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"You still want to refine?"

Qian Jiyun frowned, a little worried in her heart.

All the medicinal powders here were made by Jiuyue just now, right? He was worried that she couldn't handle it.

Although she said that refining the medicine pill is good for her body, it is very expensive. If you don't worry about it, it is impossible. The first time she refines it, he will be there to protect her.

"There are a lot of half-poisons." An Jiuyue only said this.


Qianjiyun exhaled heavily.

This Shao family is really harmful, and the old emperor must not be allowed to come out to harm people again in the future.

"Boss, where is the emperor..."

"Don't think about coming out again."

Boss Yan took his words, and what the second child said was what he thought.

Before, he thought that the old emperor still had the possibility of repenting, but now, he doesn't count on it anymore, and directly imprisoned people.

"In the future, Yunfu Palace will be the only place where he can move. If he wants to leave, unless he... dies!"

Hearing his words, several people were silent. In the end, Qian Jiyun shook his head. For the old emperor, there were a few people in Kyoto who were not disappointed.

Maybe it's not disappointment, it should be hate.

How many innocent people died in the hands of the old emperor, but those people didn't know who their relatives were killed by. If they knew, this capital would be turned upside down.

Several people discussed the semi-poisonous thing again, and Boss Yan and the others left.

An Jiuyue, who had nothing to do, started refining medicinal pills and medicinal powder again, while Qian Jiyun went to the small kitchen to cook for An Jiuyue.

After half an hour, the servant came over with the meal he had prepared. Seeing that An Jiuyue was still refining, Qian Jiyun instructed the servant to put the meal down, and then waited aside.

He knew that it would not take her too long to refine a pot of medicinal herbs, and the food would not be cold.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the medicinal pill to be refined successfully.

"It's time to eat, let's wash your hands."


An Jiuyue responded lightly.

"I don't have enough herbs here. I'll write a recipe later. See if you can get all the herbs in the recipe."

She is still worried, so many half-poisons, if the old emperor hides some, if they are not in Daqing in the future, these people will die?

What the old emperor did is really terrifying.

From her point of view, she would definitely remove such a scourge directly.

"it is good."

Qian Jiyun responded and watched her wash her hands, and he wiped her clean with a velvet towel.

"You don't have to work so hard, the boss will take care of it."

As long as those people can be tracked down, everything can be solved. However, the old emperor's move was a bit ruthless, and none of the people who knew the half-puppet poison stayed in the palace and went out.

Therefore, they just want to find something, but they can't find it.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait for the rabbits, wait for them to be poisoned, and then solve it.

But as long as one person can be caught this time, they will be able to know how many half-poisons are waiting for them next.

"I know."

How could An Jiuyue not know, she was clear in her heart.

But being clear and clear doesn't mean she can't worry about it, something like half-puppet poison is really scary.

"I'm still worried, Jiyun, send someone to bring the antidote powder to Xia's house to have a look, and come back when nothing happens tomorrow."

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