Chapter 491: Has a stable effect on the original soul power

"Koi Abandoned Woman: Novel of Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space ( Find the latest chapter!

Qianjiyun: "..."

His little lady, with just one look, he knew what she wanted to do.

Co-author is not hungry and wants to eat, but is interested in the medicinal materials in this snowy area, right?

"Snowfish are extremely rare, and some people have dug them before, but Jiuyue, I don't recommend you to dig them now." He said honestly.

Although Jiuyue was with him, he didn't need Jiuyue to dig snow fish at all, he could do it, if not, there were also words and promises.


"The snow area is very large, and the medicinal herbs such as snow fish are definitely considered to be the best in the snow area. They are very rare, and they are buried under the deep snow, so it is not easy to find.

Your body can't stay in the snowy area for too long, it is easy to get frostbite, the coldness of the snowy area is not an ordinary injury, but a great injury to the original soul. "

"I can find Snowfish." An Jiuyue looked at him seriously and said.

She can't find it, but Wei Na can. She has a Wei Na who is very eager for Sea Fish. It is not easy to find Sea Fish.

"Can you find the snowfish?"

Qian Jiyun was astonished, snow fish is one of the most difficult medicinal materials to find in the snow.

He had to use powerful original soul power to sense one or two, but with his current original soul power, he couldn't feel it.

In Huayan Peak, no one's original soul power can sense the existence of Snow Fish, because no one can achieve that kind of original soul power.

But now, the original soul of his little lady has just started to practice. Is she sure she can find Snowfish?


An Jiuyue was stared at by him, and she shrank her neck a little guilty.

"It's the micro-nano that can sense it, not me."

After all, she really doesn't have that ability, and the credit can't be taken by her, it's Wei Na's ability.

Hearing this, Qian Jiyun understood.

He was thinking, how could Jiuyue ask about Snowfish, so it wasn't that she knew, but Wei Na reminded her?

"Do you like snowfish?" he asked.

In fact, there is no need to ask this question. Anyone who has found out about Hua Yan's ultimate, is there anyone who doesn't like Snowfish?

"Like it, don't you like it?" An Jiuyue asked him back.

Qianjiyun was silent.

It is undeniable that he also likes that any medicine made by using seabass as a medicinal guide is much stronger than ordinary ones, and it also has a stable effect on the original soul power.

Can he not like it? Of course not.

"Then let's dig some seabass first, and then enter Huayan Peak." He immediately decided.


The four of them solved their stomachs at the fastest speed, and then stepped into the snowy area.

Under the guidance of Weina, they quickly found the first snowfish, Qian Jiyun hugged Jiuyue, and was excavated by Yannuo and Yanjin, and An Jiuyue was amazed.

"Is this snow so hard?"

She had heard the 'bang bang' sound of Yanjin and Yannuo's sleds when they were digging snow. There is no such sound when digging soil, right?

I can't help but wonder, is this digging snow or ice?

"Is it frozen? Can I really not walk down?" she asked.

Qian Jiyun didn't speak, just changed the person she was holding horizontally in her arms to a vertical hug, and then let her feet slowly and tentatively stretch out into the snow.

"Uh, soft!"

An Jiuyue finally touched the snow and found that her feet were actually sinking.


The man took Ren Er into his arms again and asked her.

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