they came to the box, Tang Fu and Tang Mu came, which was another introduction. However, Tang Qing didn't introduce the identity of Zheng Xiu and Chu Feng, so that his parents wouldn't feel comfortable eating this meal. Tang Fu and Tang Mu didn't know that they were at the same level and even higher than before. He didn't want to see that his parents were more humble, or natural.

Seeing that Tang Qing didn't introduce his identity, Zheng Xiu and Zheng Xiu didn't feel anything. Zheng Xiu didn't care. Chu Feng didn't have time to care. When the County Public Security Bureau went downstairs, Chu Feng asked Tang Qing about his background. He was only slightly surprised to learn that Qin Yugang was the owner of the car, but Zheng Xiu didn't know about it.

So during the meal, Sun Chao was miserable. Facing the attack of an old fox on all kinds of high hats, Sun Chao and his grandmother were a little overwhelmed. Tang Qing also rushed to the rescue. Although Chu Feng didn't ask anything, he had already guessed that this man was probably a driver. As for who was the owner, it seemed that he could only go back to recruit people, but he did There is no hope, after all, the rich do not hang their own car to go a lot.

After dinner, Tang Qing and his party embarked on their return journey.

No matter whether he left home or went home, Tang Qing was not very interested in sitting in the car. The whole return car was quiet and thoughtful, but there was a common feature, that is, he did not give up his hometown and hoped for the future.

It's nearly five in the afternoon.

They returned to Qingyan city.

First, Lin Jiaxue was sent back. After the things were moved up, Tang Qing went back to his uncle's house without stopping.

Today, on Monday, my uncle and aunt who was working at that time had not come back. As soon as Tang Qing entered the gate, he saw Qin Shiqi "warmly" take over all kinds of things in his hands. He was very attentive. Qin Shiyu also came to help him cleverly.

It's just that it's not Qin Shiqi at ordinary times. Tang Qing, who has experience, smiles and instantly understands her cousin's mind.

Sure enough.

Just put it down. Qin Shiqi has another standard "blackmail" action. She reaches out, bends her fingers and picks her eyebrows. Qin Shiyu directly covers his face and goes back to the room. She can't see such a scene.

"Your new year's money is running out so fast?" Tang Qing asked, knowing this, that the dead fish had to jump a few times, so he had no face to surrender.

"No, my sister and I helped you with your luggage just now. This is the service charge." Qin Shiqi said with a smile.

"Sister, how can I feel that you are more and more like a robber?" Tang Qing said with a smile.

"No, this is my income from labor. This time.. Okay.. Give you a discount and you'll get fifty. " Knowing that Tang Qing has money, Qin Shiqi's way of asking for money is more and more varied. But she doesn't need much for a "sensible" person, just a "rare opportunity". If she uses more items, she won't be able to use them.

"Here, there is no change. Here you are." Tang Qing directly stuffed more than 100 past, he really did not have 50 change, pocket change only 21 yuan 30, all directly stuffed past.

In his opinion, the change is not good-looking. It's in his pocket.

Tang Qing found that he was becoming more and more "local tyrant".

"Hee hee, if you are wise, you should pay for the next time I wash your clothes." Then Qin Shiqi counted the money in his hand with two eyes of scenery. Tang Qingfang didn't pay much attention to it. He just grabbed it and many of them were wrinkling. Qin Shiqi took the trouble to "carefully" spread the money one by one and never let go of a dime.

"Did you wash the clothes?" Tang Qing murmured that although Qin Shiqi helped him wash clothes, more of them were given to Qin Shiyu, a sister who is a cleaner and more obsessive-compulsive. Sometimes it was her aunt who washed them. But Tang Qing was more diligent after her rebirth. After all, she was mentally in her thirties. If her cousin washed her underwear, he would be embarrassed. I don't know where I came from before. I'm so lazy.

Fortunately, Qin Shiqi has been counting money and didn't hear what he said, or she will give him lessons again.

Although school is about to start the day after tomorrow, and the school doesn't assign homework, but Tang Qing didn't write it directly, and he didn't prepare to hand it in. This is the first advantage of grade. As long as you keep it, you won't be afraid of the little things like homework, and no one will take charge of it. After school starts, you will have a monthly exam. Tang Qing doesn't believe that anyone can compare him. If there is one, just catch him and ask him where he came from. Don't say? See the gun in my hand...


After washing and rinsing in the evening, Tang Qing lies on the bed and calls out his own information.

