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"Sorry Lord!"

Lord Tang's eyes widened, looking at Shang Ningyi.

This is to send their people to Qianjiyun's side, isn't it?

"What's there to worry about? Are you afraid that Qian Jiyun can swallow us all?" A lord behind Shang Ningyi sneered and raised his eyebrows at Lord Tang.

"If Qian Jiyun said that, this lord really has to send a few people over to guard his own territory. It can't be cheap for others, don't you think?"

Saying that, he glanced at the others.

"Not bad. My people helped a lot last time. Now, in such a big place, I must have a share, right?"

"I hurt a lot of people last time. Qian Jiyun can't take such a big advantage all by himself. I must keep my share here, and I can't let Qian Jiyun take it all alone."

The others echoed Shang Ningyi and looked at Yan Jin provocatively.

Of course, they agreed with Shang Ningyi not because they really wanted to take advantage of this place, but because they felt that Qian Jiyun couldn't easily expand their camp.

Even if you can't stop it, you have to make him feel a little uncomfortable.

They really didn't want territory or anything, but if Qian Jiyun could offer something in exchange, they would naturally agree.

"It's rare for all the lords to be so united, so let's go back and prepare to go, I won't send them away." Yan Jin smiled at them and made a gesture of seeing off guests.

Hearing this, Shang Ningyi took a deep breath and looked at Yan Jin with a hint of suspicion.

Could Qianjiyun really give everyone a place in this place? So how isolated does he have to be?

No, Qian Jiyun shouldn't do this. It should be just a matter of anger, but they came to ask for something. He promised himself casually. I believe that as long as Qian Jiyun hears the news, he will definitely come to negotiate with them.

"Okay, then we'll wait for the thousand lords." He said meaningfully, and then took the people away.


"Lord Shang, do we really want to send people here to get some tents?"

After leaving that place, Lord Tang was the first to question Shang Ningyi. This is not realistic at all, okay?

Although their camp is not very far from here, but with a few camps here, who would feel safe? Although this is to block Qianjiyun, it is also to block himself.

"Yeah, Lord Shang, if we really send some people here, it's not certain who this person will be at that time." Another lord frowned and said.

Originally, I wanted to come here to find trouble for Qian Jiyun and ask him to subsidize some of their inner beads or something, but now you want to come here to get some tents?

How did things get brought up for this sake? I didn't say a few words just now.

"Qianjiyun won't allow it."

Shang Ningyi said coldly, how could Qian Jiyun allow others to sleep beside his couch, when that time comes, they will definitely come to negotiate with them.

"You are waiting for Qian Jiyun to talk to you. What do you want? As long as you speak, Qian Jiyun will not refuse. I heard that the new camp expanded by Qian Jiyun is the old emperor of Daqing. the meaning of."

"So this is ah."

When several lords heard his words, they understood what he meant.

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