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Where do you know, it turned out to be a space.

"Go to sleep."

Qian Jiyun took her to the bedside.

In the old emperor's bedroom.

The pain all over the body was so painful that he rolled on the ground, and the miserable screams spread almost all over the imperial city.

It's a pity that no matter how painful he screamed, no one dared to come over to heal him, and no one would shed a tear of sympathy from him.

Most of the guards in the palace guessed that the few massacres in Kyoto came from who, but they had no evidence.

And their view of the old emperor is that they wish he would die immediately.

It's just that their master hasn't spoken yet, and they don't dare to attack the old emperor that everyone hates.

After a while, the palace finally became quiet, and the old emperor lay alone on the ground, breathing heavily.

His clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

"They... how dare they..."

His face was pale, his lips trembled and he murmured, he never thought that Qian Jiyun really dared to attack him.

Aren't they afraid that the traitor won't be able to become the emperor? As long as he speaks casually, that person who is a rebel will have to bear the charge of killing his father, and even if he dies, he will be criticized by the people.

"Why don't we dare?"

Qian Jiyun hadn't come over yet, but Boss Yan came over with a pinch.

"You dare to attack your great-grandfather and uncle, why don't we dare to attack you?"

"What is he? A fool!"

The old emperor was still lying on the bed, pouting his lower lip in disdain.

For him, the meaning of King You's existence is to give him a good name. Now, the throne is almost no longer his, so what does he want that good name for?

What's more, if King Yu is dead now, what does it have to do with his imprisoned emperor? All the accusations will be directed at this traitor, why would he not do it?

"Then what are you?" Boss Yan stepped forward and questioned him.

"You son of a bitch, I am your father!"

The old emperor struggled to sit up from the ground and looked at Boss Yan weakly.

In the past, he never cared about and cared about this son, but he didn't know when this son, who never existed in his eyes, had grown up and grown enough to swallow his entire country alone.

"If you still recognize me as my father and emperor, go to Qian Jiyun's rebel minister and bring me the antidote."

"Ha ha."

Boss Yan really laughed out loud.

At this time, he even thought that he would find an antidote for him, how could he think so beautifully?

"How many poisons did the emperor take, is it one or two, do you want my son to give you two more?" He walked towards the old emperor step by step, and asked in a gloomy tone.


The old emperor was taken aback, as if he did not expect him to ask such a question.

"You actually know, what is that in your hand?"

With sharp eyes, he saw the third child's hand, holding a porcelain bottle exactly the same as the poison Qian Jiyun fed him, which scared him instinctively back.

"Don't...don't come here...get that thing away!"

He was forcibly fed two poisons by Qian Jiyun, and he was in pain for an hour just now. He wanted to die countless times, but he didn't even have the strength to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

When he woke up just now, he also wanted to die, but he was unwilling to think about it.

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