"Koi Abandoned Woman: Novel of Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space ( Find the latest chapter!

He is a bully and afraid of hardship. To say how powerful he is, most of them are blown out.

That is, because his identity is there, he is a member of the royal family, so he can be the lord. Otherwise, he may not even be a guardian.

Turning his head, he glanced at Shang Ningyi and motioned for him to speak.

"Thousand lords are so arrogant, we have so many lords coming over, and he doesn't come out to greet them?" Shang Ningyi did not speak, but winked at the other lord, who immediately stood up.

Yan Jin didn't speak, just looked at the lord.

"What are you looking at, why don't you go and call your thousand lords over?!" Seeing that no one paid attention to him, the lord shouted again.


Gong Cheng, who was still angry at first, couldn't help laughing after hearing this person's words.

"Lord, I'm afraid someone sent me to make fun of you, do you know what this place is?" He stretched out his hand, pointed his index finger to the ground a few times, and asked.


The lord didn't react for a while, and followed Gong Cheng's words and asked.


Shang Ningyi was almost annoyed by this idiot lord, and just as he was about to speak, Gong Cheng cut off his words.

"This is a new camp. Whose camp have you seen, and the lord came to work in person? Did he leave his head at home and didn't take him out? Or did the lord lead people to do it himself before?

Can't tell, this lord looks like a snobby, but is he a person with a lot of affinity? "


Hearing this, the lord became angry and pointed at Gong Cheng.

At this moment, how much he wanted to beat Gong Cheng to relieve his anger, but when he saw that Yan Jin was standing beside Gong Cheng, he didn't dare to do it. Who made him unable to beat Yan Jin?

"You wait for this lord!"

He stepped on the spot a few times, glanced at Shang Ningyi, took a deep breath, and flung his sleeves back to the back.

It's best not to let him catch Gong Cheng when he is alone, otherwise, he will definitely make Gong Cheng look good, and he dares to let him down in public. He can't swallow this tone.

"Yanjin, go and find Qian Jiyun. Xiangyun swallowing the sea python was driven away by everyone, and this land belongs to everyone. It is absolutely impossible for him to swallow it alone."

"Lord Shang is talking about the split camp, right?" Yan Jin looked at Shang Ningyi, his thin lips slightly hooked.

"My master has already explained this matter. If the lords want to send people from their camp here to occupy a corner, my master has no opinion."

"Yes, Lord Shang, look over there, I have already left you a big piece of open space. If you want to send someone over, then come, we will not refuse anyone who comes here."

Gong Cheng also nodded again and again and said to Shang Ningyi with a smile.

Bai gave them a bunch of people, how could they be so polite to say no, they had to accept it.

"At that time, everyone will live in the same camp, and we can chat and chat when we have nothing to do. It can also kill some time." He said again.

"You, you..."

Lord Tang's face flushed with anger, and his right index finger pointed at Gong Cheng.

Qian Jiyun really had a good idea. He even wanted to reach out to them, to bribe their people, didn't he?

"Why should Lord Tang be angry, since it was a kind offer from Lord Qian, how could we refuse it?" Shang Ningyi was not angry at all, but turned around and persuaded Lord Tang.

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