"The warrior's answer, the first question, is correct, the second question is correct, the third question, is correct..."

The smart Genie begins to report the answer.

Three consecutive "right" time, Wu Song hit the bird's face slightly changed.

But still disdainful smile, the heart way: "this kid dog excrement luck is very good! Three of them are right! But it's time for his good fortune to come to an end? "

However, the intelligent spirit is still saying in an orderly manner: "the fourth question is correct, the fifth question is correct, the sixth question is correct..."


At this time, wu song was already full of question marks.

What's the situation?

Am I hallucinating?

Shouldn't be like this?

Why is he so lucky?

Six questions are correct? It's more than 40 minutes, isn't it?

However, the reality is extremely cruel.

Wu Song was soon awakened by the voice of the intelligent spirit.

"The eleventh question is correct! Question 12 is correct, question 13 is correct, question 14 is correct... "

By this time, Wu Song's bird question mark was gone, and the only thing left was fear. It was unbelievable!

By the way!

All right!

All right so far?

It's impossible!

"Question 17 is correct, question 18 is correct, question 19 is correct, question 20 Right

At this point, the smart elves have been hard to calm down.

His eyes fanatical, incomparably excited looking at Chu Jing: "Congratulations! Warrior, all your questions are correct! All right


Wu Song felt that the whole person was going to explode when he was fighting birds.

All right?

Is this guy right?

How could that be possible!

These topics can get nine ten is already a record!

He's all right. Is that 120?

30 minutes ahead of yourself?

Is he a monster?

Or he opened the answer to hang up!

Wu Song couldn't understand why he was fighting birds.

He felt the cruel eyes around him, and his face was extremely ugly!

Now the answer has been revealed.

He lost!

It's no shame to lose your hair!

In the future, he will not be able to come to Bantul?

This city is the main city that his race needs at present!

In other words, he won't be able to do the task next?

No way!

Absolutely not!

Wu Song was angry at Chu Jing when he hit the bird.

He would like to take Chu Jing out of his skin!

Chu Jing is very calm, "can you roll now?"

A light sentence, but like a whip in Wu Song's face beating birds.

Burning pain!

"You want to die!"

Wu Song is a man with a bad temper when fighting birds.

He can't bear it. He's going to chop it when he picks up the axe.

Chu Jing was indifferent, because he didn't need to start at all.

"Be bold! You arrogant dwarf

With a roar, when the staff was waving, the ground cracked, and a huge vine palm came out of the air and directly grabbed Wu Song's bird in his hand.

Click! CLICK!

With that big hand clenched, Wu Song hits the bird body to burst out the sound.

His face became extremely painful and ugly!

"Let me go! Let me go! You old man

Wu Song roared angrily at the bird.

The intelligent spirit looks indifferent and controls the staff with a wave.


Suddenly, poor Wu Song beat bird body fracture, directly killed!

"Although we elves love peace, we are not ignorant dwarfs like you who can act recklessly!"

The intelligent Spirit said with indignation on his face, and the passers-by around him were shocked.

"Wu Song is really crazy!"

"Yes! This is an important city for elves. NPC must be high-level wild monsters! "

"Just a second of magic? How high is it? "

"Who knows! Anyway, I'm not something we can beat! "

Passers-by whisper, are secretly happy.

On the other side, Wu Songda is reborn at a nearby revival point.

He rushed out with an axe in his hand, and rushed in the direction of the intelligent spirit.

"I will kill you! Damn NPC! Damned flattery or disgrace


"You are wanted in the city, and you are not allowed to enter the country for ten days! Please leave as soon as possibleThe system prompt appears in front of you, Wu Song hits the bird to stop.

He found that around the original simple spirit NPC are red eyes to see.

That feeling would like to tear him apart!

Not good!

Bantul's relationship with me has turned hostile!

It's time to go!

Wu Song is not a fool to shoot birds recklessly.

It's possible to stay in a hostile camp and drop to zero.

Therefore, Wu Song beat the bird, while the NPC people have not started, quickly rushed to the flying car point.

"I'm leaving!"

Wu Song roared at the bird.


The NPC spirit of the express station said coldly, "my car doesn't welcome wanted criminals!"


Wu Song was furious when he hit the bird.

But I saw a group of ELF soldiers coming with bows and arrows in the distance.

"Damn it!"

Wu Song scolded the bird, pushed aside the crowd and rushed to the periphery of bantour.

There's no way to take a flying car. You have to leave the city on foot.


Wu Song is forced to fight birds to start his life.

Chu Jing was praised by the intelligent spirit.

"Warrior, you are the wisest man I have ever met

Chu Jing was very modest and said with a smile: "you are so proud of the wisdom spirit! More. Can I help you? "

The answer is to hit the face, wu song just hit the bird casually.

Chu Jinglai's main purpose was to take over the task.

The gold and icon show that the smart spirit in front of you is the main task connector.

Shouldn't it be wrong?

"Warrior, I really need your help in a task. Originally, I thought that this task could not be completed by anyone. But after watching your wisdom performance, I understand that maybe someone can complete this task!"

Speaking of this, the wise spirit waved and said, "warrior, there are too many people here. Let's go into the inner room and talk about it."

He invited Chu Jing into a tree house behind him.

The tree house of the intelligent spirit is very big. It is a 500 year old safflower tree.

Chu Jing didn't refuse to enter the Library under the leadership.

Then, the smart genie said to the players on the roadside: "I'm very sorry, everyone, today's question answering activity is over! You'll come after eight tomorrow morning! I'll be here on time for you

With that, the intelligent spirit got into the tree house and slammed the door.

Outside, on the road, the players looked at each other.

"What's the situation?"

"The spirit of wisdom is gone? Just to give the task of flattery or disgrace? "

"Shit! Isn't smart elf an NPC? How can you send a mission? "

"It's not six o'clock! Why can't you answer the question? "

"What a mess!"


There was a murmur from the side of the road.

Chu Jing sat at a brown table.

There was a white porcelain cup.

There is a little heat coming out of the cup.

The liquid inside gives off a faint aroma.

This is the ELF's specialty white coffee.

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