Quan Zou and Ye Ningxiao chatted as they ate. The two of them were laughing and laughing. Quan Zou was a handsome man who loved to act cute. No matter what kind of woman he was with, he would always make them laugh out loud.

Chief Quan was very handsome, the kind that makes women drool just by looking at him. Plus, he was gentle and charming, and he was also a master at acting cute, so many women liked him even more.

It was easy for him to think of any kind of woman. He could chase whoever he wanted, and there was no time when he didn't succeed.

Moreover, many times, those women had taken the initiative to pursue the policy.

Today, Ye Ningxiao was originally an innocent little girl with an adult's figure, but her brain was an extremely innocent person. When she saw someone like Quan Zou, she could not help but smile.

Thus, this meal was truly a very joyous one.

Ye Ningxiao could be heard laughing heartily after the meal. In such a high-end restaurant, it was truly a wonder.

The crowd looked at the two of them, but Quan Zhe didn't care and continued to play around with them.

Ye Ning Xiao continued to smile foolishly. Quan Zouhua looked at the beautiful and innocent girl who had an affair with her and liked her from the bottom of his heart. Furthermore, he began to admire Ye Ning Xiao even more.

From the bottom of his heart, he liked this naive girl.

This woman was not pretentious, did not like to have a small temper, and was not a spoiled brat. She was different from other girls, which was why she was so unique.

Quan Zouhua thought to himself. He wanted to get her from the bottom of his heart. In fact, he wanted to go to the bottom of her heart and bring her joy and warmth every day. He wanted to let her live a carefree life like this.

Quan Zou ate the food on the plate and looked at Ye Ningxiao before suddenly saying, "Xiaoxiao, can you be my girlfriend? I like you so much. To see you every day is my wish. To be able to eat with you every day is my wish. Just promise me. "

Quan Zhao said seriously.

"Alright, stop joking around. How could I be your girlfriend? I already have a boyfriend. Stop joking around."

With that, Ye Ningxiao looked at him before giving a firm reply.

The atmosphere immediately turned awkward.

Ye Ningxiao lowered her head and continued eating, but she no longer spoke.

When Quan Zou saw that he had ruined the beautiful atmosphere, he felt that something was wrong, so he changed the topic.

"Alright, alright, I was joking with you, why are you taking it so seriously. You silly girl, I know who you like. Eat, eat. "

"I know you love eating beef, but you don't know how to cut it. Let me help you cut it, you are just like a child, you do not know how to take care of yourself. If I were your boyfriend, I would have taken care of you until the end. Eat quickly."

As Quan Zou spoke, he handed the sliced beef to Ye Ningxiao.

Ye Ningxiao smiled and stuck out her tongue at Quan Zouhua before starting to eat the sliced beef.

"Hurry up and eat. I'll send you home after dinner. Hurry up and eat."

As Quan Zou spoke, he used his hand to stroke Ye Ningxiao's head.

When Ye Ningxiao saw this, she said, "Alright, I got it. Send me home later on. I'm not a child, so I can go home myself. Also, you can't touch my head in the future. I'm not a puppy, really."

Ye Ningxiao pouted and said.

After a while, they finished eating and walked out of the restaurant. Ye Ning Xiao called for a taxi in the direction of her home, but Quan Zou stopped her, saying, "Why are you home so early? Let's go look around the night market." You ate so much today, went shopping, and then digested everything. Only then would it not be easy for you to grow fat. Look at you, you've already gotten a little fat, how are you going to film now, and how are you going to appear on screen in the future. "

After giving ten thousand reasons, Quan Zouhua finally dragged Ye Ningxiao to the night market.

The two of them began to stroll around the night market.

Seeing that she could not change the outcome, Ye Ning Xiao had no choice but to let him go. When she began browsing, she secretly sent a text message to Fang Tian Wang when she saw that he was going to choose something.

After waiting for 5 minutes and seeing that Fang Tianwei did not reply, she decided to make a phone call. Quan Zouhua came over to take her to see something, so he did not mind.

"Xiaoxiao, is this little doll of yours fun? Let's play with it."

As he said that, he handed her a fluffy white puppet. It was really pretty. Ye Ning Xiao liked it quite a bit, so she put it on and teased him.

After playing around for a while, Quan Zouhua decided to buy it.

The two men moved on.

"Take a look at that candy maker. Let's go take a look."

Before Ye Ningxiao could reply, Quan Zouhua had already pulled him over.

"Look at that, it's Sun Wukong. It's so pretty. I want to make a Pork Eight Commandments. Boss, please make one for me. I want that Sun Wukong as well, and I want the Pork Eight Commandments as well. Boss, hurry up and do it."

Quan Zouhua said.

Very quickly, he obtained two sugar dancers. He waved in front of Ye Ning Xiao's face and said, "I'll give you Zhu Bajie, take a bite."

