After one night's thinking, the next day, ehun and Yuan Hui went to the hospital together in the morning.

"Dad, did you have breakfast?" Ehorn opened the thermos on the small table and said, "I made some purple potato porridge in the morning. Please try it."

"Yes." Yiweihai leaned against the soft pillow at the back and looked at the food box on the table.

Ehorn filled a small bowl of porridge, wiped the edge of the porridge water with a pad, and mixed it with a spoon. After a little cool, he placed the bowl in front of eweihai. Paying attention to ehorn's careful action, iwihai didn't say anything. He stirred the spoon in the porridge bowl and took a bite before saying: "the fire is a little bit worse. Purple potatoes are not waxy enough. Next time when cooking this porridge, purple potatoes should be put earlier." After a pause, ivehae asked, "are you in a casserole?"

"Yes." Ihorn nodded immediately after a pause. "Yes."

"It's more delicious to cook porridge in casserole, but it's also more demanding to handle it in hot pot. Just try it a few times more." He said.

“……” Ihorn felt warm in his heart. It seemed that he had only seen the food cooked by ihorn's wind before. But for his works, iworn just shook his head, never evaluated or told him how to improve.

"Only this?" Asked ivehae.

"These are delicate dishes." Ehorn immediately put a small dish beside the porridge bowl.

“……” Yiweihai frowned slightly, and then, under the expectant eyes of yihaoen and Yuanhui, he took a reluctant taste.

Crispy and delicious, moderate salt, dry fried sesame is very crispy.

Take a deep breath, Yi Weihai has to admit that if it is really about cooking, this Yi family will count Yi Lanyou as the first one.

"How is it?" Ehun asked curiously when he saw that iwihai didn't speak.

In the morning, they were all full of praise for this cold dish. It was the first time he had such a delicious cold dish, so he brought some to Ivey.

"Not bad." He said at random.

“……” Hearing the answer from yiweihai, yihaoen looked at Yuan Hui helplessly.

Yuan Hui laughs. What's yiweihai's attitude towards yilanyou? It's good to say a word at this time.

"What did you think of what I told you yesterday?" Iwihai looked at ihorn and asked.

If ihorn refuses again, maybe he will use the medicine sent by the owner of the fee family. Even if he fights for this old life, he can't let the Yi family fall in his own hands.

"Dad, eat first." "We'll talk about it when you've finished," said ihorn

"Yes." Yiweihai is not in a hurry. He finishes his breakfast in silence.

Near the end of the meal, the doctor and the nurse came over: "the old man is in good condition, and he can be discharged tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" As soon as ihorn's eyes brightened, he was completely stable. Then he could let go.

"Yes." The doctor nodded and looked over the medical record and said: "after discharge, we should pay attention to rest, light diet, and not too much emotional fluctuation."

"Good, good doctor." Ihorn nodded his head to show that he remembered.

Seeing the doctor and the nurse leave the ward, ihorn's mouth kept rising.

"So reluctant to take care of me?" Iwihai gave ihorn a white look.

"He is so happy to know that you are going to be discharged and that you are in a stable condition." Yuan Hui teases Yixuan bamboo and says.

"Ahhh!" Yi xuanzhu looks at Yuan Hui's dangling fingers in front of him. He wants to catch them, but he is always a little less angry.

"Yes." Yihaoen also hurriedly replied that it is his responsibility as a son to take care of yiweihai, which is not willing.

"Hum." Yiweihai snorted and ate the last mouthful of porridge.

The special guard on the other side rushed to take the empty food box out and clean it.

"Dad, after you leave the hospital..." Ihorn looked at the sea and asked tentatively.

"I have a home, so I want to go back to Iraq." He said.

"Dad, you are the only one in Kyoto. We are not sure. Why don't you come back to Z city with us?" "Izzie is not fit to stay in Kyoto now," he said

"Why not!" Yiweihai frowned. He moved Yishi to Kyoto in order to take root in it?

Now if I give up at this time, when can I come to Kyoto, and when can I stay behind other families?

"Dad, we all know about Izzie." Yuan Hui said in some embarrassment, "if it is hard to wear down in Kyoto now, it will do us no good at all."

"How do you know?" "Yiweihai just questioned and understood:" it's yilanyou

“……” Yuan Hui and yihaoen look at each other. They really asked yilanyou to investigate Yishi's current situation.

When Chang Ning handed over the documents to them, they also knew the difficulties of Izod.

It's not a wise move to stick to Kyoto in such a situation. If it goes on like this, it will really hurt Yishi's foundation. It's better to go back to Z City and make plans. "When I left Z's, she blocked me in every way. Now she wants to drive me back to Z city. She doesn't want me to stand firm in Kyoto, and she doesn't want Yi's family to stand firm in Kyoto!" "It's worthy of being yuan Dingtian's granddaughter!"

"Dad!" When ehun heard that, he felt a pain in his head. "Dad, you are not so unreasonable." When Yuan Hui heard that his daughter and father had been scolded by yiweihai, she was a little upset: "what's the situation of Yishi, don't you know at all? What are you sticking to? Is it for your face? Do you have to hit your head against the south wall for this reason? "

“……” The face of the iwei sea is ugly.

"Ah Hui." Ehorn pulls his wife. "You forgot what the doctor said?"

Now we can't let the mood of ivehia fluctuate too much.

“……” Yuan Hui just shut up, but there was no joy on her face.

Once again, the atmosphere in the whole ward dropped to freezing point.

Ihorn also felt a little embarrassed, but he tried to find something to ease the atmosphere: "let me put the small table away."

With that, ihorn put away the small table on the sickbed.

I saw that the small dining table was closed, and the whole bed was empty. Yixuan bamboo wanted to play in the bed and reached for yiweihai.

"Small bamboo, don't make noise." Yuan Hui patted Yixuan bamboo on the back. "Didn't you see the child looking for Grandpa?"