Chapter 1329: Is this so easy to attack?

"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

His master promised to give him something, didn't he agree too quickly, didn't he even discuss it with him? Earning points is really not easy.

"Zhan Beiye is Jiyun's brother, who should help, always help." An Jiuyue said indifferently.

Qian Jiyun rarely has a few brothers who know him well, can't he help some more? Originally, I was full of calculations, and if no one helped, I really became a loner.

"Now that we have helped him, maybe we will need his help in the future? You can't just look at the present, but also in the future."

"Okay, okay, I can't tell you, so let's go."

What else can Weina say, what his master says is what he can say, and he will help him. For points and so on, don't look at it, don't think about it.

But then again, even if his master needs help, he is still on his own plane or on Wulong Island, right?

Zhan Beiye, a person from another plane, can help as soon as possible.

"its not right."

Suddenly, An Jiuyue thought of something.

"Jiyun, that fool won't inform Emperor Yueming about our appearance on this plane, right?"

"What do you think?"

Qianjiyun asked her back with a smile.

An Jiuyue blinked, then smiled.

For a selfish person like Mingfucheng, how can he tell others about the good things he is eyeing, even if this person is his father and emperor, it is impossible.

"It won't happen, I don't want anything to go wrong when I leave this plane."

"Nothing will go wrong," Qian Jiyun said.

"Damn, damn, what are they doing to eat, they can't even defend a city!"

He escaped with the dark guards all the way, and Mingfucheng came out of Jiacheng. He really escaped like a dog. If he hadn’t brought so many dark guards by his side, he would have been sent by Zhan Beiye to arrest him. caught.

But even if he escaped fast enough, he still lost his troops, and there were not many dark guards left.

"My lord, we have to get to Pingyang City as soon as possible, and we don't know what's going on there." The leader of the dark guard reminded his lord.

He expected that Zhan Beiye would attack the city, but he really didn't expect that Zhan Beiye could capture Jiacheng in such a short period of time, leaving them with no chance at all.

Jiacheng, is this so easy to capture?

You must know that they attacked the border of the Moon and Underworld Empire, but it has been a long time, but they have no way to fight Beiye.

Obviously their strength is twice that of Zhan Beiye.

"I still need your reminder, doesn't this king know?" Mingfucheng glared at the leader of the dark guard.

He is full of anger now, and whoever provokes him, he wants to take a bite to vent his anger. What should he remind him at this time, isn't it a necessary choice to go to Pingyang City?

"Hurry up, UU reading arrive at Pingyang City before dawn." He instructed.

"Yes, my lord."

The leader of the dark guards responded and rushed to Pingyang City with the few remaining dark guards.

"Zhan Beiye, just wait, this king must take Jiacheng back, and then take your sacrificial flag!" Mingfucheng scolded as he walked in the direction of Pingyang City.

Now, he can only talk about it. He doesn't even have a horse to travel. He can only drive to Pingyang City on two legs. He is really the most pitiful prince, no one.

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