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An Jiuyue blinked, took out several porcelain vases from the space, and put them on the table.

"That's the medicine."

Take out one of the different jars and show them.

"Its effect is to strengthen the body, it can strengthen people's physique, and provide people with the energy needed by the body continuously. Of course, energy is only provided every day at the hour.

While providing energy, if the energy available in the body is not enough, it will be extracted from other parts of the body. That kind of pain should not be tolerated by ordinary people.

Well, these medicinal pills are energy medicinal pills that I have refined. Only by taking one pill a day can the body not suffer pain when its effect occurs. "

"Why do I listen, second sister-in-law, this is a tonic."

Xia Junfeng touched his chin and thought for a while before he came to understand.

His second sister-in-law actually treated the tonic as a poison. Isn't it cheap for the old emperor? If you want him to say that throwing a few steamed buns for the old emperor a day is not bad, and give him tonics?

"It's a tonic, it's a defective tonic. People who don't use it will want to die." An Jiuyue nodded.

"But like the old emperor, I think he can't die even if he wants to die. In the end, he has to ask for an antidote, and then you can know what you want to know."

"That's good stuff."

Xia Junfeng rubbed his hands secretly, took the porcelain bottle in An Jiuyue's hand to his own, and looked at it carefully.

"Bring it."

Boss Yan snatched the porcelain bottle from his hand in a bad mood.

Just holding a porcelain vase without opening it, you can see what kind of flower is coming, and laugh like a fool.

"Can I take a look at it?"

Xia Junfeng curled his lower lip and said innocently.

"Tonight, Jiuyue and I are going to the palace, boss, you can arrange it." Qian Jiyun looked at boss Yan and said.


Boss Yan nodded, he also wanted to ask the old emperor something.

"I also need to go."

"You all go, then I..."

"You continue to guard."

Before Xia Junfeng could finish speaking, Boss Yan interrupted him directly.

What are you going to do? There are a lot of things going on outside. Is it really worrying that no one of your own is staring at him, is it only Xia Huafeng alone?

"Let your brother stare alone, are you embarrassed?"

Those things that should not be known were handed over to others. He was afraid of leaking the rumors, which would be unfavorable to the court, so he could only hand them over to Xia Junfeng, and Xia Junfeng dragged his brother into the water again.


Xia Junfeng wanted to say, what is he embarrassed about, his brother can be patient.

But speaking in front of these two older brothers, would they think that he would treat them like this in the future?

Better not, don't look back. He didn't treat them like this, but they shave a layer of skin on his body first, then it's not worth the loss.

"I didn't say I wanted to enter the palace, I was busy."

Turning his head, he pouted.

Really busy, soon everything will fall on him. Now the second brother is patronizing and guarding the second sister-in-law, and he doesn't do anything for him anymore.

"Second brother, lend me your promise for a few days."

"Okay, you can tell him yourself." Qian Jiyun nodded.


Xia Junfeng responded immediately, turned around and left.

It was night, in the palace.

Boss Yan has arranged for the carriage to enter the palace, and the carriage has already arrived outside the old emperor's bedroom.

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