Chapter 1551: Wouldn't it be the emperor?

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But at this moment, something big happened.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty, it's not good."

The guards in the palace hurried over and knelt down towards them in a panicky voice.

"What's so alarming about?"

Boss Yan frowned and asked, it's not the old emperor's palace, what else could be the big thing, those women in the harem want to make trouble?

This is impossible, the palaces have been banned, whoever dares to make trouble, even the mother family will be implicated, even the empress, who dare not stand up at this time.

"There was an accident in Jingyang Palace, and King Yu was poisoned."


Hearing the guard's words, Boss Yan almost didn't jump up.

The old emperor is crazy, even King You dares to go, that is the ancestor, the real ancestor, how did he dare to hit King You?

"Who is King Yu?"

An Jiuyue has no impression of King You, and has never heard of such a person.

The son of the old emperor? I'm still young, so I live in the palace?

But the old emperor was crazy, so he would start with his son. If there was an accident in the Yan Wangfu, it was almost the same. After all, the old emperor probably hated Yan boss to death.

But can it be done to an irrelevant person?

"Go to Jingyang Palace first, Jiyun."

Now is not the time to ask who King Yu is, but to save people first.

"I'll bring Jiuyue here first, you follow."

Qian Jiyun explained to Boss Yan, and flew up with An Jiuyue, heading towards the harem.

"What are you still doing, hurry up and follow."

Boss Yan has eaten the old emperor's heart at this moment, but now he has no time to pay attention to him, and hurried to Jingyang Palace with his people.

Jingyang Palace.

Qian Jiyun's speed was very fast, and she brought An Jiuyue to Jingyang Palace.

At this moment, there was no life in Jingyang Palace, whether it was the master or the maid and eunuch, they all fell to the ground, like dead people.

An Jiuyue squatted down and looked at the palace maid who was closest to her.

"There is still help."

"Go save King Yu first."

Knowing that the person was not dead, Qian Jiyun was relieved, and took Jiuyue into one of the palaces, came to the bed, and looked at the person lying on the bed.

An Jiuyue looked over and almost choked on her own saliva.

"Is this King Yu?"

She saw a grey-haired old man lying on the bed. According to her estimation, this person lived to be at least a hundred years old, longer than the queen mother in the palace?

She didn't realize that there was a guess in her heart, this King Yu, wouldn't it be the Emperor Taishang?

The Emperor Taishang is not dead?

But these are not important, the important thing is that if this person is not saved, he will really die.

She turned her head and looked up to see the incense burning on the side, and she immediately had an idea. While taking out the antidote powder, she instructed Qian Jiyun.

"Jiyun, bring the censer."

Hearing her words, Qian Jiyun also knew what she wanted to do, reached out and took the incense burner and opened the lid.

An Jiuyue opened the lid of the porcelain bottle and poured a little bit of the antidote powder on top of the incense, so that the powder quickly ignited.

"I'll get it, you help him up."

She took the incense burner in Qian Jiyun's hand and gave another order.

Qian Jiyun directly lifted the man up, made him lean on him, and watched Jiuyue put the incense burner in front of King You, so that King You, who had a weak breath, could smell the smoke coming out of the incense burner.

After a while, Boss Yan hurried over with the guards, and happened to see Qian Jiyun leaning him down and putting down the incense burner in An Jiuyue's hand.

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