"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

They were very doubtful that even without a long sword, he could take these people down in the shortest possible time.

"You... what do you want to do? We... protect the son."

His voice was a little trembling, and he only had time to protect Young Master Nie behind him, took a few steps back, and looked at Qian Jiyun who was walking towards them in horror.

"Young master, you go first, we will hold them back."

Young Master Nie, who was being protected behind him: "..."

With the stance Qian Jiyun just killed, could they be able to protect him and escape if they wanted to protect him?

What's more, only Qian Jiyun is the only one who has done it now, and there is another An Jiuyue who has not done it all the time and is also very skilled.

Can he run away?

"Step aside."

He sighed lightly, raised his hand and tapped the guard's shoulder, motioning him to back away.


The guard leader was a little anxious, and did not want to hand over his son.

"Oh, I'm interested."

An Jiuyue had also come over, and it was really interesting to see the guards protect Young Master Nie so well.

Along the way, she naturally saw that these guards were said to be the guards of the Nie family, but in fact, they were all from the royal family.

"Young Master Nie really has a trick to subdue the guards," she said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nie Gongzi's eyes flashed, but he did not speak.

In the world of spiritual cultivation, it is impossible to say that a person will always be loyal to a master, whether it is the guard of the royal family or the guards of the major clans.

The prerequisite for their loyalty is that there are enough things that can satisfy them and make their cultivation realm go to the next level.

Of course, these ordinary guards do not have the qualifications to be appreciated by the head of the family.

As long as he has enough things to give to the people under his hands, those people will naturally favor him.

He admits that he is a bit scheming and good to the people around him, but he doesn't feel that he has done something wrong. If you want to live, don't you have to be like this?

If even the people around him didn't turn to him, then he would really be worse than a dog in the Nie family.

"What do you want, Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Qian, I know, I can take you to find that thing, I just ask you to let me and my guards go, can you?"

He looked at An Jiuyue seriously and asked.

Along the way, he also saw that Qian Jiyun was obedient to An Jiuyue, just like just now, when An Jiuyue asked him to kill, he killed.

Don't think he didn't notice, it was An Jiuyue's eyes that signaled just now that Qian Jiyun shot and killed the guard leader.

"That thing?"

Hearing his words, An Jiuyue raised her eyebrows.

Everyone has been killed by them, UU reading www.uukanshu. com at this time, there should be nothing to hide from them, right? But Young Master Nie still used that thing to describe the soul of Bu Dingyu.

"You don't know what you are looking for, what is it?"

"do not know."

Nie Gongzi shook his head, how did he know what that thing was? They'll tell him it's weird.

"Emperor Yueming only told me to come to Zhiyanfeng to find one thing. As for what it was, he didn't tell me. I was just looking for something for him, and he wouldn't tell me. He sent Yuesuiyu. come together."

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