Chapter 1126: What happened, it exploded?

"Didn't you ask me before, did you have the poison? I can tell you clearly now that I have poisoned me. As for who I poisoned, why don't you guess for yourself?"


Zhao Xi's face darkened, and he only felt that the injury on his body was even more painful.

"You won' won't put Gu on..."

This man is crazy, she asked him to put Gu on Qian Liuguang's body, how could he use her Gu poison to deal with her?

No wonder this person followed her to Moxin Island so indifferently, but it turned out to be well prepared.

If she hadn't encountered this guardian beast, I'm afraid she didn't know how she died in the end. The Gu she gave to men was not a joke.

"Are you crazy? I didn't give you the poison for you to use on me!" She roared at the man, ignoring the giant python in front of her.

"Given it to me, it's naturally mine. I want to use it on whoever I want." The man sneered and said.

The next moment, the attack of the black giant python had arrived, and he immediately confronted it.

Behind him, Zhao Xi gritted his teeth, and finally endured the pain on his body and fought side by side with the man. There was no other way. If the man died, she would also die together.


'Chi, chi. ’

When Qian Jiyun and the others came to the bottom of the vortex, they saw countless flames splashing out of the vortex.

Qian Jiyun protected An Jiuyue in his arms, and blocked the splashing sparks with his sleeves, but his sleeve robe was burned to the ground.

Yan Feng and the others were also burned with holes in their clothes by the sparks.

"What happened, it exploded?"

Long Xuan raised his head and looked at the whirlpool mouth with fire from time to time. He was a little stunned.

Will the vortex explode? If it blows up, can they still get in? Could it be that Zhao Xi made it out on purpose, just to keep them from getting in?

"It won't really explode, will it?" Bai Ze also raised his head and looked at the vortex.

"So, can we still get in?" Yan Feng asked.

"Fried what?"

An Jiuyue pushed away Qian Jiyun's arm protecting her, and glared at the three of them angrily.

"It's just that some people encountered the guardian beast in the vortex, and it was just a fight."

"A fight?"

Bai Ze's eyes lit up, it's good to fight, it's better to be killed directly by the guardian beast, that's the best way.

"No, sister-in-law, is there a guardian beast in the vortex? Then how can we get in, so that the guardian beast also beats us? Can we beat it?"

He asked several questions in a row.

"The two of them won't be killed directly, right?" Yan Feng also asked.

"It shouldn't be, right?"

Long Xuan glanced at Yan Feng and spoke weakly.

"If Zhao Xi dares to come here, he must be carrying something for self-defense. A guardian beast, won't he kill her?"


Yan Feng nodded in agreement.

"Mother, now the whirlpool looks like this, can we still go in?" He looked at An Jiuyue and asked.

An Jiuyue raised her brows. Can you enter this question? It's the most appropriate to ask her. With her around, can a vortex of devil heart still be able to enter?

She raised her hand and swiped her finger with magic power, and blood immediately came out.

"Jiuyue, what are you doing?"

Qian Jiyun frowned and reached out to take her hand.

"It's okay, it takes a little blood to open the vortex, and by the way, it can calm the vortex." An Jiuyue stopped him and spoke.


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