Chapter 1330: Pingyang City was attacked

"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

"My lord..."

The leader of the dark guard was really helpless when he listened to the words of his prince.

Can they stop saying such depressing things? Knowing that they are not opponents of Zhan Beiye at all, still take the sacrificial flag of Zhan Beiye?

What are they thinking? Whether they can take Jiacheng back is still a question. Jiacheng is now completely under the control of Zhan Beiye, but after Jiacheng, Zhan Beiye wants to capture Pingyang City, but is very easy.

"My lord, as long as we return to Pingyang City, we will be able to take Jiacheng back."

At this time, he can only coax this willful prince, otherwise, he is really afraid that Mingfu City will be upset, and he will throw this pick.

At that time, they will lose more than one fine city, and I am afraid that many cities will be captured in a row.

At dawn, outside the city of Pingyang.

Mingfu City took the dark guards. People have already gone outside Pingyang City, but it is not easy to enter Pingyang City.

Zhan Beiye and most of his troops were already stationed outside Pingyang City. Seeing that the war between the two countries was about to start again, there was no chance for Mingfu City to return to the city.

"What should we do now?"

Hiding on the top of the mountain far away, looking down the mountain.

The army fighting Beiye was clear at a glance, and he confronted his army under the city of Pingyang.

But others are now outside the city, and they can't enter Pingyang City at all, and they can't command the army to confront the army of Zhan Beiye.

"Can those idiots beat Zhan Beiye back?" he asked the leader of the dark guard.

Dark Guard Leader: "!"

He really doesn't want to talk now, he just wants to be quiet.

If the army of Zhan Beiye can be fought back, how can Jiacheng be captured?

Also, didn't the lord already say that those people are idiots, and they wouldn't have that kind of ability.

"My lord, this subordinate thinks that we should still find a way to enter the city."

"Don't talk nonsense, doesn't this king know that he wants to enter the city? The key is how to get in!" Mingfu City almost roared, saying how easy it is to enter the city.

"Let's enter the city at night, Zhan Beiye can't take care of it at that time." The leader of the dark guard said.

"What do you mean?"

Mingfucheng was puzzled and asked him out loud.

What is it that Zhan Beiye can't care about, does he have anything else to do?

"My lord..."

The leader of the dark guard really wanted to die.

Such a simple truth, can't the king figure it out? It is no wonder that Emperor Yueming will send him to be the secret guard of the prince. It is really impossible for such a stupid prince to have no one to assist him.

"Today Zhan Beiye will definitely attack the city, but it should be impossible to attack. We will withdraw troops at night. We can enter Pingyang City while the army of Zhan Beiye withdraws."

He continued to speak and explained what he had guessed to Mingfu City.

He thought, even if the lieutenants who defended the city were no longer capable, it was impossible to hand over the city of Pingyang in one day, right?

If this is the case, UU reading What is the use of the army of the moon and the underworld, it can be thrown away and fed to the dog.

Unfortunately, his idea was really wrong. Before nightfall, Pingyang City was breached, and the lieutenants of Mingfu City retreated again and went to Luocheng, which was closest to them.

"Idiots, a bunch of idiots!"

With the help of the leader of the dark guards, Mingfu City changed into the clothes of the fleeing people before sneaking into Pingyang City, leaving Pingyang City, and following the people all the way to Luocheng.

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