"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

"So, you're talking big again, aren't you?" she asked angrily.

"Uh, this..."

Wei Na was choked by his master's words.

He wanted to say that he didn't talk big, but he really didn't know what kind of monster it was, and it felt like it wasn't much different from talking big.

"Master, if we go and take a look, don't we know what kind of monster it is. Anyway, I know, it must be a monster. Besides, do you think this place looks like a place where people live for a long time?"

He asked his master again.

An Jiuyue glanced around and thought it was right.

This place doesn't really seem like someone has lived for a long time, so this should be the guardian beast.

However, a magical beast that cultivates original soul power, think about it, it is also drunk, not to mention that she has never seen it, not even Qian Jiyun has heard of it.

"I only know that the magical beasts in Wulong Mountain are also capable of cultivating magic power. I really don't know that there are monsters that cultivate the original soul power." Seeing Jiuyue's gaze towards him, Qian Jiyun said something.

He had killed enough monsters in Huayan, and he had never seen such a monster before.

But maybe, there are exceptions?

"Let's take a look first, maybe it really isn't a monster," he suggested.


An Jiuyue felt the same way, so she read it first.

"Later, you guys are more careful, run as soon as you are in danger, and don't care about anyone."

Because she was worried, she looked at Young Master Nie and the others, and warned that in case of danger, she would probably stop because of momentary hesitation or when she heard her companion's cry for help.

And often it is the effort of this pause, and his own life is also involved.


Nie Gongzi responded cautiously, then looked at his guards.

"No matter who is in danger, don't care, just take care of yourself, including me." He said.

Qian Jiyun said so, it can be seen that the guardian beasts in front of them are very scruples, and in such a situation, he can't let others do anything for him.

"Yes, son."

The guards responded, but they all secretly decided in their hearts that they must protect the safety of the young master.

They betrayed the original owner, Emperor Yueming, for the sake of the son. If the son is gone, what's the point of their life? It would be better to accompany the son to die together.

"Young Master, you will walk behind me later." One of the guards said to Young Master Nie.

He is also the leader among these guards. Among the guards, his original soul power is the highest, and everyone listens to him. Naturally, in the most critical time, he has to stand up to protect the son's safety.

"Yes, son, you walk behind us, we protect you." The other guards also said after hearing his words.

"It's really what kind of pot goes with what kind of lid."

Listening to their words, An Jiuyue chuckled softly.

The guards of Yue Suiyu before, UU reading including the guard leader, when Yue Suiyu was in danger, she only cared about herself, in order to survive, even if she didn't know what medicine she gave, able to eat.

That is the person raised by Emperor Yueming.

And the people who were also raised by Emperor Yueming were different after being sent to Young Master Nie. They would be loyal to Young Master Nie.

That's what people want.

"Ji Yun, be careful. If something really happens, don't worry about me." She lowered her voice and reminded Qian Ji Yun in her ear.

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