Chapter 319: Is it that hard to develop?

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"Damn it, **** it!"

He kept cursing in his mouth to vent his anger.

"Come on, come on!"

"Silver Pharmacist, what are your orders?"

Hearing the sound in the room, someone outside immediately pushed the door and walked in.

"Go and see, how many of those people are still alive?" Silver Medicine Master instructed.

Killing is not his original intention. His original intention is to make the antidote he developed to have a very good effect, so that those who have been poisoned will not die.

But he still didn't do it, these antidote can only play the role of delaying the onset of the poison, and if he can't even wait for a day, people will lose their temper.

"This subordinate just went to see it. Two people have already died, and there are a few more. The breath is very weak." The pharmacist who kills without blinking.

It's just that as soon as his words fell, a crisp 'ping-pong' sound was heard.

His heart trembled, and when he looked up, he saw that almost all of the porcelain vases on the right side of the long table had been swept to the ground, while Yin Yaoshi himself was looking at him with a grim look on his face.

"Die again? Actually dead again?!"

After so many days of research, he still failed to develop the antidote. It was a total failure.

"Yin Yaoshi, there was news from the master just now that he told you to send the poison to him as soon as possible." Although his subordinates didn't want to touch Yin Yaoshi's brows, they had to speak.

That was not what he wanted to say, but had to say.

"Get out, get out!"

Hearing this, the silver pharmacist was even more angry.

Doesn't he want to send the poison to the master as soon as possible?

But a poison that has no antidote, if it is sent to the master and something goes wrong, then he has a hundred heads, and it is not enough to survive!

"Subordinates retire."

When his subordinates heard his words, they turned their heads and prepared to leave, as if they had been granted amnesty.


The silver pharmacist stopped him in time.

The subordinate's careful liver trembled again, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he had to turn around and face the silver pharmacist.

"Silver pharmacist, what other orders do you have?"

"You go, prepare another batch of medicinal materials for this pharmacist, this time prepare a thousand copies for this pharmacist!"

Silver pharmacist said, took out a list from his arms and threw it towards his subordinates.

"One thousand copies?!"

The subordinates were all startled, and regardless of their fear of Yin Yaoshi, they raised their heads to look at him.

One thousand copies, that's not a small amount. What's the use of silver pharmacists asking for so many herbs, can they be used up?

Besides, after so many days of research, he has not yet developed an antidote. It is estimated that these thousand medicinal materials have been lost.

"has a problem?"

Silver pharmacist asked coldly when he saw his expression.

"No, no problem."

How dare you have an opinion Even if you have an opinion in your heart, you don't dare to say it.

The master said that if Silver Pharmacist has any needs, he has to meet them.

"Subordinates will prepare now."

He quickly picked up the list of medicinal herbs from the ground, turned around and went out.

"Is this antidote so difficult to develop?"

The silver pharmacist took a deep breath, turned to look at his stove, and muttered to himself.

No, he didn't believe it. He could develop such a powerful poison, but wouldn't he be able to develop an antidote? It's just a matter of time.

"As long as some more people are brought here, I will definitely be able to develop an antidote!"

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