Chapter 1564: Steamed Bread and Pickles

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"I am your father, what are those ants outside?"

"Those ants are nothing, but at least they all support the Third Prince, don't they?" A voice came from outside the door, and An Jiuyue walked into the bedroom accompanied by Qian Jiyun.


The old emperor looked at An Jiuyue with hatred in his eyes.

Why didn't this woman die in the first place? It's really tough, and it's because the people under her do things poorly that she can still break ground on his head.

"Emperor, you should write down what you shouldn't write." An Jiuyue looked at the old emperor with a smile.

"Don't think about it!"

The old emperor gritted his teeth and spat out two words.


An Jiuyue nodded, and stopped saying anything to him, and set her eyes on Boss Yan.

"Brother, how many pills did you give him?"

"One grain."

Boss Yan said.

Although he has a lot of relief medicine in his hand, he has to save a little, right?

"One pill? But the medicine that Ji Yun gave him was two pills, which means that he couldn't get relief in one night, and he would still be in pain for half an hour."

An Jiuyue looked at the old emperor with playful eyes.


The old emperor only felt a bad breath stuck in his throat.

That is to say, he sold so many of his own people, but the antidote in return was nothing, what should hurt will still hurt, but it has only changed from an hour to half an hour, and there is only one day left. time!

How could there be such a vicious woman, how did Qian Jiyun find such a woman to be his princess princess?

"Actually, we don't have to worry. The people who want to come to his account will be poisoned in the near future. Let's catch them first. For the rest, when he has enough pain, I believe he will say it."

Qian Jiyun glanced at the old emperor faintly, and said to Boss Yan.

"Yes, Jiyun is right."

An Jiuyue nodded, thinking that Qian Jiyun was right, anyone would use the strategy of delaying troops.

The old emperor wanted to get the antidote, and the ones he wrote were definitely poisoned and murdered in the near future. As for what he didn't write down, he should have foreshadowed it. Maybe it would take a few months before the accident happened.

"Qianjiyun! An Jiuyue!"

The old emperor looked at them and really wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

But he had already vomited enough blood in the past few days, and his food was not very good.

"Let's go, go and arrest all the people he explained."

The three of them ignored the old emperor, and when Boss Yan heard Qian Jiyun's words, he nodded his head and explained to the guard.

"You stay here, wait until the emperor thinks about it clearly, and is willing to explain everything, and then come to this king, but this king wants to see how much he hides and refuses to tell."

"Yes, my lord."

The guard responded and watched the prince leave, and he also left the palace, guarding outside.

"Nizi, Nizi!"

The old emperor's roar came from the bedroom, and there was the sound of items being smashed.

Then, on this day, the old emperor found that his three meals a day had been replaced with steamed buns and pickles, which he had never eaten before and was difficult to swallow.

He was even more angry, he didn't touch those things at all, and then kept his eyes on it, as if the two steamed buns were the bosses of Qian Jiyun and Yan.

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