"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

But this is not in his consideration. What he wants is what Qian Jiyun holds, and he wants Qian Jiyun to die.

He is very confident, as long as he can catch up with Qian Jiyun, he will definitely be able to get what he wants. At that time, he will no longer stay in this plane, and he will care about it.

"That's not what your subordinates meant."

No one wants to say that he is a waste, and the leader of the dark guard is no exception.

But he didn't want to admit it, Gui didn't want to admit it, it was true that they couldn't catch up with those two people, but he knew it clearly, and only the prince was confused.

"My lord, what this subordinate means is that you left the army, and now there are no leaders in the army. If something happens, you may not be able to explain it to Emperor Yueming."

he reminded.

Even if Emperor Yueming loves Mingfucheng's son again, he will not let him wipe out the entire army, and he will not say anything and punish Mingfucheng?

"Does this king still need your reminder?"

Mingfucheng sneered and squinted at the leader of the dark guard.

"When Qian Jiyun is caught, what are those little things?"

No matter how big it is, it can't compare to now. He wants to get everything from Qian Jiyun. As long as he gets the magic weapon from Qian Jiyun, what is he afraid of?

Maybe his father is still waiting for him to take him to a higher plane, where he has more opportunities to become stronger, isn't it?

"Immediately catch up, be sure to take down Qianjiyun!" He instructed, rushing forward first.

"My lord..."

The leader of the dark guard wanted to speak again, but saw that his master had already lifted his foot and left.

He gritted his teeth and could only follow along with his subordinates. What else could he do? As a dark guard, he should obey Prince Cong's orders and protect the prince's safety. The rest is not important.

But he really wanted to say that he could feel it, even if they had so many secret guards together, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to beat those two people.

Not to mention taking those two people, it's not bad that those two people didn't take them down.

He felt that in order to win Qian Jiyun, they had to find more people, otherwise, there would be no hope at all.

"Your Highness, wait for your subordinates, your subordinates have something to tell you." He hurriedly chased after him, trying to catch up with Mingfu City, and make it clear to Mingfu City.

It's a pity that Mingfucheng can't listen to any of his words now, and only wants to chase Qian Jiyun.

As for not being able to deal with it, is he still not able to make yin?

Jiacheng, the border city of the Moon and Underworld Empire.

After two days of siege, because Mingfu City was not there, no one could issue orders, and it was finally broken by Zhan Beiye.

Those lieutenants in Mingfu City could only let Jiacheng out, and they took the next step. They garrisoned Pingyang City within Jiacheng, and once again formed a confrontation with the army of Zhan Beiye.

But even so, their army was far inferior to the army fighting Kitano in terms of momentum.

After all, it has already failed once, the city gate was broken, the army fled, where is there any momentum to speak of, every soldier is downcast.


In the barracks, several lieutenants had different injuries, and the faces of several people were full of anger.

"Where did the lord go, how can you be so disregarding the overall situation?"

Although they were not disrespectful to Mingfu City, they had already scolded Zhan Beiye to death in their hearts, put down the entire camp, and did not know where they went.

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