"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

Is this person treating the lives of so many of them as child's play?

"Stop talking, what's the use of talking more?"

The face of the other lieutenant was also very ugly, more pale.

During the previous war, he was slashed in the back by Zhan Beiye's lieutenant, almost killing him. After taking a lot of medicinal pills, he was able to stand here and discuss matters with everyone.

If he hadn't seen Mingfu City now, he really wanted to slap this prince.

I have never seen such a disregarding the overall situation of the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces. Not only was he gone, but none of them knew where he went.

"If we lost this battle, we have to report it as soon as possible. In this way, we will also report the news that the prince is not in the military camp." They didn't take the blame for Mingfu City.

"is this okay?"

Several other lieutenants looked at the lieutenant who said the proposal.

When the war between the three armies started, but the head coach was not in the camp, that was a big crime, even the prince would be punished.

And Mingfucheng is the most favored son of Emperor Yueming, and there is not one of them. If they report it like this, Emperor Yueming will not treat them on the surface, and will not let their family have good fruit to eat behind the scenes, right?

"Why not?"

The lieutenant didn't care and asked them back.

As the coach, Mingfucheng is not in the army, so they can't find it. Is it reasonable?

"If you are afraid, then report it more gently." He said.

"How to be gentle?"

One of the lieutenants asked, is it possible to distinguish between mildness and mildness about this complaint? Anyway, let the lord of Mingfucheng take the lead for this defeat in the war.

"Let's just say that the prince is missing, there is no news, I don't know if he was taken away by the people of Zhanling Empire, so the war will be lost."

The lieutenant suggested.

Anyway, the result was that they lost a city because Mingfu City was not there.

The lieutenants were speechless when they heard his words.

It was said that Mingfu City was taken away by the people of Zhanling Empire. They didn't believe it. If it was true, why did Zhan Beiye attack the city with such a big heart and threaten them with Mingfu City long ago.

Just like the last time I used Yuesuiyu, but Yuesuiyu was unlucky at that time, and when I met the cold-blooded and ruthless Mingfucheng, I would die inexplicably.

But this time is different.

Anyway, Mingfu City will never be in the hands of Zhan Beiye.

"Are you sure to report like this, Emperor Yueming won't order us to hold us accountable for protecting the prince?" asked a lieutenant general.

"Will not."

The lieutenant shook his head.

"It is said that the prince's dark guards disappeared together with the prince. It is suspected that the leader of the dark guards has an indescribable relationship with the Zhanling Empire, so we have nothing to do."

he said again.

Anyway, he must let Mingfu City learn a lesson. This time, it must not be so hasty. This is a lost city, and it is a border city.

Such a big thing, UU reading www.uukanshu. com always has to have someone take responsibility.

He didn't want to mention this responsibility, and he believed that the other lieutenants would not want to take this responsibility, so Mingfucheng could only take it on himself.

"You don't want to take the responsibility for losing the city yourself, do you?"

The other lieutenants also lowered their heads when they heard his words. Who would want to take such a big guilt, it's not because their necks are too stiff and they're not afraid of being chopped off.

They didn't want to take this responsibility, so naturally, they fell on Mingfu City's head.

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