As he said this, he handed it to her. However, just as Ye Ningxiao was about to bite down on it, he retracted the sugar figurine, making the two of them laugh out loud.

When the passersby saw them, they thought it was a couple.

Thinking that Fang Tianjing was still waiting for her, she sent him another text message. Just as she was about to give him a call and saw that he had not replied yet, Quan Zou came again with all the things in his hands. He looked at Ye Ningxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, I've bought you so many things. I'll send them back to you later, and I'll even send you the things I brought back with me later."

"No need, no need. Why are you buying me so many things? I don't want so many things, take some away."

Ye Ningxiao anxiously replied.

"I bought it for you, how can you reject it? You have to take it back, I'll send it back later." Don't take a taxi, I'll drive you back. "

Quan Zouhua answered leisurely.

Seeing that Quan Zouhua refused to give in, Ye Ningxiao could only agree to let him send her home.

However, Ye Ningxiao thought about it and decided not to let him return to his apartment. She was afraid that Fang Tianwei might be unhappy, so she decided to let him take him back to his father's house.

"Quan Zou, send me to my dad's place. It's already so late, there's so many things I can't use even if I wanted to. Send some things to my dad. "My dad lives in the west side of the city. Go get the car, I'll wait for you here. We'll go to the west side of the city later."

As Ye Ningxiao spoke, she waited.

Quan Zou gave a few more instructions before he went to get the car.

The car soon arrived, and the two of them began to drive towards the west side of the city.

As for Fang Tiangwan, he wanted to surprise Ye Ningxiao when he returned home that night and prepare a candlelight dinner for him.

He first fried some beef and then made some pasta.

After lighting the candles, he got two glasses of red wine and waited for Ye Ningxiao to return home.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He saw a text message from Ye Ning Xiao, saying that she would be back a little later.

Today was Fang Tianjing's birthday. The reason why he prepared so many things was so that he could celebrate for himself.

However, this Ye Ning Xiao did not return. She was very disappointed.

But then he thought, maybe she really had something on, so he waited for a while.

I can't judge this because of my suspicions.

Thinking of this, he sat down on the sofa and began watching TV, while waiting for Ye Ningxiao.

While waiting, it was almost 12 o'clock, but Ye Ning Xiao still had not come back. Furthermore, she had sent another text message. This Ye Ning Xiao did not even have the time to make a phone call. How happy was she?

Why wasn't he so happy with himself?

When he thought about it, he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. No matter what, he was still unhappy. Just like this, he started to feel increasingly unhappy.

Thus, he picked up the wine cup on the table and began to drink. After drinking one cup after another, he began to feel a little intoxicated.

However, the unhappiness in his heart did not submerge under the impact of the alcohol.

On the contrary, it was even more unbearable.

In front of his eyes, there was a constant stream of happy scenes of Ye Ningxiao and the other men together. She was extremely jealous.

He had to admit that his heart was truly tormented.

However, he had good face and did not want to call Ye Ningxiao. It was purely due to his male chauvinistic mentality that he felt more and more unhappy.

As he thought about this, he drank another large cup of wine.

Seeing that the large bottle of wine was about to be finished, he began to have a severe headache, or perhaps his stomach was hurting. He didn't know what was going on, but he felt very uncomfortable and then fell on the sofa.

Meanwhile, Quan Zouhua had sent Ye Ningxiao to his home. Ye Ning Xiao wanted to send him off, but he shamelessly wanted to do so. Ye Ning Xiao had no other choice, nor did she want to stay in the dark.

Finally, she put everything away in her room and then began to send off her guests.

However, when he walked to the door, he once again asked Ye Ning Xiao to kiss him. Ye Ning Xiao was unable to agree to this request, so she could only stand there awkwardly.

Seeing this, Quan Zou could no longer bear the hardships. He could only change the way he did so and say that he would give Ning Xiao a hug. Ye Ning Xiao immediately went up to give her a quick hug.

Their faces were all red.

Seeing that it was almost 12 o'clock, she opened her cellphone and looked around. Fang Tianjing did not reply to her message, nor did she make a call. She muttered in her heart, but she still wanted to go home early, so she immediately called a taxi and headed in the direction of the apartment building.

The car finally arrived. She immediately went upstairs and opened the door gently. She saw a person lying on the sofa. It was Fang Tianjing sleeping on the sofa with a wine cup in his hand.

When Ye Ningxiao saw the dishes prepared on the table, she suddenly recalled that it was Fang Tianjing's birthday and felt even more embarrassed.

She went up and called Fang Tianwen.

"Hey, hey, wake up. I'm back. Are you asleep? Don't ignore me. Open your eyes and take a look."

As Ye Ningxiao spoke, she pushed Fang Tianwen a bit, but she still did not wake up. She screamed for a while longer before she realized that something was wrong. She took a look and realized that Fang Tianwen was unconscious.