Chapter 314: Abandon the car... Baoshuai?

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"Haha, that's a good idea!"

She really didn't want to be like Qian Jiyun's will, she really wanted to take a knife and stab herself.

But she didn't dare. Just the fear of dying was enough to make her life worse than death, and she probably didn't even have the courage to pick up a knife.

She wants to live, wants to live forever, kills all those who have bullied her, and leaves none.

So she hoped and hoped that the person would send someone to rescue her because of what she had done for him, and rescue her successfully.

Although the hope is very slim, she still has such hope in her heart.

It's a pity that two days later, just before Qian Jiyun and An Jiuyue rushed back to the barracks, the people behind Xue Ling acted and killed them directly.


"Death is more than enough!"

When Qian Jiyun heard the news, he only said four words.

"Lieutenant General Sun, have you kept up with those people?" An Jiuyue asked immediately.

"Already followed."

Vice Admiral Sun nodded, but his face was a little unsightly.

"We followed the Thunder King, but the general always felt that there was someone behind the Thunder King. Otherwise, Xue Ling would have died a long time ago."

When Xue Ling died, it was impossible for the Thunder King to have been thinking about **** Xue Ling after a few days after she sent the news out.


An Jiuyue sneered.

Did Xue Ling really deserve to die? Or did that person do it on purpose?

"It's time to die."


Deputy General Sun was choked for a moment, and looked at An Jiuyue for unknown reasons.

"You mean, they knew that the general was coming back, and they were afraid that the general would pry something out of Xue Ling's mouth, so they took the lead?"

he guessed.

"A little guy like Xue Ling doesn't deserve to know anything." Qian Jiyun put his hands behind his back and said solemnly.

"That is……"

"They abandoned the car to protect the coach." An Jiuyue looked at Qian Jiyun and said.

"Abandon the car... Baoshuai?"

Vice-General Sun looked at An Jiuyue and then at his own general, but still didn't understand.

He thought, with a small person like Xue Ling, in the eyes of the vicious person who regards human life like an ant, it can't be regarded as a 'car', right?

"It's the Thunder King!"

Soon, he thought that the so-called abandoning the car to protect the handsome, the one who abandoned was not Xue Ling, but the Thunder King!

After all, they followed the person who killed Xue Ling, and they directly found the Thunder King. Based on this, they promised that if they could find out something, even if the Thunder King was a member of the royal family, I'm afraid Only one ended.

"General, who is that person? Even the Thunder King can give up!"

"God knows."

Qianjiyun chuckled lightly and uttered three words indifferently.

Planned such a big flood So many people died, and because of this epidemic, the whole country was shaken, and so many people were kidnapped!

No matter how powerful a person is, he will let that person die without a burial.

"Then what do we do now? General, are all the clues broken?" Vice Admiral Sun asked.

"How can it be broken, does Thunder King not know who he is cooperating with?" An Jiuyue reminded him with a smile.


Vice Admiral Sun looked at An Jiuyue, not knowing why.

Even if the Thunder King knew, he wouldn't tell them.

"So, don't hurry up and send someone to guard the Thunder King, don't let him die too!" An Jiuyue reminded him.

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