Host name: Tang Qing

level: Level 3

experience: 360400

loan limit of this month: 2002 million

personal limit of this month: 0.4 million

extractable assets: 685.23 million

spirit: 160

Constitution: 170

source gas value: 0

convertible foreign currency: US dollar, euro.

He has completed the task of five million yuan of foreign loans and obtained ten sources of gas. Tang Qing has directly added them to his constitution. Originally, the task of overdraft for a few months could accomplish an achievement, but he didn't do it. He was going to do it at the end of the month, because it was useless to add it, and he couldn't upgrade or unlock the gene lock, which was completely unnecessary.

More than 680 million yuan, which is all of Tang Qing's deposits now, and tomorrow or in the early morning, the total amount will exceed 700 million yuan.

Of course, it's not only the arbitrage profits, but also the earnings of stock arbitrage. In addition, the euro is constantly appreciating, and every day, the profits are slightly down. But it's still above 15 million, almost below 15 million. However, Tang Qing doesn't care. It's a little small.

It's estimated that when Liu Qian's 300 million loan matures, he will have nearly one billion in his pocket.

Alas, there is too much money. What should I do.

Tang Qing is really a little worried. Some people see that the more money they save, the more secure they feel. He used to feel the same way, but the money is to a certain extent. Instead of keeping up with the increase in their sense of security, they feel a little more uneasy.

Shit, forget it, sleep, wake up and think about it.

The night passed.

The next morning, Tang Qing came to the Tang Dynasty clothing.

It's new year's day. Naturally, I'd like to meet the people at the bottom of my hand, exchange greetings, encourage and brush the sense of existence. Otherwise, just giving money is not a good boss.

At this time, the meeting room on the third floor of the prosperous Tang Dynasty is also full of people, with smiling faces, communicating with each other the interesting events of the new year. Yang Kai met them and didn't stop them. Although it's not the off-duty time, the company's senior executives are talking about things that have nothing to do with their work with a decent salary. They are still in the meeting room, which is a bit outrageous. But when Tang Qing's funds are in place, the next departments are estimated to be busy and crazy. Yang Kai just smiled, so let's relax.

Last year, the company didn't make much money. Although the profits of e-commerce are quite large, they are far from each other compared with the operating costs of the company. As a whole, they are in a mess. The financial statements can't be read at all. But Tang Qing also gave them a lot of year-end awards. They have passed a good year one by one, but they are rich in material, but in spirit It's always tight, because many people are thinking about how to make a mess with the huge capital injection next year.

Come to the door of the meeting room.

Tang Qing didn't push the door in this time, but someone opened it.

I don't know if I pushed the door in person last time to attract the attention of interested people. Tang Qing saw a new one in the change of the company's management system in the weekly two days ago. That is to let the office people send a person to open the door for the company's leaders at every important meeting. As for why the door of the meeting room is not always open, the person who raised this question should be straight Get rid of.

When Tang Qing entered the meeting room, everyone stopped talking and sat up straight.

Tang Qing once again felt a sense of shameful superiority.

Of course, not everyone looks serious. There are always a few exceptions. Qi Yan and others keep "winking" at him and "smiling". He just can't see. After the last annual meeting, the male of the company is more and more afraid of Tang Qing. This fear comes from inferiority. No matter their status, appearance, body and so on, they can't compare with Tang Qing's strengths except for living for some years and reading more books.

But the female employees are more and more 'no big, no small'. I don't know if it's the song "happy sigh" that he will sing that moves them. One by one, they are full of love. Just when he went upstairs, he was' teased 'once, and shook hands with a girl from the design department. Although he was only interested in Lin Jiaxue's small hands, he couldn't resist others' interest in his hands Ah, the girl won't let go if she holds it. Depend on it, isn't it because my hand is a little whiter and softer than yours? If I touch anything, it will make his goose bumps.

But it wasn't totally unproductive. The girl gave him a package of local specialty made by his family --- sweet potato stem.

Well, Tang Qing is also not polite to accept the sweet potato stem that is earned by selling the hue. He shared some with Sun Chao on the way and the taste is good. The rest is in his pocket, ready to eat as snacks later.

After Tang Qing sat down, Yang Kai said that he had arrived.

Tang Qing begins to speak.

"Keke, Hello everyone, this year has passed. I hope you can take it easy. Next will be a year of rapid development of the Tang Dynasty and the first year of the rise of the Tang Dynasty. In the future, it will not only be the costumes of the Tang Dynasty, but also the group of the Tang Dynasty. I hope it can go to the world and let our stores open in every country. So I hope you can cooperate sincerely and work togethe