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Xia Junfeng nodded again and again, not caring that his eldest brother was still here, and left quickly.

He didn't want to delve into whether the poison was spread through the air, but even with a 1 in 10,000 chance, he couldn't take this risk.

Dino College.

After several children were sent here, they all showed signs of poisoning.

But because it was mild and not yet at the point of dying, Elder Ding Nuo did not send someone to inform the people in Kyoto, but invited a poison master in Shang Antang to detoxify them.

"Elder, the poison of these children cannot be cured by the villain, and can only be suppressed temporarily."

The poison master took the pulse of several children, and after hesitating for a long time, he spoke to Elder Ding Nuo. This poison is very strange, obviously so domineering, but in these children, there is no poisonous death. sign.

"If you can suppress it, you can at least find a way. In this way, this elder will now order people to find a few more poison masters. You can study together, and maybe you will be able to find a way to detoxify."

Elder Dinuo said.

Now there is only one way, the families of these children are all dead, they were poisoned to death, they survived enough, it is God's favor for them.

"Elder, do you want to inform the people in Kyoto?" the poison master asked.

He didn't feel jealous because the elder wanted to find other poison masters. After all, he was poisonous, and he really couldn't solve it by himself.

"No need."

Elder Dinuo vetoed it.

Which people in Kyoto are not busy with affairs, they can control it here, so they can control it as much as possible.

"You take good care of them here, and this elder will come when you go." After speaking, he turned around and went out and ordered people to find more poison masters.

It was night when Qian Jiyun brought An Jiuyue back to Kyoto.

It was also the time when the poison masters that Elder Ding Nuo had found were helpless against the poison on several children.

Seeing that several children were getting weaker and weaker, Elder Ding Nuo couldn't stand it anymore, so he thought of sending someone into the capital to deliver a message to the Third Prince and Zhanyun County Palace.

But before he gave any orders, he saw Qian Jiyun and the two people who were busy.

"Young Master, Prince Zhanyun, are you here?"

When he saw the two of them, his eyes lit up. Before, he was thinking of letting the young master come back to save these children, but he did not expect the young master to appear in front of his eyes.

"Elder, but what happened?"

Looking at Elder Ding Nuo's appearance, An Jiuyue knew what happened and asked.

"Returning to the young master, there have been several cases of extermination in Kyoto recently, all of which were wicked ministers under the three princes' gates, all because of poisoning. The third prince sent Xiang a surviving child to me, but they were also poisoned. I They have hired poison masters to suppress them, and now it’s a little… difficult to do.”

Elder Dingnuo said honestly.

"Take me to see."

An Jiuyue's eyes flashed, and she said directly.

"Young master, please."

Elder Ding Nuo immediately welcomed the two into the secret passage, and after a while, he saw a few children with blue faces, and there was no more breath lying on the bed.

An Jiuyue came over and checked the pulse of one of the children.

"It's a half puppet poison."

She glanced at Qian Jiyun, took out a porcelain bottle from her arms, and handed it to one of the poison masters.

"This is a detoxification pill. It is dissolved in water and given to these children. They are still small and the poisoning is not deep. They only need to take half a pill."

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