"Koi Abandoned Woman: Novel of Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space ( Find the latest chapter!

He didn't understand why Mr. Tan would ask such a question. How many people were in the yard didn't seem to have anything to do with him?

But even if he didn't understand, he had to answer.

Because in this place, they listened to the words of Yin Yaoshi, and Yin Yaoshi was the most coaxed by Young Master Tan, and he almost obeyed Young Master Tan.

"Just so many people?"

Young Master Tan frowned, suddenly feeling a little disgusted with these people's abilities.

Is this the person reused by the master?

What kind of people are they? The Master has only sent so many people beside this silver pharmacist, and looking at the appearance of these people, he still doesn't feel any strangeness outside.

It can be seen that he is not a master. If he really fights, it is estimated that he will only come forward to court death.

The subordinates don't understand what he said, what do you mean by such a little person?

Are so many people not enough? This place is very hidden and will not be discovered at all. There are so many people, it is enough, those who are caught are not enough to be suppressed?

"Talking about your son..."

"You guys stay here, I'm going to see the silver pharmacist."

Mr. Tan took a deep breath, didn't even want to say anything to his subordinates, just raised his feet and left.

Originally thought that following the master was a wise way, but now it seems that it is not so bright. After all, sometimes just one wrong move is a situation where you lose everything!

"Talking about the son, the silver pharmacist..."

The subordinates turned around and looked at Young Master Tan's back. There was still a lot of confusion in his eyes, but he also wanted to remind Young Master Tan that Silver Pharmacist was dispensing the antidote, so he didn't have time to pay attention to others.

But looking back and thinking about it, now that Yin Yaoshi is angry, they don't want to touch this brow, so it's not a bad thing to let Young Master Tan go.

So he shut up.

On the other side, Young Master Tan came to the door of Yin Yaoshi's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door a few times.

"Who, get out!"

Silver Pharmacist is getting angry because he has not been able to develop an antidote.

Hearing someone knocking on his door, his thoughts of inspiration were interrupted, and he was even more angry, scolding outside the room.

"Silver pharmacist, it's me, Xiao Tan."

Young Master Tan didn't pay attention to the words of the silver pharmacist, but spoke calmly.

Hearing the familiar voice, the silver pharmacist looked relieved, turned around, opened the door, and looked at Young Master Tan.

"Small talk, why are you free to come here? Didn't the master ask you to stare at the Thunder King."

He didn't know the current situation of the Thunder King, let alone thought that he would be abandoned without hesitation when he had always cooperated with the master and the Thunder King.

If he knew, he would have to weigh himself in his heart, would he be abandoned by the master someday?

Tan Gongzi's heart is clear Although I am a little suspicious of the master, but now that everyone is in the same boat, naturally they will not demolish the master's stage.

"There is someone watching from the Thunder King's side, the master asked me to protect your safety." He said with a smile.

"That's right."

Silver pharmacist believed what Young Master Tan said and nodded in satisfaction.

"It's good if you come. I'm in trouble here. Those people outside are all trash. They can't do anything well. I'm relieved when you come."

He stretched out his hand and pulled Young Master Tan towards it.

"What kind of trouble Silver Pharmacist encountered, I will help you solve it immediately." Tan Gongzi continued to keep a smile on his face, but the smile never reached the corner of his eyes.

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