Chapter 360: How did this ancestor come?

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When they came out of the palace, they hadn't had breakfast yet. She also wanted to see the style and people of Kyoto, taste the food outside, and how it tasted.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The boss responded enthusiastically, first brought the hot steamed buns over, and then went to serve the soy milk.

When the boss brought the soy milk over again, An Jiuyue had already taken several bites from the bun in his hand, and he laughed even more happily.

"Little girl, you got up so early."

"Is it early?"

An Jiuyue raised her eyebrows and asked him back.

It's getting late, Qian Jiyun has already gone to the morning, and the parents have already sent their children to various schools, and the children are crying.

"It's very early, Miao Way, you have to have breakfast if you wake up late." She grinned slightly and joked.

"Hehe, yes."

The boss replied with a smile, and he was still very satisfied with An Jiuyue's words.

"It's not Pharaoh, I'm boasting, the steamed buns and soy milk on my stall is a must in our Kyoto, and even the dishes in the Taste Building are not as fragrant as my steamed buns!"

"Boss, just blow it!"

"The Taste Building is the second building in Kyoto. The cheapest dish costs 20 taels of silver. If you can catch up with the dishes in the Taste Building, why don't you go to heaven?"

"Your boss, it's really shameless. Although your bun tastes good, it is also worthy of comparison with the taste building. Be careful that the shopkeeper hears it and will settle the account with you!"

The guests sitting at several nearby tables were talking.

Although the words are ugly, they are all laughing and joking, and they are not hurtful. From this point of view, these are regular customers.

"I didn't say it casually."

Listening to their words, the boss was not angry, but said with a smile.

He just said casually, there is no need to have a goal in life. His goal is to make his steamed buns booth as big as the taste building.

It's a little unrealistic, but it's a dream, isn't it?

"Do you think my buns are not delicious?"

"good to eat."

“It was delicious!”

Several people at the table said with a smile.

There were a few guests who couldn't help laughing, laughing and asking the boss to serve them steamed buns again.


Just laughing and laughing, they couldn't laugh anymore, as if they were choked, they all shrank their necks, the boss trembled even more, and his face became ugly.

"How did this ancestor come?"

An Jiuyue followed the boss's gaze and saw two men in Chinese robes slowly swaying over from a distance.

This condescending appearance does not look serious at first glance, but he is well-dressed. He must be from a good background, and his family has some powerful positions.

It's amazing to be able to silence so many people in fright Boss, who are those two people? ' she asked aloud.


Hearing her voice, the boss was scared out of his wits, and hurriedly made a silent motion for her.

"Little girl, you don't want to die. I dare to ask about those two and tell you, the one on the right is Prince De, and the one on the left is Jian Xun, the young prince of His Royal Highness's residence. These two...Little girl, don't be curious. , beware that misfortune comes out of your mouth!"

He lowered his voice and explained to An Jiuyue.

How could these two little bullies come out so early, shouldn't they sleep until the sun rises?

But the reality is, these two really came out, and they even ran to his little bun stall, what did they want to do?

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