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But after thinking about it, he still obediently followed An Jiuyue's instructions and went to unpack the spicy sticks, the **** old woman who will be so hot later!

After a while, An Jiuyue went to the yard, and when she came back, she had two plates in her hand, which were full of spicy sticks, and the aroma was overflowing.

"Master, you..."

Lingyi is still getting close to Qian Yiyun, this time Miss Xue Ling is gone, no one can coax this little ancestor, so she can only get close.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw the bright red thing in An Jiuyue's hand, and she was stunned for a moment.

"Miss Lingyi, I brought this thing from home, but it's delicious. The old lady gave me so many good things, and I can't repay it, so please take this snack back to the old lady, Thank her for her stuff for me."

An Jiuyue smiled and handed the two plates to Lingyi, which scared her to take a step back and almost stepped on Qian Yiyun's foot.

What is this, oily and horrible.

"This... An Jiuyue, what is this... what?"

"This is a special product unique to our hometown. It's delicious. Don't look at the two plates. It's expensive, and most people can't buy it."

An Jiuyue looked at the spicy strips on the plate with an exaggerated expression and said.

"You guys are really lucky, and you met me, so you can eat the most delicious food in the world."

Spirit: "..."

Why does this sound so familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere.

By the way, she remembered that just now, when she introduced her things from the old lady's private library to An Jiuyue, she said something similar.

Unexpectedly, this little village girl actually turned back her words!

Her eyes widened, this little girl didn't seem to be lethal at all, but she was definitely not an ordinary one!

When she introduced something to An Jiuyue just now, she saw An Jiuyue grinning. She thought she was a foolish girl and didn't care much, but now, when she looked at it this way, where was the grin, it was clearly a sinister smile!

In terms of concentration, she sighed that she was inferior, just now An Jiuyue giggled, but now, when she heard An Jiuyue's words, her face was not very good.

"Lingyi has thanked Miss An on behalf of the old lady."

Her face loosened, a stiff smile appeared, and she reached out to take two plates of unknown things.

"The county master, Miss An, if there is nothing to do, the servant will retire."

"Well, go ahead and take good care of the old lady."

Qian Yiyun took a deep look at Lingyi and nodded at her.

After Lingyi left, she stood up from the chair and came to the things that were sent over.

"Tsk tsk, the old thing is really reluctant!"

These are all good things, high-quality jade jewelry, a complete set, and other things, each of which is hard to come by.

"Sister-in-law What do you think that old thing is trying to do? To curry favor with you?"

"What do you think?"

An Jiuyue sneered and asked her back.

"Not like."

Qian Yiyun shook her head, would the old woman curry favor with them? Even if it is flattery, it is also based on flattery as bright and murder as dark.

"I think she's poisoned in these things?"

"You think of her too easily."

An Jiuyue shook her head, her eyes swept to those things.

Although things are good, it's a pity that it's not what she likes. If you want to win over her, it's a good idea.

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