Chapter 1311: What scheming are you playing?

"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

"Hey Hey."

Zhan Beiye was very happy today, and his smile was indeed a little silly.

"Let's go, let the cook cook some good dishes for you."

Early the next morning.

As the horn sounded, Mingfu City brought the army to the city wall at the border of the Zhanling Empire.

The war between the two countries in the world of Xiuling has various types of offensive directions. Today, Mingfu City thought of a new trick, and decided to take down the border of the Zhanling Empire at one time, and then capture Zhan Beiye.

The monsters in the front row have already formed a formation and attacked in the direction of the city wall.

The earth was shaken by the footsteps of the monsters, and even the city wall felt a little swaying.

"Zhan Beiye, today..."

"My lord, there is a person hanging on the city wall."

Before Mingfucheng's ruthless words were spoken, he heard the warning sound of the lieutenant beside him.

"I still need your reminder, didn't this king see it?" Mingfucheng gave the lieutenant a vicious look.

He had already seen that the man in black was hanged at the top of the city. Needless to say, he could know who it was. It must be the dead man he sent.

However, he was very relieved when he heard the lieutenant swore to him that the poisoned wine had not left a dead man.

Even if the dead man was hanged by Zhan Beiye at the head of the city, he felt that it was just a dead man. It was no big deal. At most, Zhan Beiye took a corpse to annoy him.

Compared with capturing the city, he felt that these were irrelevant.

"It's just a dead man, what's there to be afraid of?"

"My lord, then... that person is moving, not dead." The lieutenant twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

If it was really just a dead man, why would he remind his lord at this time, after all, he was the one who watched the dead men drink the poisoned wine with his own eyes.

But now...

They were all spiritual practitioners. Even if they were so far apart, he could still see that the man hanging on the city wall was indeed one of the dead men sent to Zhanling Camp.


Being reminded, Mingfucheng also came back to his senses and looked up at the hanging dead man.

Sure enough, even by a small amount, it was moving.

That person was actually moving, that is to say, either the dead man was greedy for life and feared death, and did not really drink the poisoned wine, or, there was a capable person beside Zhan Beiye, who was able to kill the dead man who had no solution to the poison. To the rescue.

"How do you do things? My dead man of the Moon and Underworld Empire is actually greedy for life and fear of death?!"

Although he instinctively hoped that it was Zhan Beiye who had a capable man in his hands and could save the dead man, there was a voice in his heart telling him that maybe the dead man was greedy for life and afraid of death.

"No, it's not."

The lieutenant shook his head, cold sweat pouring out of his forehead.

He was staring at it himself, how could it be wrong? You can't go wrong.

But if nothing went wrong, how could this dead man be alive, shouldn't it be a corpse long ago?

"My lord, could this be Zhan Beiye's scheming? Maybe that person is not..."

"Not what is not?"

Mingfucheng scolded the vice general's words back.

If it wasn't, how could Zhan Beiye hang this person at the head of the city, clearly telling him that he had his handle in his hands, so that he was not allowed to act rashly.

"Damn Zhan Beiye, this king must take you! Bow!"

He cursed and stretched out his hand directly towards the lieutenant, ready to shoot the dead man directly.

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