"Koi Abandoned Woman: Novel of Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space ( Find the latest chapter!

"It's done, Xue Ling is dead."

Hearing Xue Ling, the man nodded. He had no other ability, but they still had a way to kill Xue Ling.

"It's a pity."

In the tone of Thunder King, with a trace of regret, said.

The old woman in the palace of Zhanyun County was very concerned about Xue Ling. She was a pretty good pawn, but she was pitiful and had to die.

The man didn't say anything, and he didn't feel any pity in his heart.

Xue Ling, for them, it's not worth mentioning at all. If it is a chess piece, it's just a compliment to her.

"My subordinates have already sent the news back to the capital," he said.

The little chess piece is dead, the piece that was just used should appear, right? He was looking forward to that old woman's mad revenge for Qian Jiyun's appearance.

After all, one is an unrelated stepson, and the other is her niece, whom she has raised by her side for a few years, isn't it?


The Thunder King sneered.

"Go and check, where did Shen Yan's gang get the prescription."

If it is really there, then he doesn't mind causing more trouble for Qian Jiyun. If he dares to harm him, he will pay the price!

"Yes, my lord."

The man responded, turned around and went out.

In fact, he didn't want to stay by the Thunder King's side, at least at this time.

After all, the Thunder King was also infected with the disease, he was also afraid of being infected.

Arriving in the courtyard, a servant hurriedly came to the man's side, "Tan Gongzi, there is news from the master."

"whats the matter?"

Young Master Tan's eyes widened as he looked at the person who came.

"Master ordered to make King Thunder's disease more difficult to cure, and... give him some more poison!"

Hearing this, Young Master Tan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He was by the Thunder King's side, and it was easy to poison him, but it was a little difficult to prevent the Thunder King from discovering that the poison was given by him.

Moreover, the Thunder King is also considered to be the master's person, why does the master still poison him?

"Dead or alive?" he asked.

"Half-dead." The servant replied.

Half-dead, that is to put the blame on other people, and the person who was blamed, except Qian Jiyun, the king of Zhanyun County, will not be selected for him.

The master is going to attack Qian Jiyun? That one is not easy to deal with!

"Go get ready, we will all be evacuated by then, leaving no trace." He instructed his servants.

"Yes, let's talk about your son."

The servant responded and left.

"Deal with Qianjiyun?"

Looking at the back of the servant leaving, Young Master Tan spoke quietly.

Qian Jiyun has been fighting on the border alone for so many years, and was named the king of the county at a young age. Is it so easy to deal with?

Will the master be too naive?

"Hey He sighed lightly, raised his hand and rubbed his brows.

Since it is the master's order, he will execute it. As long as the evacuation is timely, I believe that Qian Jiyun will not be able to find the master's body.


In the same place, in another house.

If the light looks from the outer wall, it is absolutely impossible to imagine what the inside looks like. It is obviously an ordinary house, but there is something special inside.

Several young men were tied with their hands and gagged, and a few men with large knives were behind them, pushing them over.

"What's the matter, hurry up!"

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