Chapter 1271: Automatically ignore

"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

Yue Suiyu felt that these people were really crazy, and she didn't want to save her from the hands of Qian Jiyun and the two of them, but she was still so calm and went to eat the poison given by An Jiuyue!

This is to ignore her master, which guard should not be desperate to save his master.

"My father sent you here to protect Ben Gong, and Ben Gong ordered you to kill these two people, hurry up!" she yelled at those people.

As long as these guards fight with the two people in front of them, they will have a chance to escape.

Guard leader: "..."

If he can kill these two people, does he still need to take this medicine pill?

At first glance, I don't know if it's a good thing. They are being forced to eat poison now. Wouldn't Yue Suiyu not know? Are they still there screaming and screaming, letting them kill the two people in front of them?

Is this crazy?

He sighed lightly and shook his head.

Forget it, what can I say to such people, now they can't protect themselves, after taking this medicine pill, they still have a chance to survive, if they don't take it, they don't even know what kind of life they will die.

"Princess, ask yourself for more happiness."

After saying the last sentence, he took a deep breath and distributed the remaining medicinal pills to the guards.


Yue Suiyu was so angry that she didn't know what to say, but in the end, she was knocked unconscious by Qian Jiyun's palm.

This time, I was really dizzy, and it was the kind of dizziness that I couldn't wake up for for three or five days.

Qian Jiyun directly threw the person on the back of the Triceratops, and then looked at An Jiuyue, "Jiuyue, you order it."

There is no way, because this triceratops was fed by Jiuyue, and now I only listen to Jiuyue's words. As for his words, this guy seems to ignore it as if he didn't hear it.

"Little San'er, there were many people's military camps before, do you still remember?" An Jiuyue came to the Triceratops and asked it.

Triceratops naturally can't speak, but it will nod, understand her words, nod.

"Send this person on your back to the military camp." An Jiuyue instructed, then looked at Qian Jiyun.

"You can write a letter to Zhan Beiye, let him know who the person sent, and let him think clearly about what to do with this person, so as to be more beneficial to himself."

As she spoke, she took out a pen and paper and handed it to Qian Jiyun.


Qian Jiyun responded and quickly wrote the letter.

After a while, the Triceratops left happily with the letter and the Yuesuiyu on its back.

Why are you happy? Because An Jiuyue has prepared a lot of fruit for it, several baskets, it can carry it on its own, and it can eat enough on the road.

On this side, the guards were forced to take the medicine pill, and none of them fell.

It's just that Young Master Nie and his guards found out that after a while, these people started chatting with each other as if they were nothing.

"What about the little master, why are you missing?"

"Who are you and why are you walking with us?"

The guard leader looked around, but did not see Yue Suiyu, but saw Qian Jiyun and the two of them, and heard the question of the guard beside him, and frowned immediately.

"Who are you and why did you appear in Zhiyan Peak?"

"It's not that your own master got lost, come over and ask if we have met?" An Jiuyue raised her eyebrows and asked the guard leader.

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