"Koi Abandoned Woman: Novel of Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space ( Find the latest chapter!

"I'll go get ready."

When the leader glanced at another subordinate, the subordinate immediately said.

"Be careful." He advised.


The subordinate nodded, turned around and jumped a few times, and the figure disappeared into the night.

And the group of people who were planning to arrest people didn't find them at all, which shows how useless these people who were sent to arrest young men were.


In the micro-nano space, two pitted apricot trees were thrown directly to the micro-nano, and he let him figure it out.

Wei Na looked at the two marrow apricot trees and was speechless. Although he was able to do everything in the space well, but...

"Master, you asked him to dig the tree, why not..." Let him plant it too.

The last sentence was swallowed back by An Jiuyue's stern gaze, and he didn't dare to say it.

"You can say it again."


Where can Weina dare to say it again?

Shut up quickly and turned to plant his tree, but thinking of another thing, he turned back.

"Master, what else do you want to plant on that land besides the pith apricot tree?" he asked.

"Medicine, what else can there be?"

An Jiuyue shrugged her shoulders and said that no matter where she was, the medicinal materials were the most scarce.

The most important thing for her now is to store a large amount of medicinal materials, and the medicinal materials can be picked at any time, so that in the future, there is no need to run around the mountains to find a certain medicinal material.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Thinking of the pith apricot tree that needs to be planted in the space, she thought of another thing.

Consciousness sank into the points mall, and she flipped out the page that belonged to the potion. After searching for a long time, she finally found a potion that could shorten the time for planting medicinal materials. She bought it decisively.


Weina watched the points in the Points Mall shrink sharply, and couldn't help calling his owner's name.

"Don't cry, it's necessary. After planting the tree, pour the potion. I need to make the pith apricot tree bloom as soon as possible. Otherwise, a large number of people may die."

At that time, her points will not be as simple as that.

"Okay, Master, I see."

What can Weina say, he can only nod his head and obediently go to plant trees.


Frontier Barracks.

Xue Ling was in the tent and couldn't even walk. He felt that his breathing was weak and he was about to die soon.


She kept asking herself, it was obvious that the news had already been spread.

But after waiting for a few days, she didn't get any response, and she didn't wait for anyone to rescue her.

If those people were willing to save her, they would probably have sent someone to save her not long after the news spread, but no one has come so far.


Lying in bed she laughed miserably.

She has worked hard for those people for so long, even her favorite Qianjiyun can betray and hurt.

But what did she get in return? It's just those people who abandoned her!

Knowing this earlier, she might as well hold Qian Jiyun firmly in her palm. If there was no flood, how could Qian Jiyun know An Jiuyue, and how could she be so ruthless to her?

"Damn, **** it!"

She cursed, but the more she cursed, the more powerless she felt.

This feeling of feeling her own life and disappearing little by little is really hard. She wished she could die now, but she didn't dare to die!

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 312 damn, **** it!) The reading record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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